Thursday, December 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the calendar dwindles to it's last blips we look back in remembrance and wonder if any of the questions facing humanity will be 'answered' or will we watch in horror as the whole damn edifice collapses before our eyes.

It is here that we encounter a puzzling question...'who' (precisely) is the 'enemy'?

The media beats the war drum and provides us with the rundown of who has, er, 'a grudge' against who. [How 'genuine' this grudge is rhetorical, if the media says it's true then it must be.]

It is here that millions of innocents are placed in, er, 'harm's way' because the 'conspirators' want to keep a razor's edge on their military and there is nothing like 'real combat' to battle harden your forces to the 'realities' of war.

If we could 'pinpoint' these conspirators we could save countless lives but the conspirators have something in common with their 'protectors'...they are both sniveling cowards. [This is why they operate in SECRET.]

Again, the cognizant don't need me to draw pictures, it's the morons that believe everything the media tells them without question.

In life there are those who believe anything a well-heeled stranger tells them and there are those who know it doesn't matter the source, you need to 'filter' everything you hear through multiple credibility checks to ferret out the reporter's 'true intent'.

EVERYTHING you hear is 'spun', only morons accept information at 'face value'. If you didn't witness it personally, you have no idea what actually happened.

And therein lies the rub. We get these 'incidents' that don't add up in your day to day calculus yet our 'so-called leaders' commit blood and money to 'avenge' the nation upon those who DARE to DEFY (some anonymous campaign contributor) 'us'.

The (never-ending) War on Terra, where we invaded Iraq, deposed their government and murdered hundreds of thousands of their the NAME OF 9/11! [That makes W. a criminal and it doesn't matter how you shake it, it has always been 'blood for oil'.]

W. is and was an Oil Man and so was his, er, 'handler' Cheney.

The planet bled making oilmen planet-wide 'rich' (in pretend money) while millions did the US public. [$150 a barrel oil anyone?]

If we don't start holding these people accountable, millions will die needlessly...all because nobody was 'in charge' the criminals took control.

The thing humans need to 'wake up to' is the REASON governments are established.

Today's average moron believes the government is stopping commerce from prospering and that we should reduce government to a 'bare minimum' when reality has shown us in no uncertain terms that without the 'restraints' government imposes upon the 'anything for a buck' crowd there would be mayhem society-wide and nothing would be done about it because the people doing all the cheating are already in control of the Justice System [or what passes for it.] (How about prosecutors that REFUSE to prosecute cops for killing unarmed civilians? How bad does it have to get before SOMEBODY thinks the system is pieces!)

Naturally, I am not alone in pointing to a system that has totally derailed itself. The question facing us as 2018 draws to a close is how much longer will this charade continue...because the moment the music stops, mayhem will erupt, world wide...and there ain't nobody in place to stop it.

The [paper] rich will set out to sea to 'wait it out' [and fall prey to very real pirates] while the conspirators will go underground, again to wait for (ignorant) humanity to club itself out of existence as they fight a death match over possession of the last turnip twaddler.

Hard to tell exactly how 'petty' is related to 'stupid' but there is definitely a 'correlation' there.

Again, the 'cognizant' know what Victory looks like and that starts with a pen stroke that wipes out the feckless and their frivolous claims. [Close the stock markets, the banks and the insurance companies. Outlaw cash and round up the criminals for exile (easily identifiable by their black robes, expensive suits or their shiny badges...)

Face it good citizen, the cavalry ain't coming, the outlaws stole all of their horses. The Salvation of Humanity relies on US!

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


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