Monday, June 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, there are perhaps a dozen posts titled 'Happy Talk' and wouldn't you know it the 'don't worry, be happy crowd' has mounted an ongoing offensive on honesty by claiming everything is 'better than ever' despite having zero proof.

Don't believe that but do believe in Spirit in the Sky? Case closed, you're a moron. [One that ELECTS to be stupid because it suits their agenda/social position...]

That dustbin you carry between your shoulders isn't worth spit (probably because it's packed solid with shit but you are to dumb to figure that out for yourself.)

Like the feckless Stock Markets [which should be closed and everyone involved held for trial on charges of crimes against humanity.]

Because the same thing that makes the stock markets rise is precisely the same thing the chiselers are using to convince you that things, while visibly deteriorating, are (according to them) better than ever...

They call it 'jaw-boning' but it's more recognizable name is bullshitting.

Do you like the sounds of the idea that things aren't as bad as the media paints them, that they don't report the 'good news' because they want you to believe everything is bad?

Does that thought resonate with you?

Yeah, there are people knifing one another over parking spots but it's not happening in your neighborhood so maybe they are 'exaggerating'.

Just like the homeless, there aren't any on your block (despite that house that won't sell because of the ridiculous price, who makes that kind of money?)

A damn good question that answers a lot of questions and returns us to the bullshitting issue. [Why are rent's in 'lockstep' with mortgages?]

How long are WE going to LET THEM milk that cow? [They only get away with it because WE let them!]

Back to 'Happy Talk'. What do you suppose the 'purpose' of 'Happy Talk' really is?

It is to convince YOU to doubt things are as bad AS THEY REALLY ARE!

[The 'side benefit' of Happy talk is it covers up the gross incompetence of the people running things.]

There is no downside to lying, FOR THE MOMENT in our current conservo-whacko dominated culture.

Soon 'challenging the lies' will start to exact a price beyond just shredding the fabric so vital to a harmonious society.

Rush has done so much is such a short time and the part that should amaze you all is that he did it without knowing what he was doing! [His scriptwriters took care of the 'staying on message' part.]

In fact the 'Reality Show' that has become your life [you ARE a real live 'Truman' just following the script/wandering through the maze they lay out for you.] Not only are your choices made for you but you will be punished for going 'off script'.

Now you know why nobody has stopped the rentiers in their tracks.

Life is GREAT even if you (secretly) disagree. In fact it's this line of official bullshit that is behind the escalating suicide numbers! [The world is OKAY so the problem must be YOU!]

Nope, it's the f'n LIARS.

Back to the 'cornerstone of conservatism', Repeat lies until they pass for truth.

There's dumb and then there is this. All because the lie we call MONEY seized the public square so nobody can deny the lies for what they are.

This is your head. This is your head stuck in a barrel full of lies...

Any questions?

Until next time, Head.


Remember, only YOU can pull your mind out of the barrel.


  1. Remember, only YOU can pull your mind out of the barrel.

  2. wouldn't you know it the 'don't worry, be happy crowd' has mounted an ongoing offensive on honesty by claiming everything is 'better than ever' despite having zero proof.

    Don't believe that but do believe in Spirit in the Sky? Case closed, you're a moron [not an insult but a statement of fact.]

  3. Like the feckless Stock Markets [which should be closed and everyone involved held for trial on charges of crimes against humanity.]

    Because the same thing that makes the stock markets rise is precisely the same thing the chiselers are using to convince you that things, while visibly deteriorating, are (according to them) better than ever...

  4. Back to 'Happy Talk'. What do you suppose the 'purpose' of 'Happy Talk' really is?

    It is to convince YOU to doubt things are as bad AS THEY REALLY ARE!

    [The 'side benefit' of Happy talk is it covers up the gross incompetence of the people running things.]

  5. That dustbin you carry between your shoulders isn't worth spit (probably because it's packed solid with shit but you are to dumb to figure that out for yourself.)

    Like the feckless Stock Markets [which should be closed and everyone involved held for trial on charges of crimes against humanity.]

  6. Yeah, there are people knifing one another over parking spots but it's not happening in your neighborhood so maybe they are 'exaggerating'.

    Just like the homeless, there aren't any on your block (despite that house that won't sell because of the ridiculous price, who makes that kind of money?)

    A damn good question that answers a lot of questions and returns us to the bullshitting issue. [Why are rent's in 'lockstep' with mortgages?]

  7. They call it 'jaw-boning' but it's more recognizable name is bullshitting.

    Do you like the sounds of the idea that things aren't as bad as the media paints them, that they don't report the 'good news' because they want you to believe everything is bad?

    Does that thought resonate with you?

    Yeah, there are people knifing one another over parking spots but it's not happening in your neighborhood so maybe they are 'exaggerating'.


  8. Rush has done so much is such a short time and the part that should amaze you all is that he did it without knowing what he was doing! [His scriptwriters took care of the 'staying on message' part.]

  9. Do you like the sounds of the idea that things aren't as bad as the media paints them, that they don't report the 'good news' because they want you to believe everything is bad?

    Does that thought resonate with you?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...