Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Ho-ho-ho (hee-hee-hee and Ha-ha-ha!)

Greetings good citizen, Happy Tuesday as Christmas isn't the only game in town...Seems the NY Times gave all of us a present with this article from the amazing Mr. Krugman.

Consider how the Trumpistas have responded to falling stocks. So far these are just a minor economic bobble. Yet Trump himself, having claimed credit when stocks were rising, has flown into a rage and lashed out; hence the attacks on Powell. Meanwhile, top officials are still claiming that last year’s tax cut was a triumph in the teeth of the evidence, and issuing bizarre statements — via Twitter — about the health of the banks, which nobody was questioning.

Now imagine how this administration team might cope with a real economic setback, whatever its source. Would Trump look for solutions or refuse to accept responsibility and focus mainly on blaming other people? Would his Treasury secretary and chief economic advisers coolly analyze the problem and formulate a course of action, or would they respond with a combination of sycophancy to the boss and denials that anything was wrong? What do you think?

Let’s be clear: There isn’t an obvious crisis-level threat looming at the moment. But growth is slowing, and as the bumper stickers don’t quite say, stuff happens. And if and when it does, the people who would be supposed to deal with it are the gang that can’t think straight. Merry Christmas.

Um, as a sidebar the holidays are a time to gather with friends and family, so it was I found myself in the bosom of such a congregation and the topic of The Border Wall came up [among many other issues] and what do you suppose the main argument was in favor of the wall?


Yep, stop them dirty scumbags from crossing the border and bringing their damn diseases with them. [like a wall is going to stop germs? WTF?]

I'm going to refrain from throwing the readily available rocks, there's dumb and then there's this.

Rapists, murders and job stealing criminals...they all FLY over the border (in private aircraft...lots of money in drugs)

Perhaps it doesn't occur to these people to ask themselves 'the question'?

How fortunate for the leadership of the planet's nations that their followers are all morons?

{didn't say I wasn't going to kick a few, I just said I wouldn't go out of my way to throw any...}

So on this festive holiday maybe it's time to ask if we should allow anybody with an IQ less than 100 to participate in the decision-making process.

There are too many of us to allow the FOOLS to lead.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your hung-over head, (smells like a brewery in here!)


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