Monday, June 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, Today's offering is my proposed alternative to the shitshow that does nothing for 99% of us. I call it 'A Simple Plan' because it is not a departure from the familiar as much as a patch which repairs the glaring inequalities most of us have trained ourselves to ignore.

Why don't you see these problems? Because you are taught that there isn't an alternative...or that the alternative is worse than the economic slavery imposed by capitalism.

[This last is a realization the individual has to come to by themself because pointing out the blatant exploitation that is capitalism is 'heresy!'

Any criticism is considered unpatriotic which in itself is a meaningless euphemism used to manipulate you.

The beauty of a simple plan is its simplicity. The 'dictates of survival' are immutable, MOST of what we call commerce are simply the things we must do to survive.

The 'radical idea' behind ASP is that NO ONE be permitted to claim ownership of what we all need to live. This forms the foundation of the Human Anti-Exploitation law that forbids any human from turning their fellow humans into 'income streams'.

It also protects humans from being denied the ability to participate in society. [Guaranteed participation also eliminates that segment of humanity that eventually becomes the 'armed thug'.]


Any questions?

The level playing field divides up the tasks necessary for survival (AND ADVANCEMENT) so EVERYBODY has a job that provides them with a means of supporting themselves.

In so dividing the tasks of survival so everybody had a 'place' in society we would teach the truth so blithely ignored by the capitalist who insists some work is more 'valuable' than others. Life/society is the sum of its parts, if any of those parts is 'disparaged', the whole suffers.

WHY aren't our children taught this? [Because politicians control the curriculum.] Could it be that their parents are dumb? [The cognizati know this is a rhetorical question because the answer is obvious.]

YOU have been raised to focus on you and ONLY you when this world/life IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN the sum of its parts!

Why do we live in a broken system that nobody is trying to repair?


The LCD has provided a feckless few with the ability to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of us.

Money [particularly the laws governing its uses] have been perverted from their original purpose [to facilitate specialization] to provide the oligarchs with an unlimited income stream with which to protect their 'privilege'.

Money of account is 'traceable', cash isn't.

All crime/corruption/perversion is 'cash and carry', eliminate cash you eliminate crime.

There is no point in stealing/smuggling what you can't sell.

This is NOT a 'cure all'. In a cashless society there will still be those who will seize what they lack the charm to seduce and those 'rejects of evolution' will hasten their own elimination from the gene pool for their criminal acts.

This is what the criminal justice system was intended to 'protect' society from. Now they spend their time citing your for minor traffic violations while using that 'excuse' to look for a reason to lock you up.

So, yeah. The 'thugs' are OOC and ASP eliminates them by eliminating the justification for them.


Speaking of what government is 'supposed' to be doing, the overfishing and rampant environmental degradation caused by capitalist excess should be curtailed by an 'attentive' government.

Which leads us to today's bone of contention that is tearing society apart, government and its purpose.

Conservo-whackos are fed the BS that government (regulation) is the problem while the non-existent Libs point at the rampant poisoning of the planet and call for government to put an end to it!

Let's 'ice' this shit sundae with the fact you vote for the ideology that pretends to represent your 'best interests' and nothing happens.


Because the feckless have 'bought' the process and prevent change...SO THEY WON'T BE PROSECUTED FOR THEIR CRIMES!

So your 'right to vote' is really just an exercise in public self masturbation.

Nothing changes because nothing you do matters.

What needs to change?

How we 'select' leaders.

How did the most important job in society get turned into a popularity contest?

I think you know..and no, you didn't have a choice, it's what we have been 'stuck' with. [Too many cooks.]

So what SHOULD you be voting on?

How about the laws themselves?

If you have to obey them you should have a say on what is acceptable.

Most of us chafe at the idea of being told what we can or cannot do but, contrarily, if we aren't told [quite specifically] what is expected of us we get even more frustrated!

Those unfamiliar with using their thinking parts tend to favor laws for EVERYTHING because they are incapable of thinking things 'through'. [The whole 'if this then that' escapes them.]

So it is if you are to be granted 'permission' to vote on the laws of society you must first prove your intellectual capacity to participate.

Same thing goes double for 'leadership'.

Most people lack 'vision' or believe it has something to do with sight, protesting that they 'see' just fine!

For a glaring example of 'lack of vision' how about the self-styled brainiacs in hot pursuit of AI in a world awash in 'surplus labor' [that NOBODY is addressing...if you exclude global genocide by the planet's number one terrorist organization that most of you 'subscribe to' (support and defend).]

Ya know, not for nuthin but if ya don't use that lump between your shoulders it becomes a trash basket...just sayin.

So we return to the core principles of equality for all.

Ownership is outlawed and replaced with 'user of record' where everybody's needs are met in exchange for their labor in a field that they have talent in. Don't worry, NOBODY is 'totally useless' despite your personal experience.

All jobs are NECESSARY so the 'stigma' that some jobs are 'better' than others becomes a personal matter and not one of popular opinion.

Most people think 'work sucks' while lamenting having nothing to do. This too will 'change' in a life that is mostly 'free'.

Most work is getting what is needed where it needs to be when it needs to be there.

This means you 'need' to be 'timely'. If you can't keep up you can still push a lawn mower or swing a paint brush...or do 'demo' and scrape old glue from flooring surfaces.

No need to despoil the planet making goo-gaws that nobody wants or depleting fisheries wholesale because nobody has a clue what 'sustainable' means.

Much of what needs doing but doesn't get done thanks to the mismanagement of money will become employment that provides the worker with everything they need to be a functioning member of society.

Housing suitable to one's situation/circumstances will be made available upon acceptance into the workforce FREE OF CHARGE. Not only will the domicile be free but so will ALL the basic furnishings! [The people who make such things are paid to make what they make so there is no need for you to pay them too! [This is only logical.]

How do we 'afford' this? Do you hunt? Did you ever find a wallet on anything you killed?

Why should it be different for you? [Or are you dumb beyond belief?]

Do I need to parse that proposition for you?

Everybody mentally fit to work/participate WILL be provided the opportunity to do so, those who decide they want to do it on their own will be sent to a place, naked as the day they were born, there to eek out whatever kind of life they think they can make for themselves with their own two bare hands and the spartan contents of their minds utilizing the resources the find on site.

Being a 'lone wolf' is not a half this/half that proposition. You don't get to 'leave civilization behind' with the latest human achievement has to offer. 'On your own' is an exactly so have to smelt your own ore if you want a knife or an axe. We aren't giving you one. [Hack: find a sharp stone, quick!]

Problem with our moronic 'lone wolves' is they take so much of the larger picture for granted. People are unaware of what it takes to survive yet if allowed to they will take all they can grab without a 2nd thought, then claim they did it all by themselves.

Life is hard and so are we.

Morons who believe they don't need anyone else need to learn for themselves what society means. [Starting with the true value of 'loyalty'.]

Refocusing: Your primary education [most will be required to attend 're-education' to attempt to remove decades of BS from your no longer functioning thinking parts.] will end after 12 years and you will be enter the workforce to continue your 'education'. College is reserved for those who qualify through their mental agility/test scores to advanced study not available in the workplace. [This is voluntary, if you desire to live a 'simple life' one is not obliged to pursue academic advancement or a life dedicated to science.

You will not be made to live a life that doesn't appeal to you, including a life with cranky, unappreciative and often irrationally belligerent humans.

Still, life is compromise and you will be expected to make more than a few as your life unfolds, we truly do 'go along to get along'...which has led us to where we are today with the dire need to re-center and re-assess.

[Thinking isn't humanity's strong suit, thus these missives that make me wonder what the hell YOU DO think about...if anything at all because this stuff is 'baby food' it is so obvious.]

For example Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register so why the fuck to you have to pay for what's free to knothead?

But you are taught not to question those kind of things because you will rock the greatest boat that ever existed...a lie that has been repeated until it became truth, like God.

Which is why most of you will be required to attend 're-education' sessions to 'detox' that cesspool between your shoulders.

Everybody works and everybody gets paid so they can build the kind of life THEY want to live and not the existence the eye that never blinks TELLS THEM they want.

Television will return to its original function as being a source of 'entertainment' with strong controls on factuality.

Passing fiction for fact will have criminal consequences.

Who will decide? Our freshly minted 'thinkers', people capable of using their minds and proving they possess both vision and insight.

Yes, good citizen. These people WILL know better than you AND they will be able to PROVE IT!

[Note to the cognizant, I dislike this rambling format but you are capable of reading between the lines. This post will be followed by a bullet point presentation that leaves out the possibility of 'misinterpretation']

If I am incapable of convincing those with working thinking parts of the viability of ASP then it is a 'lost cause'.

If YOU won't get behind the premise that humanities only chance for survival lies in mutual cooperation and the equitable sharing of the resources available then the 'human model' is doomed to extinction, likely sooner than later.

Outlaw ownership, outlaw cash and outlaw criminality [the exploitation of others for personal gain.]

The first two steps eliminate what has become crime at its source. That said we can't remove the 'opportunist' from the mimic so we will have an ongoing police problem that needs to be dealt with [hopefully education will minimize this coupled with unyielding punishment that the perps bring upon themselves via their choices.]

Prison is a compromise that serves no one. Exile is permanent. You make your choices and you take your chances.

Stupid is permanent, ignorance can be fixed.

No more banks and no more exploitation. One species with one purpose...survival (get your mind out of the gutter!)

The breeding thing needs to be curtailed, quickly. Sustainability must be achieved ASAP!

Either get with the program or the dopes will hit the 'reset button' and the survivors will have to start all over again from the beginning (again.)

We won't survive having the legs kick out from beneath us every time we reach the point where rapid advancement is possible!

Ignorance Kills!

Until next time, Head.



  1. [Note to the cognizant, I dislike this rambling format but you are capable of reading between the lines. This post will be followed by a bullet point presentation that leaves out the possibility of 'misinterpretation']


  3. Stupid is permanent, ignorance can be fixed.

    No more banks and no more exploitation. One species with one purpose...survival (get your mind out of the gutter!)

    The breeding thing needs to be curtailed, quickly. Sustainability must be achieved ASAP!

  4. Which leads us to today's bone of contention that is tearing society apart, government and its purpose.

    Conservo-whackos are fed the BS that government (regulation) is the problem while the non-existent Libs point at the rampant poisoning of the planet and call for government to put an end to it!

    Let's 'ice' this shit sundae with the fact you vote for the ideology that pretends to represent your 'best interests' and nothing happens.

  5. The level playing field divides up the tasks necessary for survival (AND ADVANCEMENT) so EVERYBODY has a job that provides them with a means of supporting themselves.

    This 'winners and losers' BS is exactly that, BS.


    Any questions?


    Any questions? A 'just' society doesn't have a police force, they are superfluous.

  8. We won't survive having the legs kick out from beneath us every time we reach the point where rapid advancement is possible!

    Ignorance Kills!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...