Thursday, November 7, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we near the end of stripping away the deceits surrounding 'the almighty' [God exists at the center of capitalism in case you are missing the connection.]

It is here we arrive at the dual stumbling blocks of the struggle to survive while simultaneously attempting to build a bridge across the gap into the 'afterlife'.

If we boil away the bullshit surrounding the 'rhetorical' sermons of those who claim to speak for the deity (that NEVER answers your prayers) we can only ask ourselves, 'what do they 'want' from our small lives?'

The 'righteous god' demands your 'obedience'.

Like any good scam, this interlocks with the scammer's need to remain 'unquestioned' is what I say it is because I said so...and that, children, is the 'mystery of faith', all wrapped up with a bow.

As I alluded to in yesterday's post, god is a human construct designed to elicit 'blind obedience' to the edicts of those who claim to speak both 'to' and more importantly 'for' the fake supreme entity.

Disturbingly, there being several to choose from which the scammers agreed there is only one creator but it goes by different names depending on who is doing the speaking for it.

The 'carrot' dangled by those who claim to speak for God is entrance to a place where most of us are uncertain we even want to go after years of being lied to and we are told only our 'faith' will see us through...again to a place none of us is sure we want to find ourselves.

Heaven, as advertised, sounds like it could quickly turn hellish without the, er, 'proper attitude'.

Who demands blind obedience but is not 'divine'?

Slavers. [How damnning is it that this explains man's 'inhumanity' towards their fellow man?]

Now we arrive at the crux of the problem, unquestioning obedience is the domain of those who would enslave you.

God want's nothing more than your 'obedience' and if you question you will be denied entrance into a place only the simplest among us can conceive of. [Ya have to be real f'n dumb to buy the idea of 'eternal bliss'.]

The closest you'll come to bliss is a single joyous moment, remembered.

And nobody can take that away from you because you made those moments yourself and they are yours to cherish...forever or at least until your next trip through the meat grinder more commonly known as 'life'.

Um, are you disturbed to think that the 'heaven' you've been working towards your entire life may already exist in your memories?

Makes more sense than believing you should dedicate your life to making fleas worship you...which is, considering the 'intelligence gap' between us and any would be creator, pretty much the same thing and just about as sensible.

You live with the shitty deal life's winners hand you so you won't jeopardize your place in Heaven...but you won't learn if you succeeded until after you's that for stupid?

A certain percentage of us wake up to the lies we are told over and over again and that same percentage knows there isn't anything better waiting for us in the afterlife. By the time death comes to collect us most are happy to go if only to end this shitshow.

The profound 'deafness' of our species dooms us to extinction. The lies/liars dominate both the airwaves, pulpits and the EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM, both religious and public so everyone stays 'on message'.

That message is comply or die and the money flows to the's not for you, it's for ME.

There will be no justice until we establish equality and those who claim to sit at the 'right hand of the Father' claim 'preferential treatment' for being 'faithful servants'.

So the greed continues after death in their tiny minds as well.

Think I just described hell but hell is different things to different people.

Um, what are you doing sitting there? Don't you have an ant colony to conquer somewhere...or shouldn't you be busy learning how to speak to insects so you can teach them to how worship you, swearing you will block their entrance to heaven if they aren't obedient?

Welcome to the God show, good citizen. Why do 'we' put up with it? Could Fox News be the answer?

Let's end today's piece with a rousing round of 'the refrain'!

How f'n dumb are ya, doo-dah, doo-dah!

Later Head.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Typos...Um, what are you doing sitting there? Don't you have an ant colony to conquer somewhere...or shouldn't you be busy learning how to speak to insects so you can teach them to how worship you, swearing you will block their entrance to heaven if they aren't obedient?

    Perhaps NOW you can see how ridiculous it is to think that an all powerful entity, bored out of its tits, created us not to keep it company but to 'worship' it? WTF?

  3. God exists at the center of capitalism in case you are missing the connection.]

  4. The most damning critique of communism is that it is 'godless'...

  5. Ya ever wonder why they don't have 'jubilee's' anymore?

    Capitalism preaches that if you die in debt you forfeit your place in heaven because you owe 'god' money! None of them say it flat out but the ALL imply it, like you weren't stressed enough.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...