Friday, November 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I wasted the title 'fatigue' by literally talking about the shit we are all tired of when I should have used it to illuminate what I am attempting to achieve [a massive reset of the 'Overton Window'.]

Simply put, the Overton window is the 'lens of normalcy' we, as members of a herd/hive society use as our mutual 'frame of reference', it 'grounds' our belief system. When we look directly at it we only see the 'memes' the media uses to describe various sectors of the 'human condition' with each 'buzzword' conjuring different images in our minds/perception.

When you read/hear 'rock star' your mind imagines a wealthy, wildly popular/successful individual. Not all rich people are rock stars but that doesn't stop most from 'behaving' like one...

Evoke the homeless and a different mental image springs to mind despite 'homelessness' being a relatively modern malaise, caused by monarchy and the decidedly insane concept of 'property' in a herd/hive organism.

How many of you believe you'd be 'better off' on your own? [Rugged Individualism is the very foundation of Conservo-whacko doctrine, the belief that every individual CAN (definitely not true)and SHOULD do EVERYTHING for themselves...] when every other herd/hive denizen relies on 'specialists' for their mutual survival.

So the first 'fact' to get tossed out the window by Conservative doctrine is the SOCIAL nature of human beings. This sets the stage for 'my way or the highway' as the prevalent attitude among the 'owners' of what BELONGS TO US ALL.

Put a pin in this because this is where the Overton Window has been moved away from so the average individual doesn't even consider their membership in a highly 'stratified' organization.

EVERYBODY needs to do their part or society falls apart. Those who have usurped/stolen leadership to better serve themselves fails to 'see/appreciate' the damage their selfishness inflicts on both the planet and their fellow humans.

Your 'me' switch has been pounded upon so violently that you no longer see yourself or your fortunes as being tied to the welfare of the 'herd' much so that most of you MORONS chafe at the word! (herd)

Exile [literally losing your membership in the herd that you so despise] is a DEATH SENTENCE but YOU are too DUMB to understand that. [Just because the Conservo-whackos preach 'self-reliance' doesn't mean it is even possible, never mind achievable! Most people left to their own devices die shortly afterwards because gathering EVERYTHING you need to live without access to a market is MUCH more difficult than 'the whacks' would have you believe.]

Why don't you 'know' this? Because the feckless teach that YOU are ON YOUR OWN! When nothing could be further from the truth. [FACT: 90% of what you are told/taught is a LIE!] (The remaining 10% requires stringent contextual filtering before it is 'useful'.)

The future of humanity is extinction if we don't stop the fucktards from exploiting us 'individually'.

ALL of the problems facing our continued existence can not be addressed (much less solved) via 'individual action, it is only through cooperation that our species will survive into the future.

All for one and one for all isn't just the credo of the 3 Musketeers, it is the 'anthem' of all successful social creatures.

If we refuse to 'help' each other, nobody else is going to do it for us.

We must remove the unhealthy influence of self interest and self dealing from the leadership of our species, failure to do this insures our doom.

Look to your 'vote' and act accordingly [the cognizant know I just told them to find a corner in a perfectly circular room and only they appreciate its meaning.]

How dumb is voting if life is all about YOU and what YOU want? Doesn't make sense, does it?

Without 'WE' life is both short and brutish.

Do I have to remind you again to use it for more then a hatrack?

Keep thinkin' Head...



  1. [FACT: 90% of what you are told/taught is a LIE!] (The remaining 10% requires stringent contextual filtering before it is 'useful'.)

  2. Without WE life is both short and brutish.

    Your 'faith' in rugged individualism dooms you to FAILURE!

  3. So the first 'fact' to get tossed out the window by Conservative doctrine is the SOCIAL nature of human beings. This sets the stage for 'my way or the highway' as the prevalent attitude among the 'owners' of what BELONGS TO US ALL.

  4. All for one and one for all isn't just the credo of the 3 Musketeers, it is the 'anthem' of all successful social creatures.

    If we refuse to 'help' each other, nobody else is going to do it for us.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...