Saturday, November 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as our species rips itself to pieces on the shoals of 'free speech' the line between respect and censorship has vanished and without that vital border civility vanishes with it.

Like yesterday's post centered on the Overton Window and the opening/abandonment of social taboos we find ourselves being pushed towards a limitless society where whatever happens, happens and right and wrong [have already] been reduced to 'opinions'.

If nothing is sacred then, by extension, nothing is immoral OR 'illegal'.

What a jamboree for the criminals among us; it also redefines the concept of the 'human cesspool'.

Without respect there is no dignity and without dignity there is no shame...and without shame goes even the possibility of correcting the now rampant maliciousness that has replaced 'civility'.

Nobody is asking YOU if you want to bring children in such a heartless and self-serving society, one the glorifies the taste-makers while it ridicules those unable to meet those standards but cling to them anyway [because only the clueless fail to pretend to be fabulous and ignore the endless gushing of the fawning wannabes.]

Somewhere down the line it became a crime to be less than fabulous and if you didn't agree with 'tastemakers' idea of what is fabulous, it made YOU an outcast!

Society has become a pitiless cesspool that nobody wants to be cast into.

Where does that leave you?

Either you were born rich [and by association] famous or you had to turn into one of the riches 'fans', hoping against hope that you'd get lucky and get to meet the fabulous and have some of their celebrity rub off on you.

If you are not a fawning fan then you are a p.o.s. not worthy of recognition.

Yeah, p.o.s. means what you think it means but I choose to retain a modicum of respect, unlike the shameless that have revoked their membership in civil society so they could take a steaming dump on the downtrodden AFTER they walked all over them...

Speaking of p's of shit, isn't that what the deplorable's president did by pardoning the disrespectful soldier who defied the Geneva convention by posing with the corpse of an enemy combatant?

The Geneva convention laid down International standards that Preznint Pussygrabber doesn't give a fuk about...and yes, that's how numbnuts spells fuk...because he is 'highly educated'...which he seems to believe means he was high the whole time he was in school, wasn't everyone?

I belabor the obvious when I point out that there is a significant difference between being able to spell moron and actually being one.

Civility has been under siege since Morning in America, the global coup of conservatism. Why are conservatives attacking decency? Whoever controls the moral 'high ground' gets to declare what 'decency' is, which derailed Tailgunner Joe McCarthy during the Communist witch hunts of the late fifties.

Wrongfooted once by their utter lack of decency, they aren't about to let it happen a second time with their campaign to define patriotism as the jingoistic mouth breathing fanaticism driven by the desire for approval in the eyes of an imaginary ideal.

Psychopaths are incapable of picking 'decency' out of a police line up because decency doesn't compute to the mentally broken...and that is who is attempting to seize the 'moral high ground' [by eliminating it for everybody else!]

They are incapable of using decency to defeat decency so they are doing everything in their power to become the 'arbiters of decency' despite being unable to either define what decency means or recognize it when put in practice.

Chant the refrain children, there's dumb and then there's this.

We know conservative control of the educational system has produced some of the least cognizant children since the Dark Ages thanks to the obfuscation of the facts by the feckless. [The capitalist says: I don't need kids that can think, I need workers that can follow instructions (even if I have to repeat them constantly...)]

This is who wants to take over your world.

Are you going to ease back and let them?

If YOU don't/won't fight for decency, who will?

Figure it out, Head.



  1. If you are not a fawning fan then you are a p.o.s. not worthy of recognition.

  2. Without respect there is no dignity and without dignity there is no shame...and without shame goes even the possibility of correcting the now rampant maliciousness that has replaced 'civility'.

    Boundaries, love 'em, hate 'em we still NEED 'em!

  3. The Geneva convention laid down International standards that Preznint Pussygrabber doesn't give a fuk about...and yes, that's how numbnuts spells fuk...because he is 'highly educated'...which he seems to believe means he was high the whole time he was in school, wasn't everyone?

    I belabor the obvious when I point out that there is a significant difference between being able to spell moron and actually being one.

  4. Like yesterday's post centered on the Overton Window and the opening/abandonment of social taboos we find ourselves being pushed towards a limitless society where whatever happens, happens and right and wrong [have already] been reduced to 'opinions'.

  5. Speaking of p's of shit, isn't that what the deplorable's president did by pardoning the disrespectful soldier who defied the Geneva convention by posing with the corpse of an enemy combatant?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...