Greetings good citizen, as the media marvels over the 'inexplicable' rising global tide of immigrants fleeing to the 'more prosperous' First World, they have the chutzpah to pretend they 'don't know why'...EVERYBODY KNOWS. [Well maybe not the Whackos, they don't remember their own name if somebody doesn't shout it at them every fifteen seconds.]
(How sad is it that half of them think their name is Stupid Mc Dumbfuck?)
My apologies to constant reader but this one is another trip on the latest Hobby Horse to lead the pack, the collapse of capitalism. What's it going to take to make the Stupid Mc Dumbfucks of this nation wake up to the fact that this time-bomb is ticking for THEM too? Millions of homeless living in the streets?
A job market where either you wait anxiously for rush hour praying the Uber dispatcher sends you one or you can listen to lying employers complain they can't find anyone with ten years experience in a technology that has only been around for two...tight labor market, huh?
How long do you think people will keep buying that lie? When is somebody going to point out, 'don't you think it's time to TRAIN SOMEBODY?' WTF! [Oh yeah, might wanna kick up that starting salary from minimum wage, they didn't get that doctorates for free ya know!]
[gritting teeth] Okay, one more time, slow and in English: The FIRST STEP to SOLVING A PROBLEM is ADMITTING the problem exists IN THE FIRST PLACE!
The semi conscious are still marvelling over WHY the immigrants are trekking all those miles, there ain't no jobs here either! Even China only has a 50% employment rate.
Not only is something broken but nobody knows how to fix it...and I can't type the other part because the fear grows that when your only tool is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail...and Numbnuts Mc Dumbfuck has nuclear nails...more than enough to do the job.
Nobody is asking me but here's a sketch of the (non-nuclear) solution.
BY GCA.jr (condensed version)
Preamble: While not universally recognized, the need to abandon capitalism has reached crisis proportions and those 'favored' by the long running system are ignoring the consequences of their inaction. [see the GLOBAL 'refugee crisis'.]
For an idea how long this crisis has been ignored, the original draft of this document was in 1998.
The actual crisis itself dates back to 1980 when the entire political process was hijacked by The Jays, followers of the author of American juris prudence.
Which is fitting considering the bulk of society's problems are Legal. The legal system of The United States in not centered on democracy or even in protecting the rights of the nation's inhabitants. The US legal system exists primarily to safeguard OWNERSHIP RIGHTS.
What happens when 'ownership' forms the basis of your 'justice system' on a very finite planet when all of its inhabitants are FORCED to SHARE that planets limited resources?
Only owners have 'rights'. All others are sent to the back of the courtroom. Since its inception in 1790 the US constitution has become the model for every nation that replaced Monarchy with a 'Constitutional it is that today, Capitalism reigns worldwide.
What is the rigid backbone of Capitalism? Ownership. Those who Own the enterprise, profit from it. So it is we are in the thrall of a commerce system that doesn't serve 95% of the population of the planet.
That 'More perfect union' referred to in the original constitution isn't possible under a system that omits Equity. Mankind's oldest foe has long been itself and this will not change until THE LAW recognizes ALL HUMANS as EQUALS, deserving of an equal share of the bounty that both this planet and their species has to offer.
Without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE...and without PEACE there can be no PROSPERITY!
Central to A.S.P. Is EQUALITY for ALL MEMBERS OF SOCIETY, those who, by their actions or their choices forfeit membership in civil society shall be shunned by humans the world over and exiled to live as best they can without the benefits of civil society.
The first Law of this new, holistic, operating system is the The Human Anti-Exploitation Law that forbids any human from profiting at another humans expense.
For those of you confused by the term 'exploit', the H.A.E. not only prohibits ownership (of anything by anybody) but it also outlaws the Employer/Employee relationship, giving a whole new meaning to the term 'coworkers'.
That said, you are still required to follow the direction of 'Leadership' although under the 'ownership model' where you might have been 'terminated' for insubordination, the leaders will be following the 'leadership' model where they will be forbade to ask anyone to do anything they themselves would not do.
Unlike the old style of relationships, leadership isn't appointed by the owner, it is won by skill and competence. A leader knows how to do the job so thoroughly that they can also teach others to do it!
Vision and resourcefulness have combined successfully to lift humanity out of the 'darkness' that is the stasis the self-interested [more for me] crowd wishes to inflict upon us.
So it is here we recognize the NEED to place THE LAW beyond the reach of the 'self-interested'. Those who win 'leadership' positions have no law making abilities. For a law to become a law it must first pass the H.A.E and the 'Golden rule' of 'do unto others', if it fails either [our current legal system is awash in 'spite laws'] a proposed piece of legislation can not be put to the public for a vote. [There shall also be a limit to how many times similar legislation can be put forth for consideration. Adding to that no proposed legislation or variant thereof can be submitted to the public for a vote more than three times, TOTAL.
This is the essence of the 'new' legal system. NOBODY can make up laws to suit a situation, leaders are given latitude to 'bend' the laws but only in EMERGENCY situations. Since leadership has no 'law making' powers they cannot [like they regularly do today] 'exempt' themselves from prosecution. If a leader breaches the law they WILL stand trial for their transgression and a jury will either prosecute or absolve them of guilt.
Those who 'agree' to live under the law will vote upon what is or isn't acceptable to them and a 'super majority' rules. [A new proposed law must reach the 75% approval rating to become law] For far too long we have let the self-interested decide for us under the guise of 'representatives' that were beholden to the self-interested.
Upon adoption of A.S.P. and the establishment of Division society EVERYONE will have their bank accounts zeroed, no exceptions.
Cash and all cash substitutes are illegal and the possession of either is an exile offense.
One of the first acts of adopting A.S.P. will be to close the stock markets [permanently] and shutter the banking industry as 'banking' becomes an internal function of the division that one works in. This extends to that other scam we call 'Insurance'. No need to insure what we (society) will replace on an as need basis, regardless.
Insurance exists to provide a 'cover' for fraud and will be abolished. You won't 'own' a house or a motor vehicle [you will be provided with both on an as needed basis...your 'residence' will be free and motor vehicles will cost you by the mile to discourage 'wasteful/needless' travel adding to an already polluted atmosphere. [Trains and buses will be free of charge.] The individual is urged to plan accordingly.
While there are tens of thousands of SIC codes, there will only be 12 divisions or specialties deemed necessary to the survival of mankind. Too big of a social structure and the operation becomes unresponsive whereas too tragmented and it becomes impossible to track either the purpose or the productivity of the niches become overrun by corruption and fraud.
While the divisions are presented in no paticular order they must cooperate with one another to serve society.
1.Mining and Extraction
2.Construction and Infrastructure
3.Manufacturing and Fabrication
4.Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
5.Transportation and Distribution
6.Retail and Warehousing
7.Hospitality and Entertainment
8.Education and Training
9.Communications and Broadcasting
10.Medical and Healthcare
11.Science and Research
Upon completing your basic education you are eligible to apply for apprenticeship in the Division you are interested in pursuing a career with. Upon acceptance you will move to where your opening exists and visit the local relocation bureau for you first residence. Since housing upgrades are part of the promotional process [as you climb the leadership ladder you 'win' perqs like waterfront properties or quieter neighborhoods or a happening place where the action is depending on YOUR preferences.] Your first place will be fairly basic (although, depending on inventory and popularity of your career choice, upgrades might be available) Wanna be a Rock God you are going to have some stiff competition and that means slim pickin's on the domestic arrangements. After your first year as an apprentice you are obliged to test for competency
Testing: Once you are completed your first year [full year] of apprenticeship you will be tested to insure your competence and craftsmanship. Your test score will directly affect your PAY.
Efficiency and attention to detail will be rewarded while points will be taken off for sloppiness and neglect. One must first MASTER one's chosen vocation before advancing up the ladder into leadership and it is here that the dividing line exists. Testing UP TO the Master level is compulsory, once you have attained mastery the tests become 'optional'.
If mastery eludes you changing careers/divisions might be advisable. Persistent quality issues might also dictate a fresh path but eventually the right 'fit' will be found. [In, er, difficult cases a new re-evalutaion process may be undertaken.] If it happens too frequently in the same region the educational process will fall under scrutiny and the Uh-oh squad will pay a visit.
These are issues that will be addressed on the regional level but if the problem crops up system wide, the entire educational network will be overhauled.
A society that teaches its children nonsense is doomed to fail...but we aren't here to dwell on YOUR education, political or otherwise.
Transition is a process and not a destination.
Something that seems to have stopped almost forty years ago is the process where we evaluate whether or not we have hit our goals as a society.
Zero irony that this, er, 'oversight' is traceable back to the dawn of the Civil Rights era, around the same time money seized control of the political process.
But let us return to the testing process as it climbs to the pinacle not of 'power' but of 'responsibility'.
As the 'ladder' suggests, each rung adds new responsibility and new skill sets to be mastered. Under a 'deliberative' model, one would be given 'ample time' to master each level but we don't have unlimited time or immortality before us [yet.]
As humanity evolves, leading to a different future perhaps the process can be slowed to allow for a more 'mature' approach but in the here and now the focus will be on preventing the stagnation that kills social development.
VISION is the 'essence' of leadership! While it is tempting to charge into the unknown, guns ablazing, true 'vision' foresees the consequences of recklessness and plots a more 'sustainable' course.
In this statement you have just been handed the 'key to success' in the competition to become humanity's next leader.
It's right there in front of you and the word is 'sustainability'.
Since it is imperative that the divisions function together smoothly it will be FORBIDDEN to form political parties or to otherwise create or endorse any schism within Division society because we ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, there is NO Opposition!
Opposition serves the self-interested and the self-interested alone. If you oppose unity then you are opposed to society and will be exiled...because YOU don't 'need' the rest of us.
PLEASE, do the rest of us a favor, LEAVE. [You can 'volunteer' to be exiled and will be provided with free transportation to the Island established specifically for 'freedom loving (morons) individuals' just like YOU. If you choose to sow discord there, be our guest because if you TRY it here, you WILL be sent to the place where your estimated survival time is measured in days if not hours...[depends on who you fail to hide from.]
Special note for 'volunteers': If you are caught with a cache of cash substitutes you WILL BE PERMITTED to take it with you! [maybe you can buy some extra life from your fellow freedom lovin' rugged individuals...although we doubt it.] Limit: All YOU can carry...and GOLD is more than a little heavy. Doubt you are going to find a credit card reader on Lord of the Flies Island but you never know...just be careful what you 'trade' for, these are gold lovin' yankees were talking about here and their motto remains the same: We can't help it if you're stupid...
Trust, some of us don't learn its true value until its too late.
Society becomes much less civil when the individual is denied the right to redress their personal grievances. In conjuncture with *the unilateral disbandment of the planet's police forces comes the restoration of the individual's right to duel.
For all our 'bravado' humans don't really like to fight and have gotten taken advantage of for their timidness. Well, people would be more respectful to one another if they understood their cupidity might cost them.
Unlike duels of old, modern mortal combat will be fought in PRIVATE dueling arenas. The events will be recorded but NOT for public display and the combatants have to wait a 3 day cooling off period before signing a document of intent.
Dueling need not be fatal and if both parties agree a non-letal match can be conducted with medical assistance standing ready.
The CHALLENGED has the right to refuse...and they also have the choice of do not challenge anybody lightly, they may well be experts in an exotic form of fighting you aren't familiar with.
Knuckleheads will wind up dead fairly quickly, the ones that don't opt for voluntary Exile in the beginning. Stupid has a bad habit of underestimating their opponent.
The challenged isn't required to accept and even the challenger can recant but you want to think real hard on that as we are living in a world where your reputation follows you around and can haunt you for the rest of your days.
Don't start something you have no intention of finishing.
Not only will the police be disbanded but those who controlled their actions [most of 'em will be exiled for their crimes against humanity ] will be out of a job as the entire 'justice system' is replaced by one that serves humanity rather than those who stole from us all just to enrich themselves. It is perhaps telling in the extreme that cops earn their guns and badges for their 'loyalty' NOT for their intelligence.
No more judges, no more lawyers nor more 'officers of the court' as well as no more 'politicians'.
The LAW belongs to ALL who agree to live under them. [A new 'coming of age' ceremony will be enacted where all 'new citizens' will be given the opportunity to accept/agree to the laws of Division society OR to reject them and join the 'rugged individuals' of Lord of the Flies Island.]
The 'new' legal system consists of the courts run by the magistrates who exist to prosecute crimes and 'referee' the juries when they have questions regarding what they can or cannot do. The Magistrates and the Uh-oh squad both operate out of the Services Division, a catch all division where the public comes to interface with the Divisions. You will find Relocation Services inside the local Services Division headquarters.
The individual WILL receive a 'fair and speedy trial' by a jury of their peers [in this new incarnation, literally, albeit your peers are defined for this purpose as people who have had dealing with you in the past, opening up a more honest and reliable jury pool that one made up of just your best friends...[which could go horribly sideways in either direction due to humans decidedly twisted sense of humor.]
Rather than 12 our new jury will consist of 7, eliminating the possibility of a 'hung' jury, nor does their decision have to be 'unanimous'. A simple majority will decide your fate. Three of the jurors will be people that 'know' you [and the defendant has the right to challenge..but so does the prosecution] and four 'strangers' who have never personally met the defendant.
Since there are no 'judges' to prejudice the proceedings the trial will be heard by the jury and it will be the jury's understanding of the law that they will use in their deliberations.
While lawyers will no longer exist and the defendant will be obliged to defend themselves using only their own understanding of the law. It is here the jury may find wiggle room because the defendant may have misunderstood the meaning of the law.
Or, more bizarrely, may have mentally exempted themselves from prosecution for any number of screwball reasons. People are strange!
Jury duty shall always be 'enlightening' (as well as PAID at your normal rate.) That said, if you find yourself being impaneled a little too often perhaps you should be more mindful of who you associate with. Life is trying to send you a message, you should listen.
Just sayin, ya know?
Your money is for YOU. Under A.S.P. There is only one way to 'earn' money and that is to work for it. Your necessities are provided free of charge. [The people who make them are paid to do what they do so there is no need for YOU to pay them too.] If you follow a STEM path and attend college, again it is FREE to you, your professors are paid TO TEACH YOU, the 'school' doesn't need YOUR MONEY to operate, the school was built to serve the public, it's not a 'cash cow' the capitalists use to milk you, mostly because they can.
I needn't walk up the entire ladder of what you DON'T need to pay for but it's here we need to address what YOU do need to use your money to 'compete' for.
I have already touched on a few items, nights on the town [nobody in their right mind would work in restaurant where the patrons never left AND couldn't tip!] That said most post capitalist dining establishments will be self service as it is more efficient for singles to dine out rather than prepare their own food...and I'm trying not to lump too many things together but life is messy.
Marriage WILL still exist BUT it will not be like the old days where the courts are involved in dissolving the marriage because the divisions care for their citizens from the cradle to the grave, no need for you to do it too.
Pair-bonding will become a choice with most eschewing long term commitments. There is no reason to subject yourself to long term misery for some short term pleasure. Most of us commit to the wrong one too soon and live the rest of our lives in regret.
No longer necessary, especially with the abolition of where were we? Oh yeah, the increased efficiency of feeding a large single population, cafeteria style.
Did you notice the hospitality Division also includes the Entertainment Division? Bands need to play together to get good and you should always be able to find a nightspot where 'your kind' of people are hanging out, grooving to the tunes of your day.
So, eating out will be one of you bigger expenses because food is both high demand and perishable...the two principle factors governing price. With almost every other aspect of life being free, [your other, er, major expense will be clothing, again for high demand and expendability.]
There will be grocery stores and clothing stores. You should NOT need to own a screwdriver but that brings us to 'lifestyles' and the 'Birds of a feather' clause of Division life.
Humans have driven each other crazy because of our diverse interests. Some people are into the whole 'surfing' scene while others relish the biker lifestyle to mention just two of the myriad lifestyle options available.
Well, motorheads need cars to cruise around in and bikers like to customize their rides and go touring together. They have their own kind of lifestyle and some of it is sonically exhausting. People don't like being woken up at 2 in the morning because somebody is racing around town with open pipes.
If you're a 'gearhead' it's a life you choose and in your own enclave you would deal with the insomniacs among you in your own way. [those choosing an open pipes 24/7 ordinance would be also choosing to live in a remote area so that choice wouldn't bother the neighbors.]
[This would not cost you money although being a motorsports aficionado will have an associated cost because fuel also fits into that high demand and perishable category.]
It's not the expense, it about living life YOUR WAY.
Now to the opportunist part of the puzzle.
Since your money is for you and the only way to get money is to work for it, you'll NEVER win it nor can you buy and sell, that leads to the deadly ownership problem.
If you have an item and you're tired of it, you can GIVE it away or you can TRADE it but under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can you later decide you made a poor deal and expect the court system to make you whole.
All 'gifts' or swaps must be recorded in the registry of items...because everything that you USE has a number to show that you are the 'user of record'.
Why bother? Because humans are both notoriously light fingered and envious. Traits that need to be discouraged but are unlikely to be eradicated.
You get a new doo-dad don't be surprised that a sharp eyed house guest spots it and swaps their old one for your new one.
If it looks like something is off you will be provided with the numbers of the stuff registered to you to check and see you've got what you are supposed to have.
Are people petty?
You're asking me?
Yeah they are and it's a damn shame because if your doodad is showing wear and tear just bring it to stores and get it replaced. [Home accessories are free so stealing them, which falls under the possession of items not registered to YOU is an EXILE offense, it's not worth a long naked nature hike into desolation for a knick knack.
That said, thieves don't steal because they need what they take, it's the 'challenge' of the thing. We are probably going to bounce a ton of people for a teeny bit of 'faulty wiring'...but it takes what it takes.
If you find something out of place you may want to keep your mouth shut and just get a free brand new one instead of sending someone to their doom over something trivial.
That said klepto doesn't care if the item in question is an irreplaceable heirloom...and if that goes missing, it's no longer a case of I couldn't help myself...and I didn't know isn't an excuse. It's NEVER alright to take what doesn't belong to you.
That's why being in the possession of items that aren't registered to you is a prosecutable offense.
I'm painting with a broad brush here to demonstrate the 'spirit' of a equality driven, justice centric society. [If you inherit heirlooms do everyone a favor and register them!]
If someone else is paid to do it, the 'rule of thumb' is you don't have to pay too. Food grows for free but everybody needs it so you will be obliged to give up some of your cash if you want to eat...and, again, the 'finer' victuals are rarer and therefore, more costly. Clothing workers are paid to do what they do but clothing is 'expendable' and everyone has different styles.
If you want 'unique' clothing that appeals to your sense of style, you have to pay for it. Basic, mass produced items will be virtually free/minimal expense.
Needless to say if you are, er, unusually proportioned, the cost to custom tailor clothing to your physique will cost you [if only because special accommodations will need to be made.]
Another item you will need your cash for is travel, we can't all head to the sunny part of the planet when the snow flies and if you do you will be obliged to pay, based on demand.
The final note on money and what you can and can't do with it. Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register so when you trade your money for food, clothing or fuel, NOBODY gets it, it is simply erased from your account. An important final note, since the divisions care for you from the cradle to the grave, when you die, your account is erased, live your life, that's what YOUR MONEY is for!
Closing Checklist
1.Ownership replaced by leadership...check.
2.Purge and replace justice system...check
3.establish 'direct democracy' eliminating law by decree...check
4.Free housing...check
5.Free healthcare...check
6.Your money is for you...check
7.Keep it civil [dueling]...check
8.La dolce vida [marriage]...check
9.Birds of a Feather [lifestyle accomodation] ...check
10.Call the Uh-Oh squad...nope and you don't want to know.
(How sad is it that half of them think their name is Stupid Mc Dumbfuck?)
My apologies to constant reader but this one is another trip on the latest Hobby Horse to lead the pack, the collapse of capitalism. What's it going to take to make the Stupid Mc Dumbfucks of this nation wake up to the fact that this time-bomb is ticking for THEM too? Millions of homeless living in the streets?
A job market where either you wait anxiously for rush hour praying the Uber dispatcher sends you one or you can listen to lying employers complain they can't find anyone with ten years experience in a technology that has only been around for two...tight labor market, huh?
How long do you think people will keep buying that lie? When is somebody going to point out, 'don't you think it's time to TRAIN SOMEBODY?' WTF! [Oh yeah, might wanna kick up that starting salary from minimum wage, they didn't get that doctorates for free ya know!]
[gritting teeth] Okay, one more time, slow and in English: The FIRST STEP to SOLVING A PROBLEM is ADMITTING the problem exists IN THE FIRST PLACE!
The semi conscious are still marvelling over WHY the immigrants are trekking all those miles, there ain't no jobs here either! Even China only has a 50% employment rate.
Not only is something broken but nobody knows how to fix it...and I can't type the other part because the fear grows that when your only tool is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail...and Numbnuts Mc Dumbfuck has nuclear nails...more than enough to do the job.
Nobody is asking me but here's a sketch of the (non-nuclear) solution.
BY GCA.jr (condensed version)
Preamble: While not universally recognized, the need to abandon capitalism has reached crisis proportions and those 'favored' by the long running system are ignoring the consequences of their inaction. [see the GLOBAL 'refugee crisis'.]
For an idea how long this crisis has been ignored, the original draft of this document was in 1998.
The actual crisis itself dates back to 1980 when the entire political process was hijacked by The Jays, followers of the author of American juris prudence.
Which is fitting considering the bulk of society's problems are Legal. The legal system of The United States in not centered on democracy or even in protecting the rights of the nation's inhabitants. The US legal system exists primarily to safeguard OWNERSHIP RIGHTS.
What happens when 'ownership' forms the basis of your 'justice system' on a very finite planet when all of its inhabitants are FORCED to SHARE that planets limited resources?
Only owners have 'rights'. All others are sent to the back of the courtroom. Since its inception in 1790 the US constitution has become the model for every nation that replaced Monarchy with a 'Constitutional it is that today, Capitalism reigns worldwide.
What is the rigid backbone of Capitalism? Ownership. Those who Own the enterprise, profit from it. So it is we are in the thrall of a commerce system that doesn't serve 95% of the population of the planet.
That 'More perfect union' referred to in the original constitution isn't possible under a system that omits Equity. Mankind's oldest foe has long been itself and this will not change until THE LAW recognizes ALL HUMANS as EQUALS, deserving of an equal share of the bounty that both this planet and their species has to offer.
Without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE...and without PEACE there can be no PROSPERITY!
Central to A.S.P. Is EQUALITY for ALL MEMBERS OF SOCIETY, those who, by their actions or their choices forfeit membership in civil society shall be shunned by humans the world over and exiled to live as best they can without the benefits of civil society.
The first Law of this new, holistic, operating system is the The Human Anti-Exploitation Law that forbids any human from profiting at another humans expense.
For those of you confused by the term 'exploit', the H.A.E. not only prohibits ownership (of anything by anybody) but it also outlaws the Employer/Employee relationship, giving a whole new meaning to the term 'coworkers'.
That said, you are still required to follow the direction of 'Leadership' although under the 'ownership model' where you might have been 'terminated' for insubordination, the leaders will be following the 'leadership' model where they will be forbade to ask anyone to do anything they themselves would not do.
Unlike the old style of relationships, leadership isn't appointed by the owner, it is won by skill and competence. A leader knows how to do the job so thoroughly that they can also teach others to do it!
Vision and resourcefulness have combined successfully to lift humanity out of the 'darkness' that is the stasis the self-interested [more for me] crowd wishes to inflict upon us.
So it is here we recognize the NEED to place THE LAW beyond the reach of the 'self-interested'. Those who win 'leadership' positions have no law making abilities. For a law to become a law it must first pass the H.A.E and the 'Golden rule' of 'do unto others', if it fails either [our current legal system is awash in 'spite laws'] a proposed piece of legislation can not be put to the public for a vote. [There shall also be a limit to how many times similar legislation can be put forth for consideration. Adding to that no proposed legislation or variant thereof can be submitted to the public for a vote more than three times, TOTAL.
This is the essence of the 'new' legal system. NOBODY can make up laws to suit a situation, leaders are given latitude to 'bend' the laws but only in EMERGENCY situations. Since leadership has no 'law making' powers they cannot [like they regularly do today] 'exempt' themselves from prosecution. If a leader breaches the law they WILL stand trial for their transgression and a jury will either prosecute or absolve them of guilt.
Those who 'agree' to live under the law will vote upon what is or isn't acceptable to them and a 'super majority' rules. [A new proposed law must reach the 75% approval rating to become law] For far too long we have let the self-interested decide for us under the guise of 'representatives' that were beholden to the self-interested.
Upon adoption of A.S.P. and the establishment of Division society EVERYONE will have their bank accounts zeroed, no exceptions.
Cash and all cash substitutes are illegal and the possession of either is an exile offense.
One of the first acts of adopting A.S.P. will be to close the stock markets [permanently] and shutter the banking industry as 'banking' becomes an internal function of the division that one works in. This extends to that other scam we call 'Insurance'. No need to insure what we (society) will replace on an as need basis, regardless.
Insurance exists to provide a 'cover' for fraud and will be abolished. You won't 'own' a house or a motor vehicle [you will be provided with both on an as needed basis...your 'residence' will be free and motor vehicles will cost you by the mile to discourage 'wasteful/needless' travel adding to an already polluted atmosphere. [Trains and buses will be free of charge.] The individual is urged to plan accordingly.
While there are tens of thousands of SIC codes, there will only be 12 divisions or specialties deemed necessary to the survival of mankind. Too big of a social structure and the operation becomes unresponsive whereas too tragmented and it becomes impossible to track either the purpose or the productivity of the niches become overrun by corruption and fraud.
While the divisions are presented in no paticular order they must cooperate with one another to serve society.
1.Mining and Extraction
2.Construction and Infrastructure
3.Manufacturing and Fabrication
4.Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
5.Transportation and Distribution
6.Retail and Warehousing
7.Hospitality and Entertainment
8.Education and Training
9.Communications and Broadcasting
10.Medical and Healthcare
11.Science and Research
Upon completing your basic education you are eligible to apply for apprenticeship in the Division you are interested in pursuing a career with. Upon acceptance you will move to where your opening exists and visit the local relocation bureau for you first residence. Since housing upgrades are part of the promotional process [as you climb the leadership ladder you 'win' perqs like waterfront properties or quieter neighborhoods or a happening place where the action is depending on YOUR preferences.] Your first place will be fairly basic (although, depending on inventory and popularity of your career choice, upgrades might be available) Wanna be a Rock God you are going to have some stiff competition and that means slim pickin's on the domestic arrangements. After your first year as an apprentice you are obliged to test for competency
Testing: Once you are completed your first year [full year] of apprenticeship you will be tested to insure your competence and craftsmanship. Your test score will directly affect your PAY.
Efficiency and attention to detail will be rewarded while points will be taken off for sloppiness and neglect. One must first MASTER one's chosen vocation before advancing up the ladder into leadership and it is here that the dividing line exists. Testing UP TO the Master level is compulsory, once you have attained mastery the tests become 'optional'.
If mastery eludes you changing careers/divisions might be advisable. Persistent quality issues might also dictate a fresh path but eventually the right 'fit' will be found. [In, er, difficult cases a new re-evalutaion process may be undertaken.] If it happens too frequently in the same region the educational process will fall under scrutiny and the Uh-oh squad will pay a visit.
These are issues that will be addressed on the regional level but if the problem crops up system wide, the entire educational network will be overhauled.
A society that teaches its children nonsense is doomed to fail...but we aren't here to dwell on YOUR education, political or otherwise.
Transition is a process and not a destination.
Something that seems to have stopped almost forty years ago is the process where we evaluate whether or not we have hit our goals as a society.
Zero irony that this, er, 'oversight' is traceable back to the dawn of the Civil Rights era, around the same time money seized control of the political process.
But let us return to the testing process as it climbs to the pinacle not of 'power' but of 'responsibility'.
As the 'ladder' suggests, each rung adds new responsibility and new skill sets to be mastered. Under a 'deliberative' model, one would be given 'ample time' to master each level but we don't have unlimited time or immortality before us [yet.]
As humanity evolves, leading to a different future perhaps the process can be slowed to allow for a more 'mature' approach but in the here and now the focus will be on preventing the stagnation that kills social development.
VISION is the 'essence' of leadership! While it is tempting to charge into the unknown, guns ablazing, true 'vision' foresees the consequences of recklessness and plots a more 'sustainable' course.
In this statement you have just been handed the 'key to success' in the competition to become humanity's next leader.
It's right there in front of you and the word is 'sustainability'.
Since it is imperative that the divisions function together smoothly it will be FORBIDDEN to form political parties or to otherwise create or endorse any schism within Division society because we ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, there is NO Opposition!
Opposition serves the self-interested and the self-interested alone. If you oppose unity then you are opposed to society and will be exiled...because YOU don't 'need' the rest of us.
PLEASE, do the rest of us a favor, LEAVE. [You can 'volunteer' to be exiled and will be provided with free transportation to the Island established specifically for 'freedom loving (morons) individuals' just like YOU. If you choose to sow discord there, be our guest because if you TRY it here, you WILL be sent to the place where your estimated survival time is measured in days if not hours...[depends on who you fail to hide from.]
Special note for 'volunteers': If you are caught with a cache of cash substitutes you WILL BE PERMITTED to take it with you! [maybe you can buy some extra life from your fellow freedom lovin' rugged individuals...although we doubt it.] Limit: All YOU can carry...and GOLD is more than a little heavy. Doubt you are going to find a credit card reader on Lord of the Flies Island but you never know...just be careful what you 'trade' for, these are gold lovin' yankees were talking about here and their motto remains the same: We can't help it if you're stupid...
Trust, some of us don't learn its true value until its too late.
Society becomes much less civil when the individual is denied the right to redress their personal grievances. In conjuncture with *the unilateral disbandment of the planet's police forces comes the restoration of the individual's right to duel.
For all our 'bravado' humans don't really like to fight and have gotten taken advantage of for their timidness. Well, people would be more respectful to one another if they understood their cupidity might cost them.
Unlike duels of old, modern mortal combat will be fought in PRIVATE dueling arenas. The events will be recorded but NOT for public display and the combatants have to wait a 3 day cooling off period before signing a document of intent.
Dueling need not be fatal and if both parties agree a non-letal match can be conducted with medical assistance standing ready.
The CHALLENGED has the right to refuse...and they also have the choice of do not challenge anybody lightly, they may well be experts in an exotic form of fighting you aren't familiar with.
Knuckleheads will wind up dead fairly quickly, the ones that don't opt for voluntary Exile in the beginning. Stupid has a bad habit of underestimating their opponent.
The challenged isn't required to accept and even the challenger can recant but you want to think real hard on that as we are living in a world where your reputation follows you around and can haunt you for the rest of your days.
Don't start something you have no intention of finishing.
Not only will the police be disbanded but those who controlled their actions [most of 'em will be exiled for their crimes against humanity ] will be out of a job as the entire 'justice system' is replaced by one that serves humanity rather than those who stole from us all just to enrich themselves. It is perhaps telling in the extreme that cops earn their guns and badges for their 'loyalty' NOT for their intelligence.
No more judges, no more lawyers nor more 'officers of the court' as well as no more 'politicians'.
The LAW belongs to ALL who agree to live under them. [A new 'coming of age' ceremony will be enacted where all 'new citizens' will be given the opportunity to accept/agree to the laws of Division society OR to reject them and join the 'rugged individuals' of Lord of the Flies Island.]
The 'new' legal system consists of the courts run by the magistrates who exist to prosecute crimes and 'referee' the juries when they have questions regarding what they can or cannot do. The Magistrates and the Uh-oh squad both operate out of the Services Division, a catch all division where the public comes to interface with the Divisions. You will find Relocation Services inside the local Services Division headquarters.
The individual WILL receive a 'fair and speedy trial' by a jury of their peers [in this new incarnation, literally, albeit your peers are defined for this purpose as people who have had dealing with you in the past, opening up a more honest and reliable jury pool that one made up of just your best friends...[which could go horribly sideways in either direction due to humans decidedly twisted sense of humor.]
Rather than 12 our new jury will consist of 7, eliminating the possibility of a 'hung' jury, nor does their decision have to be 'unanimous'. A simple majority will decide your fate. Three of the jurors will be people that 'know' you [and the defendant has the right to challenge..but so does the prosecution] and four 'strangers' who have never personally met the defendant.
Since there are no 'judges' to prejudice the proceedings the trial will be heard by the jury and it will be the jury's understanding of the law that they will use in their deliberations.
While lawyers will no longer exist and the defendant will be obliged to defend themselves using only their own understanding of the law. It is here the jury may find wiggle room because the defendant may have misunderstood the meaning of the law.
Or, more bizarrely, may have mentally exempted themselves from prosecution for any number of screwball reasons. People are strange!
Jury duty shall always be 'enlightening' (as well as PAID at your normal rate.) That said, if you find yourself being impaneled a little too often perhaps you should be more mindful of who you associate with. Life is trying to send you a message, you should listen.
Just sayin, ya know?
Your money is for YOU. Under A.S.P. There is only one way to 'earn' money and that is to work for it. Your necessities are provided free of charge. [The people who make them are paid to do what they do so there is no need for YOU to pay them too.] If you follow a STEM path and attend college, again it is FREE to you, your professors are paid TO TEACH YOU, the 'school' doesn't need YOUR MONEY to operate, the school was built to serve the public, it's not a 'cash cow' the capitalists use to milk you, mostly because they can.
I needn't walk up the entire ladder of what you DON'T need to pay for but it's here we need to address what YOU do need to use your money to 'compete' for.
I have already touched on a few items, nights on the town [nobody in their right mind would work in restaurant where the patrons never left AND couldn't tip!] That said most post capitalist dining establishments will be self service as it is more efficient for singles to dine out rather than prepare their own food...and I'm trying not to lump too many things together but life is messy.
Marriage WILL still exist BUT it will not be like the old days where the courts are involved in dissolving the marriage because the divisions care for their citizens from the cradle to the grave, no need for you to do it too.
Pair-bonding will become a choice with most eschewing long term commitments. There is no reason to subject yourself to long term misery for some short term pleasure. Most of us commit to the wrong one too soon and live the rest of our lives in regret.
No longer necessary, especially with the abolition of where were we? Oh yeah, the increased efficiency of feeding a large single population, cafeteria style.
Did you notice the hospitality Division also includes the Entertainment Division? Bands need to play together to get good and you should always be able to find a nightspot where 'your kind' of people are hanging out, grooving to the tunes of your day.
So, eating out will be one of you bigger expenses because food is both high demand and perishable...the two principle factors governing price. With almost every other aspect of life being free, [your other, er, major expense will be clothing, again for high demand and expendability.]
There will be grocery stores and clothing stores. You should NOT need to own a screwdriver but that brings us to 'lifestyles' and the 'Birds of a feather' clause of Division life.
Humans have driven each other crazy because of our diverse interests. Some people are into the whole 'surfing' scene while others relish the biker lifestyle to mention just two of the myriad lifestyle options available.
Well, motorheads need cars to cruise around in and bikers like to customize their rides and go touring together. They have their own kind of lifestyle and some of it is sonically exhausting. People don't like being woken up at 2 in the morning because somebody is racing around town with open pipes.
If you're a 'gearhead' it's a life you choose and in your own enclave you would deal with the insomniacs among you in your own way. [those choosing an open pipes 24/7 ordinance would be also choosing to live in a remote area so that choice wouldn't bother the neighbors.]
[This would not cost you money although being a motorsports aficionado will have an associated cost because fuel also fits into that high demand and perishable category.]
It's not the expense, it about living life YOUR WAY.
Now to the opportunist part of the puzzle.
Since your money is for you and the only way to get money is to work for it, you'll NEVER win it nor can you buy and sell, that leads to the deadly ownership problem.
If you have an item and you're tired of it, you can GIVE it away or you can TRADE it but under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can you later decide you made a poor deal and expect the court system to make you whole.
All 'gifts' or swaps must be recorded in the registry of items...because everything that you USE has a number to show that you are the 'user of record'.
Why bother? Because humans are both notoriously light fingered and envious. Traits that need to be discouraged but are unlikely to be eradicated.
You get a new doo-dad don't be surprised that a sharp eyed house guest spots it and swaps their old one for your new one.
If it looks like something is off you will be provided with the numbers of the stuff registered to you to check and see you've got what you are supposed to have.
Are people petty?
You're asking me?
Yeah they are and it's a damn shame because if your doodad is showing wear and tear just bring it to stores and get it replaced. [Home accessories are free so stealing them, which falls under the possession of items not registered to YOU is an EXILE offense, it's not worth a long naked nature hike into desolation for a knick knack.
That said, thieves don't steal because they need what they take, it's the 'challenge' of the thing. We are probably going to bounce a ton of people for a teeny bit of 'faulty wiring'...but it takes what it takes.
If you find something out of place you may want to keep your mouth shut and just get a free brand new one instead of sending someone to their doom over something trivial.
That said klepto doesn't care if the item in question is an irreplaceable heirloom...and if that goes missing, it's no longer a case of I couldn't help myself...and I didn't know isn't an excuse. It's NEVER alright to take what doesn't belong to you.
That's why being in the possession of items that aren't registered to you is a prosecutable offense.
I'm painting with a broad brush here to demonstrate the 'spirit' of a equality driven, justice centric society. [If you inherit heirlooms do everyone a favor and register them!]
If someone else is paid to do it, the 'rule of thumb' is you don't have to pay too. Food grows for free but everybody needs it so you will be obliged to give up some of your cash if you want to eat...and, again, the 'finer' victuals are rarer and therefore, more costly. Clothing workers are paid to do what they do but clothing is 'expendable' and everyone has different styles.
If you want 'unique' clothing that appeals to your sense of style, you have to pay for it. Basic, mass produced items will be virtually free/minimal expense.
Needless to say if you are, er, unusually proportioned, the cost to custom tailor clothing to your physique will cost you [if only because special accommodations will need to be made.]
Another item you will need your cash for is travel, we can't all head to the sunny part of the planet when the snow flies and if you do you will be obliged to pay, based on demand.
The final note on money and what you can and can't do with it. Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register so when you trade your money for food, clothing or fuel, NOBODY gets it, it is simply erased from your account. An important final note, since the divisions care for you from the cradle to the grave, when you die, your account is erased, live your life, that's what YOUR MONEY is for!
Closing Checklist
1.Ownership replaced by leadership...check.
2.Purge and replace justice system...check
3.establish 'direct democracy' eliminating law by decree...check
4.Free housing...check
5.Free healthcare...check
6.Your money is for you...check
7.Keep it civil [dueling]...check
8.La dolce vida [marriage]...check
9.Birds of a Feather [lifestyle accomodation] ...check
10.Call the Uh-Oh squad...nope and you don't want to know.
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