Greetings good citizen, in keeping with our reporting of the ongoing collapse of civilization that the for profit media pretends isn't happening we have this article from today's NY Times
As usual YOU don't know what that I'm breaking 'fair use' protocol (again) to raise awareness of what's happening Not just here but around the planet
Being a 'New Englander' myself I can explain what you're likely not seeing. I live thirty miles from the Maine border and land there is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than in of Maine's neighboring state, that said many of the transplants referred to in this article start in MA, migrate to New Hampshire then migrate again to (southern) Maine to escape 'tax free' New Hampshire's sky high property taxes!
Problem with Vacationland is if you want to LIVE THERE you have to bring your job with you!
HALF of the state's population lives within 20 miles of it's largest city, Portland. considering landwise, Maine can fit the other five New England states inside its borders might help you understand the scope of the problem.
As you'd suspect this hasn't done the land in the vicinity of NH and MA borders any favors pricewise. [Bizarrely, you can pick up land on the neighboring state borders cheaper than you can in Maine but 'Tax Free' NH generates most of its income from that ten mile strip it took when New Hampshire was carved out of the Massachusetts land grant that originally included Maine.
Ironically nobody put up much of a fuss when the original land grant was carved into new states, the land in question at the time was home to a fierce native population the 'religious freedom seekers' lacked the, er, 'intestinal fortitude' to tangle with. [Disease cleared Eastern Massachusetts of natives shortly before the arrival of the Pilgrims.]
Why didn't the natives make a more concerted effort to repel the European invaders? Their early encounters with 'Pale face' convinced them that even going near them more dangerous than they had a stomach for. That 'danger' diminished with time as the native immune system 'caught up' to what the Europeans brought with them. [we are all 'humans' after all and air travel is 'homogenizing' us faster than anyone ever imagined.]
But I digress.
Why does the media 'play dumb' when it points to situations like today's finding? What do YOU suppose is driving down the birth rate? We already know marriage is down planet wide and the refugee crisis threatens social stability around the globe.
Geez, ya don't suppose it could be the commerce system that's driving some decidedly unnatural selection, do you?
Understand, to the feckless we are ALL 'failed abortions' which makes us a waste of perfectly good buttwipe. [Guess who is behind the 'anti-abortion movement'? The same people that think the majority of us are a waste of space! Isn't THAT a riot?
These are the same assclowns that were rooting for Thanos! Do you think Thanos had 'the right idea'? [You're one sick pup if you do! That said, the 'producers' of that film wanted to see the public's reaction to such an event.]
I'm at the forefront of the fight for population control, we are rapidly overrunning the planet's (safe) carrying capacity. If we slam on the brakes now we MIGHT be able to stop just short of playing russian roulette with famine.
The feckless have no problem with rolling the dice, they won't be here when the troubles caused by their failure to plan arrives.
Have you read the condensed version of ASP yet? (You'll find it under the 'more' tab) [It omits details like there being a holiday EVERY month and your vacation time is attached to your AGE and not your length of service. EVERYONE starts with 3 weeks and adds a day a year up until retirement! [And you'll actually have the MONEY to go somewhere and enjoy yourself...if you're 'smart' about it!]
Nobody goes to the tropics in the summertime but it's not much hotter there than it is, if you want to go and ENJOY a tropical vacation, summer might be the best time. Hard to ski when it's hot but again, being mindful that it's always winter SOMEWHERE can give you the time of your life with a minimum of forethought and just a smidge of planning ahead. [You (and pretty much everybody else) has the time and the cash...why not?]
Reminder: The laws SHOULD BE 'simple and few'. The feckless angle for advantage 24/7 so FOR THEM legislating is a full-time job...and they will argue that you will be running to the polls every time somebody has a brain fart to vote it down.
A simple thought experiment to counter this LIE.
Try and craft a law that passes muster with both the H.A.E. [in as much as no law can provide anybody with an 'advantage' over anyone else then it also has to pass the 'Do unto Others' test.
Some of you are thinking, no problem, easy peasy...but won't you be surprised, it's damn near impossible. Prohibitions against murder and theft apply to everybody so they pass muster. The employment guarantee outlaws poverty and the free housing act outlaws destitution.
Making employment mandatory, while tyrannical (but just on the surface because it applies to EVERYONE EQUALLY.) Refuse your work requirement and forfeit your membership in society. It's quid pro quo written large and EVERYONE plays! Only the crippled are exempt...and even they will be found employment if they desire it! NO ONE will be denied the opportunity to contribute to society, it is only JUST!
Since a new holiday DOESN'T constitute a planet wide emergency AND you'll be able to vote from the comfort of your home...probably just once a year, more frequently if the need arises and LESS if it doesn't.
Did you notice the elephant in the room?
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
The population of the United States grew at its slowest pace in more than eight decades, the Census Bureau said Wednesday, as the number of deaths increased and the number of births declined.
Not since 1937, when the country was in the grips of the Great Depression and birthrates were down substantially, has it grown so slowly, with just a 0.62 percent gain between July 2017 and July 2018. With Americans getting older, fewer babies are being born and more people are dying, demographers said.
The past year saw a particularly high number of deaths — 2.81 million — and relatively few births, 3.86 million. If the pattern continues, immigrants will soon be more important to population gains than the so-called natural increase, which is the number of births minus the number of deaths. That was not the case 10 years ago, when natural increase accounted for a far higher share of the country’s population gains.
As usual YOU don't know what that I'm breaking 'fair use' protocol (again) to raise awareness of what's happening Not just here but around the planet
Maine and West Virginia each recorded more deaths than births, Professor Johnson said. Even so, Maine’s population did not decline because it saw an uptick in people moving in, said Amanda Rector, the state’s economist. She said in an email on Wednesday that the state’s annual rate of net migration in 2018 ranked 19th in the nation.
But James Tierney, a former attorney general of Maine who lives in Lisbon Falls, said the population increases have been mostly confined to the southern part of the state, and that much of Maine still suffers from acute shortages of police officers, firefighters, town managers, school superintendents and teachers, among other professionals.
“We have an aging problem of immense proportions,” Mr. Tierney said, adding that some towns have even had a hard time finding snow plow drivers. “These shortages are immense and growing and in some parts of the state, desperate.”
Being a 'New Englander' myself I can explain what you're likely not seeing. I live thirty miles from the Maine border and land there is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than in of Maine's neighboring state, that said many of the transplants referred to in this article start in MA, migrate to New Hampshire then migrate again to (southern) Maine to escape 'tax free' New Hampshire's sky high property taxes!
Problem with Vacationland is if you want to LIVE THERE you have to bring your job with you!
HALF of the state's population lives within 20 miles of it's largest city, Portland. considering landwise, Maine can fit the other five New England states inside its borders might help you understand the scope of the problem.
As you'd suspect this hasn't done the land in the vicinity of NH and MA borders any favors pricewise. [Bizarrely, you can pick up land on the neighboring state borders cheaper than you can in Maine but 'Tax Free' NH generates most of its income from that ten mile strip it took when New Hampshire was carved out of the Massachusetts land grant that originally included Maine.
Ironically nobody put up much of a fuss when the original land grant was carved into new states, the land in question at the time was home to a fierce native population the 'religious freedom seekers' lacked the, er, 'intestinal fortitude' to tangle with. [Disease cleared Eastern Massachusetts of natives shortly before the arrival of the Pilgrims.]
Why didn't the natives make a more concerted effort to repel the European invaders? Their early encounters with 'Pale face' convinced them that even going near them more dangerous than they had a stomach for. That 'danger' diminished with time as the native immune system 'caught up' to what the Europeans brought with them. [we are all 'humans' after all and air travel is 'homogenizing' us faster than anyone ever imagined.]
But I digress.
Why does the media 'play dumb' when it points to situations like today's finding? What do YOU suppose is driving down the birth rate? We already know marriage is down planet wide and the refugee crisis threatens social stability around the globe.
Geez, ya don't suppose it could be the commerce system that's driving some decidedly unnatural selection, do you?
Understand, to the feckless we are ALL 'failed abortions' which makes us a waste of perfectly good buttwipe. [Guess who is behind the 'anti-abortion movement'? The same people that think the majority of us are a waste of space! Isn't THAT a riot?
These are the same assclowns that were rooting for Thanos! Do you think Thanos had 'the right idea'? [You're one sick pup if you do! That said, the 'producers' of that film wanted to see the public's reaction to such an event.]
I'm at the forefront of the fight for population control, we are rapidly overrunning the planet's (safe) carrying capacity. If we slam on the brakes now we MIGHT be able to stop just short of playing russian roulette with famine.
The feckless have no problem with rolling the dice, they won't be here when the troubles caused by their failure to plan arrives.
Have you read the condensed version of ASP yet? (You'll find it under the 'more' tab) [It omits details like there being a holiday EVERY month and your vacation time is attached to your AGE and not your length of service. EVERYONE starts with 3 weeks and adds a day a year up until retirement! [And you'll actually have the MONEY to go somewhere and enjoy yourself...if you're 'smart' about it!]
Nobody goes to the tropics in the summertime but it's not much hotter there than it is, if you want to go and ENJOY a tropical vacation, summer might be the best time. Hard to ski when it's hot but again, being mindful that it's always winter SOMEWHERE can give you the time of your life with a minimum of forethought and just a smidge of planning ahead. [You (and pretty much everybody else) has the time and the cash...why not?]
Reminder: The laws SHOULD BE 'simple and few'. The feckless angle for advantage 24/7 so FOR THEM legislating is a full-time job...and they will argue that you will be running to the polls every time somebody has a brain fart to vote it down.
A simple thought experiment to counter this LIE.
Try and craft a law that passes muster with both the H.A.E. [in as much as no law can provide anybody with an 'advantage' over anyone else then it also has to pass the 'Do unto Others' test.
Some of you are thinking, no problem, easy peasy...but won't you be surprised, it's damn near impossible. Prohibitions against murder and theft apply to everybody so they pass muster. The employment guarantee outlaws poverty and the free housing act outlaws destitution.
Making employment mandatory, while tyrannical (but just on the surface because it applies to EVERYONE EQUALLY.) Refuse your work requirement and forfeit your membership in society. It's quid pro quo written large and EVERYONE plays! Only the crippled are exempt...and even they will be found employment if they desire it! NO ONE will be denied the opportunity to contribute to society, it is only JUST!
Since a new holiday DOESN'T constitute a planet wide emergency AND you'll be able to vote from the comfort of your home...probably just once a year, more frequently if the need arises and LESS if it doesn't.
Did you notice the elephant in the room?
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
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