Greetings fellow human, Today's offering is basically a cheater post. I am drafting a copy of A.S.P. for your reference here on the Wix site as it keeps 'disappearing' on google.
Here's an excerpt from the 'intro'...
If you wanted to learn law you had to first finish your basic education then you had to pass another exam and get accepted into 'law school'.
If you didn't go to law school [and even if you did] you weren't taught about how society works, you were taught how the law (is supposed to) work.
So it is here that YOU, the individual expected to actually live under this operating system are one of the first to read a formal blueprint for society.
Understand, until now society operated on ignorance and inference. If you had no 'documentation' to refer to, you had no leverage to argue that you were being mistreated.
SO I present to YOU with 'A Simple Plan', the first WRITTEN blueprint for society/civilization.
Take a moment to marvel over why nobody has done this sooner?
Since civilization operates on TRUST, you need to KNOW that you aren't being swindled like those currently running things do.
Once you have, er, 'cured your ignorance' you have to ask yourself, do I want to raise my kids in the world I was brought up in or do I want my kids to grow up free?
I didn't chose the title to be 'cute' but because it fits, it really is 'simple' and it is based on reason rather than 'because I said so' like it is now.
YOU deserve better and ASP delivers.
What's the most 'mysterious' substance on the planet? It's not a trick question, problem is you THINK you understand it but it is constantly changing because the people that, er, 'administer' it are always pushing the limits of 'how much today?'
Have you zeroed in on what the 'mystery substance' is? Did you guess MONEY?
Money is what? Most of you don't know but let me start off by informing you that money is a 'legal construct'. Even Lawyers don't like to be 'pinned down' on what money is exactly because money has all kinds of 'equivalents'.
[And there is money to be made when the players are ignorant of what they playing for...]
What a wretched race of cheats we are...but you knew that.
The REAL education starts now by explaining that MONEY itself is absolutely MEANINGLESS! It has zero value...but that is why your typical lawyer doesn't want to tell you the 'exact' value of a given item...because value varies from individual to individual and often race to race.
Stuff you'd pay to have taken away is worth a king's ransom to an individual of another culture.
Men covet gold but as a metalworker I will tell you that there are few metals as useless as gold. It's chief property is it resists oxidation and takes a fair sheen but besides that it's too soft to stand up to even the lightest applications, that's why it is mostly used in jewelry and electronics.
[Why backtrack all this way to explain the nature of money? Because you have been kept ignorant of what money really is so you wouldn't realize that you are being CHEATED!]
The thing you need to be aware of is YOU think money is worth something but the people trading paper for real good KNOW it's only paper and they can print up AS MUCH AS THEY WANT AS FAST AS THEY CAN SPEND IT!
Take a moment to digest what you have perhaps suspected but probably pushed to the back of your mind with a shrug...if you were being swindled, so was everybody else.
Well, now that 'everybody knows' money reverts to its singular useful purpose and that is to regulate access.
If food were free why would you ever leave a restaurant? Maybe to go to a hotel when you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore, then it's back to the restaurant in the morning for another day of free eating...but who would work in a place like that?
Well, now you are beginning to see that money has its uses...but those uses are limited to the individual.
Strictly speaking your money is for YOU and YOU alone!
We can't all go to the Superbowl, there isn't a stadium on the planet that big! How do we decide who gets to go and who would rather spend the money on other things?
Money is how that choice gets made.
Problem is some people get all the money they want for doing nothing...and they throw people in jail if they steal money so how is that 'fair' [not that they give a crap about fair!]
It's not fair and you can't have a civilization if there is no justice. Everybody deserves the same deal, it only makes sense.
Still, if YOU could keep the others in the dark about what they were supposed to get, you could make a killing with that printing press but then we'd be back where we started with 'worthless money'.
Is there an alternative? That's what the blueprint is all about, money's true value is to the individual and for money to retain ITS value we have to prevent it from getting 'diluted' by the reckless people running the printing presses full tilt.
Should bother all of you that the planet's first billionaire [on paper, not in the bank!] was minted in 1972 and now we have a few thousand billionaires, many with multiple billions, in the bank!
The other 'chain' you need to connect is that of pay for everything you buy, even if it's intangible like insurance and mother nature doesn't have a cash register so where does all of that cash go?
Into the pockets of the criminals.
Under ASP you are paid for your labor/service to society and when you buy what you need, what you spend is simply erased from your account, nobody pockets it so it doesn't stick around diluting the value of 'saved' money. This keeps your purchasing power up. [snip]
Have you asked yourself why the operating manual for society doesn't exist...or do you think the 'lawyers' have it 'under control' and YOU don't need to know? Civics was supposed to provide you with a nodding acquaintance with the 'operating principles of civilization but they don't teach Civics anymore since Morning in America [there's that thing again...why do we keep returning to the bloodless coup?]
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
Here's an excerpt from the 'intro'...
If you wanted to learn law you had to first finish your basic education then you had to pass another exam and get accepted into 'law school'.
If you didn't go to law school [and even if you did] you weren't taught about how society works, you were taught how the law (is supposed to) work.
So it is here that YOU, the individual expected to actually live under this operating system are one of the first to read a formal blueprint for society.
Understand, until now society operated on ignorance and inference. If you had no 'documentation' to refer to, you had no leverage to argue that you were being mistreated.
SO I present to YOU with 'A Simple Plan', the first WRITTEN blueprint for society/civilization.
Take a moment to marvel over why nobody has done this sooner?
Since civilization operates on TRUST, you need to KNOW that you aren't being swindled like those currently running things do.
Once you have, er, 'cured your ignorance' you have to ask yourself, do I want to raise my kids in the world I was brought up in or do I want my kids to grow up free?
I didn't chose the title to be 'cute' but because it fits, it really is 'simple' and it is based on reason rather than 'because I said so' like it is now.
YOU deserve better and ASP delivers.
What's the most 'mysterious' substance on the planet? It's not a trick question, problem is you THINK you understand it but it is constantly changing because the people that, er, 'administer' it are always pushing the limits of 'how much today?'
Have you zeroed in on what the 'mystery substance' is? Did you guess MONEY?
Money is what? Most of you don't know but let me start off by informing you that money is a 'legal construct'. Even Lawyers don't like to be 'pinned down' on what money is exactly because money has all kinds of 'equivalents'.
[And there is money to be made when the players are ignorant of what they playing for...]
What a wretched race of cheats we are...but you knew that.
The REAL education starts now by explaining that MONEY itself is absolutely MEANINGLESS! It has zero value...but that is why your typical lawyer doesn't want to tell you the 'exact' value of a given item...because value varies from individual to individual and often race to race.
Stuff you'd pay to have taken away is worth a king's ransom to an individual of another culture.
Men covet gold but as a metalworker I will tell you that there are few metals as useless as gold. It's chief property is it resists oxidation and takes a fair sheen but besides that it's too soft to stand up to even the lightest applications, that's why it is mostly used in jewelry and electronics.
[Why backtrack all this way to explain the nature of money? Because you have been kept ignorant of what money really is so you wouldn't realize that you are being CHEATED!]
The thing you need to be aware of is YOU think money is worth something but the people trading paper for real good KNOW it's only paper and they can print up AS MUCH AS THEY WANT AS FAST AS THEY CAN SPEND IT!
Take a moment to digest what you have perhaps suspected but probably pushed to the back of your mind with a shrug...if you were being swindled, so was everybody else.
Well, now that 'everybody knows' money reverts to its singular useful purpose and that is to regulate access.
If food were free why would you ever leave a restaurant? Maybe to go to a hotel when you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore, then it's back to the restaurant in the morning for another day of free eating...but who would work in a place like that?
Well, now you are beginning to see that money has its uses...but those uses are limited to the individual.
Strictly speaking your money is for YOU and YOU alone!
We can't all go to the Superbowl, there isn't a stadium on the planet that big! How do we decide who gets to go and who would rather spend the money on other things?
Money is how that choice gets made.
Problem is some people get all the money they want for doing nothing...and they throw people in jail if they steal money so how is that 'fair' [not that they give a crap about fair!]
It's not fair and you can't have a civilization if there is no justice. Everybody deserves the same deal, it only makes sense.
Still, if YOU could keep the others in the dark about what they were supposed to get, you could make a killing with that printing press but then we'd be back where we started with 'worthless money'.
Is there an alternative? That's what the blueprint is all about, money's true value is to the individual and for money to retain ITS value we have to prevent it from getting 'diluted' by the reckless people running the printing presses full tilt.
Should bother all of you that the planet's first billionaire [on paper, not in the bank!] was minted in 1972 and now we have a few thousand billionaires, many with multiple billions, in the bank!
The other 'chain' you need to connect is that of pay for everything you buy, even if it's intangible like insurance and mother nature doesn't have a cash register so where does all of that cash go?
Into the pockets of the criminals.
Under ASP you are paid for your labor/service to society and when you buy what you need, what you spend is simply erased from your account, nobody pockets it so it doesn't stick around diluting the value of 'saved' money. This keeps your purchasing power up. [snip]
Have you asked yourself why the operating manual for society doesn't exist...or do you think the 'lawyers' have it 'under control' and YOU don't need to know? Civics was supposed to provide you with a nodding acquaintance with the 'operating principles of civilization but they don't teach Civics anymore since Morning in America [there's that thing again...why do we keep returning to the bloodless coup?]
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
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