Thursday, November 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, let us begin with my extending my wishes for a peaceful and harmonious Holiday season to all my readers then we shall jump right in with today's title topic which is actually read 'The EXPECTATION of civility and the multiple violations of those conventions against murdering one another on sight.

Civility has many synonyms because what passes for civility is regularly redefined by a rogue known as 'the individual sovereign'. It is widely accepted that it is unacceptable to 'shoot first and ask questions later' [although Conservo-Whackos do it all the time...or at least those who claim to speak for them do because the individual as sovereign is one of the core tenets of Conservatism...and they genuinely find such remarks, er, humorous.

The expectations of 'civility' and actually receiving the 'forebearance' of others is constantly being breached by 'individual sovereignty' which an unhealthy percentage of us are unable to 'deal' with.

What is the 'central theme' of a horror story? It is when the victim realizes their 'expectation of civility' has been overruled/negated by the individual sovereign.

Most of you get lost in this 'conceptual twaddle' because understanding is a number of degrees deeper than hearing/reading and knowing what the words mean 'individually'...(but not together and in context.) There ain't enough time in anyone's life to play guessing games until comprehension is achieved.

One of the most repeated phrases in any language is 'I don't understand' followed closely by the 'truism' of 'I didn't think'...

Speaking of incomprehension, how many of you 'understand' what sovereignty is and how it applies to the individual?

You would be ASTONISHED by how many different ways your 'perception of self' is defined, most prevalently by the qualifier, "Not under MY roof!"

Where does your sovereignty end and civility begin? Is your answer the third most common phrase in any language, I DON'T KNOW!

Naturally, this is precisely where the world of 'I' collides (often violently) with the make-believe land of 'we'.

The 'danger' of being exterminated on sight is the ONLY factor that makes us mindful that the mercurial and often fanciful world of 'we' even exists.

At the very foundation of 'civilization' is the convention that we, er, ('seldom') eat our own...for the first billion years 'our own' was a poorly defined quality but eventually it became distinct. We may have stopped seeing one another as a food source but the thin veneer of truce the prevents us from trying to slaughter one another for meat did NOT 'unite' us and the competitive nature of life makes that variety of unity, er, 'unlikely'.

It is not 'our' nature but all nature that makes us naturally distrustful. Couple this with 'life's' persistent 'opportunistic' nature and trust becomes a highly subjective quality indeed.

It is here that the conflict between order and chaos is the most pronounced. We must go against our nature if we are to 'advance' as a species.

Failure = extinction...

Happy Turkey Day, USA!



  1. It is not 'our' nature but all nature that makes us naturally distrustful. Couple this with 'life's' persistent 'opportunistic' nature and trust becomes a highly subjective quality indeed.

  2. At the very foundation of 'civilization' is the convention that we, er, ('seldom') eat our own...for the first billion years 'our own' was a poorly defined quality but eventually it became distinct. We may have stopped seeing one another as a food source but the thin veneer of truce the prevents us from trying to slaughter one another for meat did NOT 'unite' us and the competitive nature of life makes that variety of unity, er, 'unlikely'.

  3. Most of you get lost in this 'conceptual twaddle' because understanding is a number of degrees deeper than hearing/reading and knowing what the words mean 'individually'...(but not together and in context.) There ain't enough time in anyone's life to play guessing games until comprehension is achieved.

  4. The 'danger' of being exterminated on sight is the ONLY factor that makes us mindful that the mercurial and often fanciful world of 'we' even exists.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...