Monday, November 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen, seems whenever a candidate decides to run on a 'law & order' ticket it's not to put an end to political corruption but to lock YOU up in 'for profit prison' they happen to be stockowners in. [Anybody notice how the media avoids using the 'O' word? People no longer 'own' stock, the 'hold' it but even stocks have fallen out of favor as they are more commonly referred to as 'shares'.

But that is not the direction this post is headed [although the ownership issue underlies everything corrupt and poisonous to the vitality and viability of the body social.

Yes good citizen, humans are social creatures but this implies we should treat one another as equals and that won't do for the feckless few that have bastardized society's tools and made themselves the beneficiaries.

It all starts with 'upholding' the law, the law as it is 'generally understood' rather than the way it best benefits the enforcers and their minions.

Corruption starts with a deliberate campaign to 'pervert' the meaning of the law to a more 'advantageous' interpretation.

Seems the current crew of presidential hopefuls aren't interested in ending everyday corruption. It's been 18 years since the Patriot act repealed anti-usury legislation AND suspended Habeas Corpus...but that was to keep us safe and the danger (apparently) will never end, 'Islamofascism is invincible' in the minds of those who hijacked the political process.

[Did I mention this is the precursor to the establishment of a Christian Nation that will resume their war against the equally invincible Satan that killed millions during the Dark Ages when the church accused anyone that refused to comply with heresy and executed them for it, proof or no?]

Why are there no cognizant individuals running for leadership?

Because the ones that control the money are the ones that fund ALL campaigns. If you fail the political 'sniff test' (an expression popularized by Rummy, W's Sec. of Defense) you WON'T receive the backing you need to win elected office.

Even 'menial' political posts cost millions to 'win' but reward the holder with benefits that last the rest of their lives [provided they don't do anything dumb like actually try and do the job for the people who they were appointed to serve.]

We MUST 'assume' the entire process is corrupt because there is no way to verify the process from the 'outside'.

THE ONLY WAY to insure compliance is to eliminate the process entirely. [Under A.S.P. there are NO elected officials, thus no elections...but elections aren't the problem are they, it's the money-grubbing media that has driven the cost of running for office beyond the means of the honestly employed, the only people who live like most of us live and suffer like we suffer...anything less ISN'T 'representative'.

How many of you appreciate it was this exact same 'lack of representation' that was used as grounds for the original revolt that so enriched the founders at everyone else's expense [THEY got to issue money that they made out of nothing! (and they are still at it!)]

But the average voter doesn't see that because they are too wrapped up in the fact that NONE of the candidates are even a pale shadow of themselves or their problems so the wrestle with trying to determine who the 'least worst' candidate might be...because EVERYBODY KNOWS the campaign trail is paved with lies.

Just look at fathead and his 'promises kept' site that NO ONE knew he ran on ANY of those the f'n trillion dollar tax cut for billionaires!

If they 'appoint' him again do you think they will 'reward' themselves with a 2nd trillion? What the hell, you know they need it more than YOU do!

How many vote do you think it will take to override the 3 million votes Hillary beat pussnuts by this time?

Who thinks a unanimous vote against pickle-smoocher still wouldn't be enough to dissuade the feckless from returning their spineless lapdog back in the White House?

The first time was an anomaly, what will they label his (seriously unlikely) re-election...'A show of force?'

Do you know the words to 'onward Christian Soldiers?' [Doesn't matter, they want the half that doesn't to just hum along.]

But the typical voter sees none of this, largely because the issues most candidates run on NEVER go away, they remain stubbornly unsolved and nobody wonders (or even questions) why.

Y'all don't suppose the f'n process is broken, do ya?

90% of crime and 100% of corruption is cash and carry. Want to eliminate corruption? ABOLISH CASH!

Not 'politically viable' though, is it?

The corrupt would never go for it but that is the direction our crumbling civilization is headed in. The 'alternative to justice' would be a concerted effort to 'right-size' the population [but this effort must succeed on a PLANETARY scale! Leaving 'too many' survivors is futile/self-defeating.]

If we were to 'level the playing field' we would add the zeroing of bank accounts, the permanent shuttering of the fraudulent 'stock markets' and the ability to transfer funds between individuals along with strict/severe penalties for, er, any 'financial irregularities' that enrich you beyond your means...because your money is for YOU and you ALONE!

The opportunist in us all will be tempted to weaponize this legislation and use it to eliminate their 'competition' but the penalty [exile] also extends to anyone engaged in this variety of 'tampering'...self interpreted as 'harmless pranking' by those who endanger the lives of their victims.

This 'tendency' to abuse legislation is 'inbred' and won't go away. We can only hope that our children won't eliminate themselves from the future genepool but often we are astonished to learn how the twig bent itself by deciding the reward warranted the risk, which is NEVER an 'excuse'.

Nature isn't forgiving and we can't afford to be either. You make a fatal choice and it's game over.

A huge part of the crisis we are facing is due to exactly that, we have eliminated the penalties for wrongdoing in the name of being more 'humane'...which is literally STUPID.

Um, I shouldn't have to do this and I generally don't but today's 'intended' take away is to illustrate that the 'resistant' problems that our politicians have repeatedly failed to solve are indeed soluble, it's not the problem but the will to solve them that is 'lacking'.

We sit in this festering cesspool because those who set themselves above us don't want your problems 'solved'.

Ironically, none of this is about 'money' because ALL MONEY IS FUNNY [if it wasn't we'd have gone bankrupt long ago! We are technically bankrupt right now just to give you an idea of how perilous the situation is!]

Rules without rulers good citizen, it is the only way to insure EVERYBODY obeys the law!

Until next time Head,



  1. HE ONLY WAY to insure compliance is to eliminate the process entirely. [Under A.S.P. there are NO elected officials, thus no elections...but elections aren't the problem are they, it's the money-grubbing media that has driven the cost of running for office beyond the means of the honestly employed, the only people who live like most of us live and suffer like we suffer...anything less ISN'T 'representative'.

    How many of you appreciate it was this exact same 'lack of representation' that was used as grounds for the original revolt that so enriched the founders at everyone else's expense [THEY got to issue money that they made out of nothing! (and they are still at it!)]

  2. Why are there no cognizant individuals running for leadership?

  3. Just look at fathead and his 'promises kept' site that NO ONE knew he ran on ANY of those the f'n trillion dollar tax cut for billionaires!

    Is it chutzpah or stupidity that makes pundits claim that El Chumpo will handily win re-election when everybody knows their vote DOESN'T count?

  4. Even 'menial' political posts cost millions to 'win' but reward the holder with benefits that last the rest of their lives [provided they don't do anything dumb like actually try and do the job for the people who they were appointed to serve.]

    We MUST 'assume' the entire process is corrupt because there is no way to verify the process from the 'outside'.

  5. How many of you appreciate it was this exact same 'lack of representation' that was used as grounds for the original revolt that so enriched the founders at everyone else's expense [THEY got to issue money that they made out of nothing! (and they are still at it!)]

    The people who run to 'represent' you couldn't be more unlike you, why do you do it? [No other choice isn't an excuse, it's a cop out!]

  6. Ironically, none of this is about 'money' because ALL MONEY IS FUNNY [if it wasn't we'd have gone bankrupt long ago! We are technically bankrupt right now just to give you an idea of how perilous the situation is!]


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...