Monday, June 24, 2019

A Simple Plan

Greetings good citizen, yesterday I promised I'd provide yet another copy of ASP for your reference as it seems many of you have no idea what I'm so wound up about.

Most of you at least tangentially recognize that the purpose of life is survival. Somewhere down the line we have lost sight of this common goal and decided [actually it was decided for us by the legal community, at the behest of the owner class.] That survival became 'commodified'...packaged and put up for sale in fragments on open, (albeit often captive) markets.

The typical, er, customer had no choice in this turn of events and if not for commerce itself most were uninterested in the commodification of consumer goods. The farmer did for themselves, often banding together to help one another bring in the annual harvest, this was considered being 'neighborly'.

Trouble with working the land is there is only so much of it and everybody had large families partly because of the high mortality rates of farming and the endless chores that are part and parcel with farming life were lightened by having more hands to pitch in.

Well, if more than two of your children survived to maturity they either had to migrate where land was still free [a phenomenon that ended over a hundred years ago in the lower 48 which left the children that came afterwards out of luck.]

About the time living off the land died society gravitated to the cities to join the age of mechanization, the precursor to automation.

[Why the history lesson? How will you know where you are if you don't know where you've been or what forces shaped the marketplace of today's increasingly expendable workforce.]

The 'game' itself hasn't changed, we all get up in the morning and address the need to feed our bellies and keep a roof over our heads and wheels under our backsides so we can get to our job on time.

Increasingly, the employee model is collapsing as the banksters have manipulated the tool we all labor for into the global search of the lowest cost labor markets. This was always a chimera because they typical human cost about the same [in REAL terms] no matter where they are found on the planet. Food is food, it may be more plentiful some places than others but all food is free from nature, it costs the owner exactly zero.

Collecting it and processing it is another matter and that brings us to the useful purpose of money, to facilitate specialization. While we are taught as children that money was invented to 'simplify barter' this is a LIE.

Money is the answer to the question how will the teacher, banker, lawyer, lumberjack, miner, shopkeeper eat?

Money is what makes the division of labor possible. We would all be ignorant farmers if we all had to grow our own food and make everything on the farm ourselves. There would be no teachers and the only thing you would know is what your parents taught you around the fireplace at night before bedtime, when they shared with you what their parents taught them.

Now we have public schools that teach us, 'things' that (might) make us useful to a prospective employer. How unfortunate for the planets growing population that employers are dwindling faster than the number of people who need jobs to stay alive?

Is it 'time to panic'?

Look at the political arena for the answer to that critical question. [Marvel at all the people who convince themselves there is work out there if you look hard f'n dumb are they?

Um, truth be told there is no shortage of deluded people who aren't even remotely intelligent...and they know it.

My most common lament is if you job doesn't pay you enough to live on it is NOT your employer's problem, it's YOURS!

Hence we arrive at the crux of the situation that most deny even exists; is humanity 'doomed'?

If we continue to follow the gormless, probably. The coming (food) riots will be LEGENDARY and the death toll will be in the billions worldwide...all so 'a few' can have more than they can spend.

Why is nobody in the public sphere addressing this problem?

The answer lies in the captivity of the Justice System. The people who 'commodified' survival [BEHIND OUR BACKS] did so through their bought and paid for lawyers, then they bought the government, seized control of the media (and the 'public square') so if anyone questioned why survival had been commodified they would be thrown out of court because it was deemed 'irrelevant' who owned what we all need to live.

Understand that the commodification of survival was/is a crime against humanity and the source of all poverty.

We must ask when it became permissible to deny another human the means of survival and it started when people decided they would do a better job of 'managing' a commodity than if it were accessible to the public [to prevent war.]

Survival is serious business and millions have died defending their right to survive. [In case YOU don't appreciate the position the feckless have put YOU in.]

Most of you don't have a clue, which is just how the feckless like it. They ave claimed to own what they have no right to for so long that the public accepts this as 'natural'.

It is NOT natural and wars have been fought over water an arable land. This grab came after the farmers gave away their land to their children and those children went to the cities to work in the factories because they couldn't compete with the factory farms. Since they couldn't afford the taxes on the land they couldn't keep it, which is how all that land got 'taken' for back taxes and bought up for pennies on the dollar by the criminal factory farmers...(did I mention criminals?)

None of this is secret but the typical low intelligence individual doesn't know to look for the evidence of why things have turned out the way they have and what the feckless plan on doing with a population that has outgrown its usefulness.

Yup, you got that right. The surplus population reared it ugly head around the Victorian era, the same time the smokestacks were in full bloom and farmers were abandoning the land wholesale [because a single man with a tractor could farm more food than a dozen men working teams of horses.]

Food got 'cheap' but you still paid dearly for it.

This is the coming crisis in a nutshell. How do we prevent a global famine now that the feckless have seized the world's markets?

The need to survive hasn't changed and they have no illusions about being able to fight us all off.

Can we 'bring them to heel?'

The answer is YES but it won't be effortless.

The system that currently exists was put in place over decades and the shiftless, fearing prosecution, will resist change with every fiber of their being even though they know they can't prevail.

So we will be forced to remove them from power but that won't solve the problem of too many people being unable to afford basic necessities, the entire commercial model has to be reformed (because survival has been commodified.)

So we return to where it all started, the collapse of the land based survival model.

There isn't enough arable land to give everyone a patch and a shovel (because there is so little fertile land available) and society needs workers more than it needs farmers [contrary to what conservo-whackos believe.]

But wait, isn't the other problem that of half the working aged population being unemployed? How do we 'fix' that?

The answer is obvious, reduce the workday/week. There in no shortage of things that need doing, we will still have people working two and three jobs and making a hell of an income while they are at it!

But your 'primary' job will be reduced to twenty hours a week...and some of you are asking, I can't get by on forty hours, how will I survive on twenty hours pay?

Your finances will do a 180 when we make housing a 'gimme'. You will no longer own...anything because we need to SHARE the planet with one another. You won't buy/own a car, we will convert to a zipcar model and you will only be billed for the fuel you use because nobody needs to make money off the, er, 'rental'.

The idea that you had to pay for everything is the concept of 'death by a thousand cuts'. Most of us are literally bleeding money to the point that if it weren't for credit cards we'd all be walking and starving to death because the nickel and dime BS expenses keep our pockets drained.

There is another factor to the division of labor concept they don't teach anymore because the feckless don't want you UNITED.

The original idea behind division of labor was to grow as a society and provide ALL humans with the means to participate in society. In the beginning, Div of labor was supposed to provide EVERYONE with jobs that paid them enough to live well on.

But then came the 'commodification' of pretty much everything and with it the added expense of staying current/relevant.

Worse, the commodification of survival included a 'more for me' element that made employers chisel their workers instead of rewarding them. [as the population grew the employer was deluged with people seeking employment and he began to view his workforce as expendable...and this triggered the application of automation wherever possible, eliminating jobs rather than growing them.

The official LIE is automation increases the bullshit. Robots steal jobs and that's a fact. It's why 50% if working aged adults are unemployed and the corporate owned media claims there is record low unemployment...this too is a lie.

As I stated in yesterday's post, the majority of crime is 'cash and carry' and ALL corruption relies on CASH.

To ELIMINATE the most common cause of crime, cash will be outlawed. So will the buying and selling of ANYTHING. There will NOT be a way for money to be exchanged between INDIVIDUALS, PERIOD.

Get caught with a 'cash alternative' in your possession and it is summary exile.

The criminals are smart enough to know that this limits what they can use as cash but buttons can be eliminated and most other substitutes are too numerous to act as reasonable substitutes. Can't use pebbles, they are too easy to come by, can't use nuts, same reason. Can't use glass because it's not unique enough.

They will try to return gold into circulation but gold is heavy and conspicuous. Would you risk exile for a bar of gold or a bag of diamonds? You can only trade them to criminals so you are automatically guilty.

There simply won't be a way to get money from someone else and because of that the ONLY way o get money is to WORK FOR IT.

When you purchase something from stores, they don't get the money, it is simply erased from your account. When you die, your account is simply erased, nobody gets it.

Born into wealth will be a relic of the past. EVERYBODY starts and finishes with ZERO.

Literally your money is for You.

Who will lead us?

Sort of cut this one short in yesterday's post. Under A Simple Plan once you enter the workforce EVERYBODY is 'tested' on an annual basis to ensure that you know your job intimately. Sounds silly that painters of garbage collectors will be tested but all careers lead up a ladder and everybody can climb this ladder as far as their talent will take them.

The brick walls of nepotism, sexism and favoritism will be eliminated by the annual tests, with fresh blood winning every tie to prevent stagnation. Even if you choose not to move up you are still required to defend your current position.

IMPORTANT: Nobody LOSES in the tests. Once one achieves 'master' status [knows the job well enough that they can teach it to others] you are freed from the obligation to test but all 'perqs' and salary increases flow from the tests!

As you climb the ladder of responsibility you will earn housing upgrades and access to vacation homes and seminars where you can expand both your horizons and your people skills.

As you advance, the tests will begin to shift from weighing your job knowledge to weighing your character. Profits no longer exist so your impact on the quality of your workers lives will be the measure of your worthiness to hold office.

Eventually the ladder leads all the way to the top and the leaders of the twelve divisions will compete via their vision/understanding of society for the position on the leadership triad.

Yup, even if you enter the services division as a janitor, putting your nose to the grindstone can lead to the top of society but only if your vision for humanity is judged as best by those who won the position before you.

Um, retirement will be optional at age 50 and mandatory at age 70.

Besides a living wage and a reduced expense picture overtime [hours over twenty in your primary occupation] can be taken as pay or banked as additional time off or put towards early retirement!

Not only is your life for you but your time is for you too. All your money won't another minute buy.

You are encouraged to live your life to the fullest, don't be a slave to meaningless money, use your time to expand your mind and explore what could be!

We will all be richer for it!

This concludes the 'de-commodification of survival' and the return to mutual cooperation that ends the exploitation of man by his fellow man.

Hope you can follow this...means what it says so it shouldn't be too hard.

Thanks for letting me (and this) inside your head,



  1. Forewarned is forearmed. I am working on what will become the book form of ASP which will explain the whole package in DETAIL. If you have a kindle you will be able to download it for Amazon's lb. of flesh.

    [What can I say, I don't have an income stream... my royalties are IT.]

  2. Increasingly, the employee model is collapsing as the banksters have manipulated the tool we all labor for into the global search of the lowest cost labor markets. This was always a chimera because they typical human cost about the same [in REAL terms] no matter where they are found on the planet. Food is food, it may be more plentiful some places than others but all food is free from nature, it costs the owner exactly zero.

  3. Most of you at least tangentially recognize that the purpose of life is survival. Somewhere down the line we have lost sight of this common goal and decided [actually it was decided for us by the legal community, at the behest of the owner class.] That survival became 'commodified'...packaged and put up for sale in fragments on open, (albeit often captive) markets.

  4. Is it 'time to panic'?

    Look at the political arena for the answer to that critical question. [Marvel at all the people who convince themselves there is work out there if you look hard f'n dumb are they?

    Um, truth be told there is no shortage of deluded people who aren't even remotely intelligent...and they know it.

    My most common lament is if you job doesn't pay you enough to live on it is NOT your employer's problem, it's YOURS!

  5. [Why the history lesson? How will you know where you are if you don't know where you've been or what forces shaped the marketplace of today's increasingly expendable workforce.]

    First survival was commodified then your prospects for survival were minimized as the LCD kept getting forced lower as quality was replaced with heuristics and 'feel good' measurements YOU CAN'T EAT!

  6. Well, if more than two of your children survived to maturity they either had to migrate where land was still free [a phenomenon that ended over a hundred years ago in the lower 48 which left the children that came afterwards out of luck.]

    Somehow the mathematically challenged conservatives can't figure this one out [because they live in f'n FANTASYLAND!]

  7. Most of you at least tangentially recognize that the purpose of life is survival. Somewhere down the line we have lost sight of this common goal and decided [actually it was decided for us by the legal community, at the behest of the owner class.] That survival became 'commodified'...packaged and put up for sale in fragments on open, (albeit often captive) markets.

  8. So we return to where it all started, the collapse of the land based survival model.

  9. The typical, er, customer had no choice in this turn of events and if not for commerce itself most were uninterested in the commodification of consumer goods. The farmer did for themselves, often banding together to help one another bring in the annual harvest, this was considered being 'neighborly'.

    Trouble with working the land is there is only so much of it and everybody had large families partly because of the high mortality rates of farming and the endless chores that are part and parcel with farming life were lightened by having more hands to pitch in.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...