Greetings good citizen, while How ya doin' is a common greeting, very few people really care, ironically the one who cares the least tends to be YOU!
We have a disturbing tendency to tell ourselves that no matter how much our circumstances suck there is always [depending on how much you LIE to yourself] someone/a LOT OF PEOPLE 'worse off' than we are. When the lies come from the inside it only increases the difficulty we have sorting fact from bullshit.
Against all logic [necessary for survival] you tend to just go with it, taking a whatever happens, happens stance as the media defines the world FOR you.
Here, in 'the season of giving' I confront your permanently stuck in neutral mind with the things that (apparently) never occur to you until the 'do-gooders' put the arm on you.
Why is CHARITY necessary when even one human has multiple times what they can spend just sitting there.
Is the answer really 'accidents happen?'
Just as money is mightily abused by those who are supposed to be 'administering' it, how many of you have connected Charity to taxes yet?
Running through the back of you mind in an endless loop you should be mentally repeating 'How stupid are you?' as earnestly as you can.
Shorthand: Why should the public have to 'pass the hat' for situations that SHOULDN'T EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE?
Are you mentally chanting your new mantra? Good, now what does it tell you why YOU need to pay taxes [often coming AND going] on most activities and you are STILL asked to dig in your pockets to alleviate 'suffering' caused by a commerce system that only serves the few?
Just as the Conservo-whackos have taught you to despise the recipients of any kind of welfare [because it is ALLEGEDLY 'tax-payer funded'] It is not, welfare wouldn't exist if it relied solely on tax receipts and was distributed on a 'first come, first serve' basis.
Are you still repeating 'How stupid are you?'
Good because you have a head full of nonsense and have been eating garbage since before you were born. [Literally.]
You don't have ANY of the facts and have simply gone along to get along...have you asked yourself yet? [How stupid are you?]
Why do you accept that everything is just fine and dandy without questioning the gross mismanagement that swallows you whole every time you leave the (relative) safety of you domicile?
Not like it's hiding, it literally assaults you everywhere you look, so YOU have trained yourself to stop looking...
Yep, now you can hear the soundtrack I interrupted when I instructed you to chant 'how stupid are you' instead of what you normally chant?
Do you remember what that is?
You don't do you...well, let's take a conscious look at that for once, shall we?
Your internal soundtrack is an endless loop of 'I don't get paid to think!' mixed with a chorus of 'I don't know, I don't care!'
I know which one you 'prefer' but for the nonce you need to keep repeating your new mantra until it can be replaced with "I deserve better, I deserve competent management!"
And no, it isn't 'too much to ask'. Nip that one right in the bud.
Who is going to pay for it? What part of YOU ALREADY DOdon't YOU understand? [Let's not go there because that list is ponderous indeed!]
Go along to get along has done YOU no favors.
Time to wake up and TAKE OUT THE TRASH [rather than getting hosed by it!]
Again I assail the teeny-tiny 'cognizant' part of you. Capitalism is based on 'perpetual expansion'. This is a 'finite planet' and nothing here can expand perpetuity, especially resources.
Your ability to think is what (supposedly) sets YOU apart from our non-sentient counterparts...WHY DON'T YOU DO IT? [Because nobody is 'paying you?' How's that working out for you? Have you figured out who is paying the nitwits who fuk everything they touch up yet?
Still don't know? The answer is as close as the nearest MIRROR!
Until next time your mission is to come up with an answer/excuse for why you don't use your mind the way you are supposed to.
Don't wuss out, we can't ALL be chiefs but we sure as hell don't have to sit still for the robbery that has been going on for time out of mind.
You don't need me to tell you that 'It's how we've always done it' isn't a reason or an excuse. Do you get excited when I belabor the obvious and tell you that the feckless need to be 'made an example of?'
Of course you do, and even THEY know it.
Well, don't let me stop you, they have it coming!
We have a disturbing tendency to tell ourselves that no matter how much our circumstances suck there is always [depending on how much you LIE to yourself] someone/a LOT OF PEOPLE 'worse off' than we are. When the lies come from the inside it only increases the difficulty we have sorting fact from bullshit.
Against all logic [necessary for survival] you tend to just go with it, taking a whatever happens, happens stance as the media defines the world FOR you.
Here, in 'the season of giving' I confront your permanently stuck in neutral mind with the things that (apparently) never occur to you until the 'do-gooders' put the arm on you.
Why is CHARITY necessary when even one human has multiple times what they can spend just sitting there.
Is the answer really 'accidents happen?'
Just as money is mightily abused by those who are supposed to be 'administering' it, how many of you have connected Charity to taxes yet?
Running through the back of you mind in an endless loop you should be mentally repeating 'How stupid are you?' as earnestly as you can.
Shorthand: Why should the public have to 'pass the hat' for situations that SHOULDN'T EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE?
Are you mentally chanting your new mantra? Good, now what does it tell you why YOU need to pay taxes [often coming AND going] on most activities and you are STILL asked to dig in your pockets to alleviate 'suffering' caused by a commerce system that only serves the few?
Just as the Conservo-whackos have taught you to despise the recipients of any kind of welfare [because it is ALLEGEDLY 'tax-payer funded'] It is not, welfare wouldn't exist if it relied solely on tax receipts and was distributed on a 'first come, first serve' basis.
Are you still repeating 'How stupid are you?'
Good because you have a head full of nonsense and have been eating garbage since before you were born. [Literally.]
You don't have ANY of the facts and have simply gone along to get along...have you asked yourself yet? [How stupid are you?]
Why do you accept that everything is just fine and dandy without questioning the gross mismanagement that swallows you whole every time you leave the (relative) safety of you domicile?
Not like it's hiding, it literally assaults you everywhere you look, so YOU have trained yourself to stop looking...
Yep, now you can hear the soundtrack I interrupted when I instructed you to chant 'how stupid are you' instead of what you normally chant?
Do you remember what that is?
You don't do you...well, let's take a conscious look at that for once, shall we?
Your internal soundtrack is an endless loop of 'I don't get paid to think!' mixed with a chorus of 'I don't know, I don't care!'
I know which one you 'prefer' but for the nonce you need to keep repeating your new mantra until it can be replaced with "I deserve better, I deserve competent management!"
And no, it isn't 'too much to ask'. Nip that one right in the bud.
Who is going to pay for it? What part of YOU ALREADY DOdon't YOU understand? [Let's not go there because that list is ponderous indeed!]
Go along to get along has done YOU no favors.
Time to wake up and TAKE OUT THE TRASH [rather than getting hosed by it!]
Again I assail the teeny-tiny 'cognizant' part of you. Capitalism is based on 'perpetual expansion'. This is a 'finite planet' and nothing here can expand perpetuity, especially resources.
Your ability to think is what (supposedly) sets YOU apart from our non-sentient counterparts...WHY DON'T YOU DO IT? [Because nobody is 'paying you?' How's that working out for you? Have you figured out who is paying the nitwits who fuk everything they touch up yet?
Still don't know? The answer is as close as the nearest MIRROR!
Until next time your mission is to come up with an answer/excuse for why you don't use your mind the way you are supposed to.
Don't wuss out, we can't ALL be chiefs but we sure as hell don't have to sit still for the robbery that has been going on for time out of mind.
You don't need me to tell you that 'It's how we've always done it' isn't a reason or an excuse. Do you get excited when I belabor the obvious and tell you that the feckless need to be 'made an example of?'
Of course you do, and even THEY know it.
Well, don't let me stop you, they have it coming!
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