Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the pundits savor taking advantage of the average individual's ignorance by using hot button labels when referring to the actions of the political party they are trying to discredit.

For all the hang wringing and moaning about the 'Liberal Press' I have yet to see it. What 'passes for it' is conservative backed finger pointing with the bought and paid for media trying to patiently explain issues that don't belong in the public arena...but to rile up the base, the bottom feeders dredge them up by pretending the 'liberals' are at it again!

I'm looking at you El Rushbo.

So it is today's title topic will always elude us. Ironically there is no such thing as conservative utopia, they don't believe in paradise or even a place where you can simply sit and enjoy the serenity as the sun sets and we can rest from our labors...because most people don't work anymore...there are a few dolts working around the clock but that is just bad legislators who put profits before safety.

Yup, which brings us to the ancient argument that stated anyone [do you hear me flag draped patriots?] who trades their liberty for safety deserves neither.

Your fervent embrace of the flag is precisely that type of trade off. The flag is a piece of f'n cloth that represents NOTHING. America is not a place, it is a PEOPLE and people aren't flags!

Tyrants define flags and dictate when they should be flown and who can fly them.

How f'n dumb are you?

These are the SAME PEOPLE who ask you earnestly if you are a 'believer' and scowl at you if you hesitate or tell 'em to F-off, it's none of their business.

Most of you will 'comply and confirm' that you received the same kind of INDOCTRINATION that the inquisitor is relying on using against you. That is the ONLY reason s/he wants to know, it's and instant 'are you gullible' test...nothing like cutting to the chase.

Which brings us to utopia, a place that doesn't exist in conservative ' A place for everything and everything in its place' dogma where paradise is basking in the Glory of God, something so esoteric that it defies explanation, you just have to 'believe' it exists. [refrain]

It's like pretending you understand what is being said when some zealot starts 'speaking in tongues'...something the speakers are feign to do while being recorded lest it be observed that the gibberish repeats itself too frequently to be a 'real' language. [or every other word really is an F bomb...]

Murikan, do you (f-bomb) speak it?

When, um, opposing politicians speak in terms of free higher education or free universal healthcare, the conservative morons among us attack such proposals immediately as being 'socialist' and 'anti-free market' when you, of all people SHOULD know by now that 'free markets' are a myth, there is no such thing!

Markets are NOT and never have been 'FREE'. [Just as 'diplomacy' are lies we publicly agree to...there are few things more fleeting than alliances once the basis which formed it vanishes.]

Leading us to the real root of the problem, the 'real situation' and how it differs, in many cases radically, from the WHOLE TRUTH.

If you build utopia based on lies, what have you wrought? A prison.

Capitalism promises the 'freedom' to build the life you want based on your own skills and efforts but that isn't how capitalism and its partner, the banking system operates. What should be yours for the taking is instead sold to you at interest so it takes decades to pay back...and if anything happens to you or a loved one during those years, the bank has a heart of stone. It doesn't want excuses, it expects you to live up to your contract! [unless someone else has designs on your property, then its rigid middle finger time and they simply take what they want, claiming it is for the 'public good'.

Why do you think the 'best system ever created' FORCES YOU to borrow your life from a banker who whips up money from thin air?

Chant the refrain children! I haven't said 'when' yet either so you should have been chanting all along.

Has mumbling it to yourself for 24 hours revealed anything to you? Keeps me 'on point'.

Yup, utopia can't exist as long as we follow the lying opportunists and ignore the watchmen who point out the crimes of the feckless for us.

You is being chumped and you are TOO DUMB to put a stop to it...although I'd dare say you are every bit vicious enough to get the job done...the unfortunate part is you can't tell a weasel from a moron, you have been trained in the bad habit of trusting everyone.

[Civilization isn't possible without trust, making fertile ground for tyranny when vigilance is dropped to protect the feckless. LYING is something we do to protect the feelings of others, it is how the weasels get over on you, it is TREASON and the penalty for treason is the revocation of your membership in society.]

Think we've gone long enough letting the ruthless 'get over' on us?

While the bought and paid for media promotes The Purge as something the wealthy do to the destitute it is the other way around. The desperate go gunning for the privileged when 'benign neglect' becomes more than they can bear.

The Terror was the last well known instance of a 'purge' [although what the Bolsheviks did to the Czar is pretty much the same thing, sans the public spectacle created by the guillotine...

Really gotta watch that f'n media and the suggestions it makes.

NOTHING has 'changed'...today's 'conflict' is the same one humanity has been fighting since before we arrived here as slaves. The few exploiting the many for their own benefit, the endless pursuit of their own personal 'utopia'...at everyone else's expense!

Is anyone astonished to realize the 'live' is 'evil' spelled backwards?

Until next time, Head.



  1. Capitalism promises the 'freedom' to build the life you want based on your own skills and efforts but that isn't how capitalism and its partner, the banking system operates. What should be yours for the taking is instead sold to you at interest so it takes decades to pay back...and if anything happens to you or a loved one during those years, the bank has a heart of stone. It doesn't want excuses, it expects you to live up to your contract! [unless someone else has designs on your property, then its rigid middle finger time and they simply take what they want, claiming it is for the 'public good'.

  2. How do you get a divide nation? Hand the liars a microphone...

  3. EVERY one of us was brought here as slaves, why do you think the slaver mentality dominates EVERY culture on this planet?

    We 'LEARNED it from somewhere...didn't happen by itself.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...