Monday, December 31, 2018

Fodder [yeah, cannon type.]

Greetings good citizen, here we are again, on the brink of adding another year to the dustbin of history. One where the feckless (who write history, THEIR WAY) will wrap themselves if make believe glory that would blow the minds of all who actually lived through their maladministration.

I say 'almost' because it is not yet midnight. While time is a function of motion and midnight will come and go regardless of how many of us live until midnight GMT, it is not yet a 'done deal'.

I have predicted more than once that we wouldn't get this far and I'm drawing a fresh line in the sand for inauguration day 2021 regardless of who wins because capitalism can't survive and there is nothing on the table to replace it.

That said, the almighty 'we' don't get to vote on which commerce system would serve us best. That choice is made for us by the 'owners'.

Without that decision-making power we will be forced to accept a tyrannical welfare state where those at the top live a life of leisure [mostly due to 'accident of birth'] while those in the middle will work [foolishly] for wages they can't live on because the 'foundation' of civilization, according to those who run it, is misery and not prosperity! On the bottom we find those 'ill born', the by-product of rape and broken homes living lives of endless despair broken only by the 'hope' that they will (one day) win a lottery that lifts them from their poverty.

Hope floats and so will the lottery, going unwon week after week as it grows and grows...until some lucky slob buys a ticket and then doesn't come forward...then the 'lottery' will announce plans to take the money [which it already took half of] and divide it among the participating states, screwing the nations players out of roughly six dollars a piece...thanks for being stupid!

Wait until the lottery goes planet wide! Talk about a fuckaree!

Yeah, that's the other shoe that nobody is talking about. Now that 'commerce' has been 'consolidated' under the current batch of billionaires, there will be war between the impoverished states that don't provide anything to the loop and the 'predator' states that invested in large militaries capable of fielding global invasion forces.

Welcome to humanity 2.0

All so 'a few' can be 'rich'.

So go on and wrap yourself in the flag and plant a support our troops garden gnome in your picture window [because you don't have a yard and the HOA has forbidden statues of any kinds in the common areas. Oh yeah, don't forget to kiss your child good-bye because your money isn't the only thing you have invested in maintaining the feckless's safety/hegemony.

Maybe after they return from shooting foreign terrorists they will return home, pin on a badge and shoot domestic ones too! [Hell, it's all they know how to do...]

Doesn't matter which 'party' you vote for if both are controlled by the same folks that stage the whole charade, the MONEY! [No funds, no run!]

The 'future' lies before us and roughly half of you think it's already too late to turn this shitshow around. Meanwhile the other half knows they can't do it by themselves. [So (by default) the feckless win!]

All because you didn't dare make a stand. You also refused to question WHY nothing was being done about the unmitigated tyranny that is everywhere you look.

You just stood and watched as the innocent were trampled into the dust by the marching feet of unemployed children. [Where do the kids that can't afford college go? To be all that they can be, regardless of which branch they join or which flag they serve under, it's all the same because tyranny never sleeps.

[Tyranny: being forced to obey the will of another, the 'opposite' of 'freedom'...] For the simple among us it's what the patriots revolted against!

This is the tyrants claim writ large, they can and indeed HAVE paid half of us to kill the other half and it didn't cost THEM a cent...or a drop of their precious children's blood.

And that's the part we can fix.

Happy 2019, good citizen/fellow human. All it takes is the 'resolve' to turn this thing around, Exile 'em all!

Good hunting!


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