Sunday, December 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as this year draws to a close it is time once again to take stock of our lives, resolve to leave behind what is holding us back and refocusing our efforts on what is 'important'.

Without 'consensus' there will be no UNITED effort to improve our lives or that of our children...although 'the few' seem to have this problem licked. [Money, we're doing it WRONG.]

Even that admonition ignores the fact that to be human is to be larcenous, grasping and unflinchingly self-centered. The feckless use this fact to console themselves. [It's not as bad as it looks because they'd do it to me in a heartbeat and never look back.]

The, er, 'flipside' of this conundrum isn't what money WON'T buy. Our reliance on others is what kicks us right where it counts, usually when we need them the most.

It's not necessarily the 'Evil Doctor' who routinely plays 'stick 'em up' when patients come to them desperate for a cure. There are ten thousand ways life can paint you into a corner and, without assistance, you will 'twist in the wind' until someone takes pity on you. [A situation the rich routinely 'buy' there way out of.]

But let's try and curb the cynicism, shall we?

It is the Solstice after all and The World is being 're-born'! When our culture was closer to nature we would endeavor to join nature in this 'rebirth', at least spiritually.

Now most of us struggle to find a reason to face another day, only to come back with...(as close as we can tell) we're not dead yet.

Didn't get far with the effort to keep cynicism at bay but that is also deeply ingrained into the 'human condition'...Hope is so rare that we only glimpse it occasionally and then only for a wink and it's gone.

Still, we fortify ourselves with the misguided idea that things COULD BE WORSE and draw strength from that (as foolish as it sounds...but then we are foolish beings!)

The growing 'negativity' in our society comes from those who have had ALL the hope crushed out of them and now only thirst for revenge on those who stole hope from them.

Because the 'answer' to restoring HOPE to our species lay in rejecting the negative's desire for meaningless revenge and embrace the idea that by working TOGETHER we can create an environment that nurtures and heals us all.

Think the 3 pillars, good citizen and embrace them.

[What 3 pillars? Am I talking to myself here? WTF?]

Equality, Justice and Peace are all vital to a 'prosperity' that can't be measured [by moronic capitalist standards.]

If we persist in chasing that beast into the boneyard we will never escape the fate that awaits us there.

Time to 'renew' and remake this existence into something we can all cherish.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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