Saturday, December 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, some might consider abuse of power an act of treason but we must step back and look at what 'History's Actors' are doing...(because they are still at it.)

What we are seeing now is a repeat of waiting until (a Democrat) Willy Jeff was in the White House to sign NAFTA into law [a meaningless gesture made even more meaningless by numbnuts redrafting of the pact this past summer.

But wait, they will, in their usual bait and switch, wait until there is another FAKE Democrat in office and they control both houses of congress so it won't matter if he signs it or not, and 're-authorize' El Trumpo's 'new NAFTA' and proceed to bitch about it because a Democrat signed what was already a fiat accompli.

As Dems gain control of the House in a few days, Mr. couldn't get out of his own way for two years! is now going to shut down the government over funding for a border wall that will prove absolutely useless!

May fool the base but it's not fooling anyone else.

So here we are with another 'government shutdown because 'The President' refuses to sign a meaningless document to 'fund' the government.

A lot of people aren't getting paid but that's another chimera.

Reagan enacted NAFTA before leaving the White House and for reasons unexplained, it never fell to his successor to sign the bill into law so by the time they installed a 'scapegoat' in the White House NAFTA had been a fact of life for a decade...and the Fox News driven 'noise machine' played up the extremely late signing of the 'Treaty' as something the Liberuls did...although like the abomination that is healthcare has Reagan's filthy paw prints all over it!

Seriously good citizen, Fox should lose its charter and Rupert Murdoch should stand trial for sedition!

Although the infection that is Authoritarianism has already spread way beyond the media.

Ya know, you are tempted not to say anything like we did when Reagan pulled the Patco stunt and suddenly you learn that the 'Fourth Estate' is actually in the pockets of the criminals that government is supposed to protect us from.

Now the media is a worthless wasteland of 'disinformation' and the non-existent Justice System has been reduced to armed thuggery.

And still you refuse to revolt, there's cowardice and then there's this...

Frankly I'm disgusted.


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