Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Reboot + 1

Greetings fellow human, just read a headline that tells us what we already know, the post Great Recession markets haven't recovered and the capitalist theory of migrating to a service economy is an abject failure.

Everything since W's administration exited stage right has been 'plasma' printed by the banksters to keep the 'fake economy' afloat. [For those of you without a clue look at the Federal Reserve CORPORATION (not an agency or even affiliated with the US Government...but you knew that, right?)

All I can say is it's a darn good thing all money is funny or we'd be in serious trouble here. The 'correction' will be limited to the trillions floating round in off-shore bank accounts when the stock market is padlocked. [and stocks themselves declared both illegal and worthless.]

The collective WE are up to our eyeballs in corruption and unfortunately there is only one way to fix it.

Most of you understand intimately that your retirement funds are invested in the soon to be defunct 'markets' but under ASP we've got YOU covered! Cradle to the grave security, backed by a rock solid economy the employs EVERYONE!

You will NEVER see that under Capitalism with its link between wages and prices, the largest cause of both inflation and [inevitably] resulting in poverty.

Like 'For Profit' prisons, why did NONE of 'our' legislators denounce the mandated unemployment they were TAUGHT was 'necessary' to 'check inflation'.

The lesson for today, fellow human, is that there is no such thing as a 'free market'. It's a myth meant to gull the weak into compliance.

The 'weak' don't understand money, all they know is that they need money and that too is a crime! Especially heinous is not paying ANY worker enough to support their family on and using 'inflation' as the rational behind 'underpaying'...

Money was never intended to make (read carefully) those 'pretending to be owners' rich, it was meant to compensate those who sacrificed their independence to learn a specialty.

If we were to look across the Democratic Republic social model worldwide what word do you suppose would keep popping up everywhere you looked?



Those doing YOU in for their own financial well-being act with impunity because there is nothing YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!

Voting won't change it and protesting only makes YOU a TARGET! [Those hired to 'keep you in line, (even when you're not doing anything)] work for the same people that need to be arrested.

Make it somebody's job to 'look for trouble' and guess what, they'll find it!

Then again, tell someone it's their job to craft laws and guess what, that's what they will do regardless if the laws are fair, just or make any sense...[much of what passes for 'the law' is both petty, spiteful...and unenforceable.]

Let me repeat the refrain: If we don't learn to SHARE this planet WE won't be here much longer!

How tragic is it that both greed and hatred are LEARNED...(at the knee of those who profess to love it needed to be worse!)

That said, (and we are neck-deep in evidence) if we were to required to pass a test before being allowed to reproduce, NONE of us would pass! [Parenthood isn't for everyone.] We can all 'make' kids but few of us can rise them...or provide the proper environment in which to raise them.

There is a section of ASP dedicated to the now obsolete institutions of marriage and family. The now ancient way is, by design, intended to pit not just tribe against tribe but human against human. We can't move into the future at war with ourselves...and this won't stop as long a parents teach their children to protect their siblings regardless.

This is where criminals come from.

Constant reader already knows that nothing is 'taboo' here. I give it to you like it is and if you don't like it, leave.

The world MUST and WILL change. You can follow me and work to make those changes equitable or you can go along with the people telling you what you don't what to hear [and you should be very wary of what they aren't telling you because it makes what I say to your face sound 'reasonable'.]

Listen to them and you (and everyone else) will continue to be allowed [if you're cute, forced] to 'breed like minks' and then you will watch your progeny murdered on some forlorn battlefield when the 'infidels' come searching for the poor to slaughter in the name of THEIR god.

If breed and die sounds like a plan to you then you're in the wrong place...thanks for visiting.

Come back if you decide you want your children to live.

Thanks for opening your mind,


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