Greetings good citizen, can you imagine the (currently hi-strung) public's reaction to the media's announcement of the collapse of capitalism?
Wow good citizen, this is the first I have heard of this and was a little surprised to see it, given how tightly managed and heavily massaged what passes for news these days is.
Um, once again I admonish the cognizant to consider 'why' they are even mentioning it. The average moron would come across this on the internet and decide it was a 'prank' put on by college kids although Paris is a mighty 'cosmopolitan' city that attracts hordes of international tourists.
What to do about eyewitness accounts of rioting in an international capital? Pretend it never happened?
The blockquote is from the conclusion of the piece (in case the link refuses to work) and I chose that portion because it makes a specific point.
The government is victimizing its citizens so the criminals can keep (in their eyes) increasingly expendable people unable/unwilling to have children.
The worldwide expansion of the global economic desert is probably the cruelest method of 'birth control' this side of enemy combatants/terrorists. All so the criminals claim of ownership of what belongs to ALL OF US remains unchallenged!
We would still be a colony of Britain if France hadn't helped us out, so the conservo-whacko habit of bashing the honorable French people rankles more because, full disclosure, My mom was 1/2 French.
The blitzkrieg was the blitzkrieg and only a moron would argue with physics...not that Americans (particularly History's Actors') are noted for either their sensitivity or their 'intelligence'.
But let's leave the racist rancor aside for a moment because, seriously, if we can't get over this 'tribalism' we are just spinning our wheels and NOTHING will change.
Zero irony that the collapse of capitalism is the 'catalyst' that will either (finally) unite us or eradicate our existence from this planet.
Back to basics: Governments are established [and rapidly filled by the scion of the, er, 'elite'] to PROTECT (the interests of commerce) from the predation of their 'competitors'.
Now they 'let' the average person participate in this process to provide the governed with the Illusion that they have an 'influence' on the process that takes place so many orders of magnitude above their actual influence and completely out of their sight.
The wealthy merchants that gathered to craft the Constitution originally made NO provision for the 'non-invested' to participate, period. There are no records of who bitch slapped these morons into the realization that they would all be swinging from a gibbet under the tower of London if not for the rabble they incited to revolt for 'freedom' and 'representation'.
Must have had to come close to actually telling the particularly dense/obsessed that the peril of ending up at the wrong end of a rope hadn't yet passed! [It still hasn't.]
And so voting was approved for the landed...and then they reconsidered and decided that ALL 'FREEMEN' could participate [because by now someone had proposed the dodge of only allowing the 'rabble' to vote for who would represent them (and that the 'vetting process' for candidates would be controlled by committees that would eventually evolve into 'parties'.
What today's obtuse need to recognize is the system was designed to EXCLUDE THEM...and any new system will, by necessity, exclude anybody not found competent to participate.
Yes good citizen, the founders 'mistake' was not being up front about who would be excluded.
While we would like to think that the current 'compromised' state of the electorate's mental state is due to deliberate mismanagement of the educational system along with the inclusion of multiple falsehoods into modern curriculum. [It is going to take a while to get everybody on the same GENERAL page, nevermind converting them into 'team humanity' words that might frighten the dumb among us...because all people who aren't 'their people' scare them.
And given humanity's legendary inhumanity to one another, for damn good reason. But that isn't going to STOP until WE STOP IT!
But I digress, back to the Wrecking Ball.
Tangentially, the decision-making process that is so far out of your reach is relevant because it was set up by the founders so YOU couldn't protest unfair treatment at the hands of the (ruling) merchant class.
Commerce, (like the LAW) BELONGS to ALL who are served by it! (And not just the F'n FEW!)
The 'few' who prosper at our expense are criminals...criminals that control the law/justice system...strike two.
Um, while I have painted a dark outline around the media's complicity in our collective misery it bears noting that a 'fifth column' exists within providing the astute with glimpses inside the workings of the feckless's designs.
When 'the government' makes war on YOU, it is best to take a page out of our French cousin's book and revolt! Because the name of the game hasn't changed.
Again the feckless are guilty of 'hiding' their true motives, the game is COMPLY OR DIE, same as it ever was with THEM calling the tune for us to dance to.
We will not enjoy the fruits of democracy for as long as one individual that counts themselves 'superior' [even in just a single way] to the rest of us to access the controls of power or to command the decision-making process.
That's how 'vital' EQUALITY is. Fair to one is/must be 'fair to all'.
Capitalism has [quite some time ago] crashed and burned, if we fail to abandon it, it will take civilization with it...and that is the 'plan' of the feckless.
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
PS: I regret all of this talk of revolt but it has been proven time and again that those who block the peaceful avenues of conflict resolution invite revolt.
Under ASP you will have your say and a choice regarding who you are, where and the other general conditions of your life, be it sedentary or active beyond imagining. You will able to live YOUR life, YOUR WAY without anybody EXPLOITING YOU! [Man, woman...undecided, like your money, your life is for YOU and ONLY YOU!
Like this implies, the abolition of the legal community means Marriage becomes a choice and NOT a 'contract'. Society cares for its children from the cradle to the grave. It might be a fair assessment to say that we shall become a society dedicated to its children and their future!
Unlike today where the feckless bid the devil to take the hindmost, comfortable in knowing it won't be them or theirs...
Often the only way to rein in costs has been to move to the exurbs of major cities, where real estate prices are much lower, but where workers generally must rely on a car to get to work and for errands. Cars need gas and so any gas tax increase hits them. Taxes have also risen on tobacco and other goods.
For rural workers and those who live in distant small villages in the heart of France, a car is even more clearly a necessity.
Centrist politicians, even some who support Mr. Macron, are beginning to push for a more engaged response from the government.
“You can’t govern against the people,” said François Bayrou, the leader of the Moderate Democrats, who are partners with Mr. Macron’s La Republique En Marche party in an interview on Europe 1.
Mr. Bayrou said he was not sure of the answer, but the government can’t keep “adding taxes on top of taxes.”
Wow good citizen, this is the first I have heard of this and was a little surprised to see it, given how tightly managed and heavily massaged what passes for news these days is.
Um, once again I admonish the cognizant to consider 'why' they are even mentioning it. The average moron would come across this on the internet and decide it was a 'prank' put on by college kids although Paris is a mighty 'cosmopolitan' city that attracts hordes of international tourists.
What to do about eyewitness accounts of rioting in an international capital? Pretend it never happened?
The blockquote is from the conclusion of the piece (in case the link refuses to work) and I chose that portion because it makes a specific point.
The government is victimizing its citizens so the criminals can keep (in their eyes) increasingly expendable people unable/unwilling to have children.
The worldwide expansion of the global economic desert is probably the cruelest method of 'birth control' this side of enemy combatants/terrorists. All so the criminals claim of ownership of what belongs to ALL OF US remains unchallenged!
We would still be a colony of Britain if France hadn't helped us out, so the conservo-whacko habit of bashing the honorable French people rankles more because, full disclosure, My mom was 1/2 French.
The blitzkrieg was the blitzkrieg and only a moron would argue with physics...not that Americans (particularly History's Actors') are noted for either their sensitivity or their 'intelligence'.
But let's leave the racist rancor aside for a moment because, seriously, if we can't get over this 'tribalism' we are just spinning our wheels and NOTHING will change.
Zero irony that the collapse of capitalism is the 'catalyst' that will either (finally) unite us or eradicate our existence from this planet.
Back to basics: Governments are established [and rapidly filled by the scion of the, er, 'elite'] to PROTECT (the interests of commerce) from the predation of their 'competitors'.
Now they 'let' the average person participate in this process to provide the governed with the Illusion that they have an 'influence' on the process that takes place so many orders of magnitude above their actual influence and completely out of their sight.
The wealthy merchants that gathered to craft the Constitution originally made NO provision for the 'non-invested' to participate, period. There are no records of who bitch slapped these morons into the realization that they would all be swinging from a gibbet under the tower of London if not for the rabble they incited to revolt for 'freedom' and 'representation'.
Must have had to come close to actually telling the particularly dense/obsessed that the peril of ending up at the wrong end of a rope hadn't yet passed! [It still hasn't.]
And so voting was approved for the landed...and then they reconsidered and decided that ALL 'FREEMEN' could participate [because by now someone had proposed the dodge of only allowing the 'rabble' to vote for who would represent them (and that the 'vetting process' for candidates would be controlled by committees that would eventually evolve into 'parties'.
What today's obtuse need to recognize is the system was designed to EXCLUDE THEM...and any new system will, by necessity, exclude anybody not found competent to participate.
Yes good citizen, the founders 'mistake' was not being up front about who would be excluded.
While we would like to think that the current 'compromised' state of the electorate's mental state is due to deliberate mismanagement of the educational system along with the inclusion of multiple falsehoods into modern curriculum. [It is going to take a while to get everybody on the same GENERAL page, nevermind converting them into 'team humanity' words that might frighten the dumb among us...because all people who aren't 'their people' scare them.
And given humanity's legendary inhumanity to one another, for damn good reason. But that isn't going to STOP until WE STOP IT!
But I digress, back to the Wrecking Ball.
Tangentially, the decision-making process that is so far out of your reach is relevant because it was set up by the founders so YOU couldn't protest unfair treatment at the hands of the (ruling) merchant class.
Commerce, (like the LAW) BELONGS to ALL who are served by it! (And not just the F'n FEW!)
The 'few' who prosper at our expense are criminals...criminals that control the law/justice system...strike two.
Um, while I have painted a dark outline around the media's complicity in our collective misery it bears noting that a 'fifth column' exists within providing the astute with glimpses inside the workings of the feckless's designs.
When 'the government' makes war on YOU, it is best to take a page out of our French cousin's book and revolt! Because the name of the game hasn't changed.
Again the feckless are guilty of 'hiding' their true motives, the game is COMPLY OR DIE, same as it ever was with THEM calling the tune for us to dance to.
We will not enjoy the fruits of democracy for as long as one individual that counts themselves 'superior' [even in just a single way] to the rest of us to access the controls of power or to command the decision-making process.
That's how 'vital' EQUALITY is. Fair to one is/must be 'fair to all'.
Capitalism has [quite some time ago] crashed and burned, if we fail to abandon it, it will take civilization with it...and that is the 'plan' of the feckless.
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
PS: I regret all of this talk of revolt but it has been proven time and again that those who block the peaceful avenues of conflict resolution invite revolt.
Under ASP you will have your say and a choice regarding who you are, where and the other general conditions of your life, be it sedentary or active beyond imagining. You will able to live YOUR life, YOUR WAY without anybody EXPLOITING YOU! [Man, woman...undecided, like your money, your life is for YOU and ONLY YOU!
Like this implies, the abolition of the legal community means Marriage becomes a choice and NOT a 'contract'. Society cares for its children from the cradle to the grave. It might be a fair assessment to say that we shall become a society dedicated to its children and their future!
Unlike today where the feckless bid the devil to take the hindmost, comfortable in knowing it won't be them or theirs...
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