Thursday, December 6, 2018


Greetings good citizen, glanced in the mirror and didn't like what I saw but the 'fix' is easy enough. I have become a 'whiny bitch' that basically berates YOU for something you have little control over.

So today's post will be 'proactive'. I'm not going to beat you up or insult your intelligence, that said, do try and 'keep up', I'm giving YOU a shot here.

Where do we begin? We COULD start anywhere but if we don't start with REALITY it will all be for naught.

So we begin with YOU and your 'situation'. YOU are a 'fish in a tank'. You ONLY know what you're TOLD and your sources have proven to be 'less than reliable'.

Thus have you been gifted with the ability to REASON [that and you are NOT totally stupid despite spending more time than you care to think about pretending to be.]

The problem with 'memes' and other 'truisms' is they get repeated, repeatedly until they take on an aura of truthiness when in fact they are merely 'opinions'.

What 'meme' am I pointing to? The one you hear most often; "I don't PAY YOU to THINK." Usually followed up with the condescending "I pay you to do what you're told!"

Jerkimo knows our language is plagued by 'imprecision' and words often have more than one meaning, creating serious confusion/miscommunication.

[With the latter being the culprit 99% of the time, the instructions weren't issued 'verbatim' so something got missed right from the start.]

It isn't discovered until later and the person who F'd up doesn't want to admit responsibility. We all know which direction 'scat' rolls, once again proving it's good to be boss.

{This is YOUR chance to shine!}

How many of you have deduced that we have arrived at our first 'inflection point'?

Civilization-wide we admonish EVERYONE to 'own their mistakes'...when this collides with 'The Boss is NEVER wrong' where does that leave us?

With the hapless underling being screwed over for something that wasn't their fault...actually, it was nobody's fault, to 'forget' is all too human.

A 'Good Boss' owns their screw up and the best bosses COVER for their underling's screw-ups understanding that to screw up is only human after all, that if at first you don't succeed you're doing about average...and hey, truth be told you USUALLY screw it up the second time too!

Thus 'third time's the charm!' [Meaning you've already screwed it up twice now the only way left to do it is the 'right' way.]

But we digress. Rare is the, er, 'superior' that will admit culpability to head off a witch hunt in a profitless game of 'Who dropped the ball?' You have to start again and the sooner you get started the quicker you'll recover.

Our civilization is being ripped apart by the very people who regularly shit themselves because they forgot to pull their trousers down first!

How unfortunate for most of us that our self professed 'betters' are, above all else, NEVER wrong.

I bet most of you, er, 'assumed' that the problem ripping humanity apart was much further up the food chain and not right at the very beginning but here we are with our first 'hard nut'.

I will not belabor the obvious and point out that I have repeatedly berated you for 'assuming' because you had it pounded into your head [and sometimes other parts of your anatomy] to 'respect' the 'Mantle of Authority'.

Does anyone else find it bizarre that we 'elect' our civic leaders but have no choice regarding those who dub themselves 'owners'?

Well, ASP has this prickly situation covered. First you must pass a competency test to become boss and while your F-ups are counted against you in the next 'competition' LIE about your screw-up and you are automatically not the boss anymore!

[See today's title if you are confused as to how we 'transitioned' from the Boss is always right to Own your mistakes or else. This isn't a 'problem awareness' post, it's a problem SOLVING post!]

Again I will not waste a lot of time explaining we must first adopt A Simple Plan to enjoy its fruits and the SCREW-UPS currently in charge aren't going to 'stand down' even if we DEMAND IT.

They honestly fear what they so richly deserve and that would be being held accountable for their crimes.

You know and I know that if we are to survive as a species we must first ESTABLISH a justice system based on EQUALITY and eliminate the 'exclusive domain' over 'the law' [the entire 'court system'] because THE LAW belongs to all who agree to live under them.

No system is 'just' if it denies choice.

Let no human take another's life...conversely, let no one suffer the tyranny of those who refuse to share what doesn't belong to them!

And woe be unto those who put their own interpretation on 'The Fairness Doctrine'.

The 'feckless' [rhymes with reckless for a reason] are exempt from the prohibition against killing.

Play fast and loose with the rules and they won't be applied to you.

The Fairness Doctrine cuts both ways.

In keeping with the, er, 'axiom' that one cannot be criticized for being 'too specific' I will condense the above into a proverbial nutshell.

HIERARCHY, especially one that has no mechanism to filter out incompetence, leads to a life dominated by LIES. The ONLY way to stop the LYING is to make the perpetrators PAY THE PRICE and that's not going to happen as long as the Justice System remains subservient to our 'self-professed' BETTERS.

Once again I have lead the horse to water but it is up to YOU to drink in the wisdom laid out before you...

Thanks once again for 'loaning me' your mind,


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