Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, while most deny it the most damning trait displayed by most humans is gullibility and, depending on the topic, almost none of us are 'immune' (despite most of us sincerely believing otherwise.)

We are quick to point out when someone else is 'babbling baseless bullshit' (that we personally disagree with) but are slow to admit it when we discover it is us who have been privy to a lie. We are taught to 'stick to our guns' by the very people who regularly play us for chumps. [I'm looking at you Mom & Dad.]

It was 'for our own good', right?

It is 'assumed' that a grown adult is capable of sorting truth from fiction but why do so many slavishly follow the dictates of the church?

Um, for a colossal mindfuck how many of you have questioned the practice of thanking a veteran for their 'service'?

You are NOT 'free' by any definition of the term, which makes you what, good citizen?


Yet this public display of (deeply misguided) PATRIOTISM is encouraged by the media with announcers across the spectrum pausing the opening minutes of the game to single out and praise those who wore a uniform 'in service' to this nation [to get money for college tuition and a line on their resume] making the rest of us 'less safe' due to the terrorist acts committed by the US military.

Wars start with and end with words. The last DOZEN [Republican sponsored/initiated] 'conflicts' were actually illegal invasions.

So who are YOU thanking and what are YOU thanking them for? Are you doing it because the announcer told you too?

What kind of sheep/chump are you? [Rhetorical question: everybody KNOWS!]

These 'volunteers' didn't join FOR you, they did it because they wanted MONEY for college, something that wasn't going to happen if they didn't do what they did because their folks weren't, er, 'prosperous' enough to pay their way and student debt chokes/defeats most kids who 'bootstrap' their way through meat grinder most commonly known as college.

Most degrees prepare you for jobs that don't exist [Chant the refrain, children!]

If you don't have a degree [ironically it (still) doesn't matter in what] you aren't going to even have a shot at the job.

So we are being cozened by the media into believing those who 'volunteer' to serve in a criminal organization that suppresses freedom by force around the world for their 'sacrifice' to keep us 'safe/free'.

Why don't people 'think'? [Is it because thinking hurts their teeny heads?]

Sing the refrain children! [How f'n dumb are you?]

Sadly, the cognizant know this is only the tip of the iceberg. Did you read in the headlines that the US economy [for zero reasons anyone can point to] is 'rebounding'?

Ya don't suppose this is propaganda intended to prop up numbnut's re-election campaign, do ya?

The economy sucks, driving more of our youth into making the second line on their resume [whatever branch of the military that will have them] Ironically jobs in the military don't go 'begging' either, many apply but only a few are accepted despite the shitty economy. [The twin whipsaws of a part-time/gig economy and the rising cost of living keeps the predatory murder machine filled with people more concerned about 'number 1' than those bleeding heart types that would balk at the 'injustice' of what the feckless commanders deem necessary towards 'preserving our liberty'.

Some pluralize liberty but none of it is true, it's what they do to keep their jobs and nothing more.

How's that for cynical?

Ya think 'humanity' has a problem [a leadership problem to be specific, one tied to the 'popularity contest' we use to select our ineffectual leaders...they can all 'talk the talk' but none of 'em DARE to 'walk the walk'.

Obama ran on the slogan 'Change you can believe in yet he failed to prosecute the war criminals Bush and Cheney.

[Not that it would have done any good considering how 'perverted' the criminal run justice system is.]

Why won't you revolt?

Now you KNOW where the problem is [the legal system top to bottom] and how to repair it WHy don't you do something?

Oh, that's right because they tell you it isn't broken...and they wouldn't lie to you, would they?

Use your head for more than a f'n hat rack [now there's a moldy oldie I picked up from my old man back in the days when gentlemen didn't consider themselves 'dressed' if they weren't wearing their 'lid'...]

How unfortunate covering one's head most of the time resulted in hair loss due to the scalps inability to breathe?

Should we sing the refrain or just skip to the obvious, fashion regularly makes chumps out of us all.

Let us reflect on yesterday's offering that cited the necessity of making common cause with the rest of the occupants of this planet. Global unity predicated on RULES without RULERS is the solution to the increasing inequity that plagues society.

If we can't make common cause with our fellow humans we are DOOMED to DIE in the future battles for the resources that remain.

Repeat the refrain, children! [How f'n dumb are you?]

Listen and learn or ignore this, it's YOUR Head.



  1. If we can't make common cause with our fellow humans we are DOOMED to DIE in the future battles for the resources that remain.

  2. The last DOZEN [Republican sponsored/initiated] 'conflicts' were actually illegal invasions.

    If humanity, nay, life on this planet is to survive we must end this senseless conquest for resources and SHARE what there is. If we don't put an end to the 'plunder model' [which dates back to the Greeks and the Romans] it will end us!

  3. If we can't make common cause with our fellow humans we are DOOMED to DIE in the future battles for the resources that remain.

    Repeat the refrain, children! [How f'n dumb are you?]

    Listen and learn or ignore this, it's YOUR Head.

  4. So who are YOU thanking and what are YOU thanking them for? Are you doing it because the announcer told you too?

    What kind of sheep/chump are you? [Rhetorical question: everybody KNOWS!]


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...