Friday, June 21, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it seems the 'free thinkers' up Washington State way are proposing that the common citizen be enabled to issue one another traffic citations, 'freeing up' law enforcement for other unspecified duties. [Possibly in response to the increase in donut thefts by uniform wearing bandits...]

Talk about two bad ideas in one, they can't possibly be that dumb but the situation is getting worse instead of better and it's only going to keep creeping toward chaos (definitely NOT ANARCHY, if you think they are the same you're a moron!) because our 'rudderless' society also doesn't have an ANCHOR.

Right and wrong are decided 'on the fly' by people PRETENDING TO BE JUDGES.

Y'all don't think we got us a 'justice problem', do ya?

Need I remind you that justice is whatever they say it is? [Even on f'n TV...]

Without straining you can count at least a dozen 'unjust practices' that the infamous they get away with all the time. [If you are having trouble identifying these travesties of justice start with the need for more rigorous policing at the nation's donut's the reason there is never a cop around when you need one.]

In a 'saner' future there won't be any cops at all but that is because criminal behavior will be rare and largely self-policing. [If you need armed thugs to keep you safe you are doing civilization WRONG!]

Ironically, you don't need to be a genius to figure that one out.

The 'stone' at the center of civilization is a Law Book but then we give WEASELS the 'sole discretion' to 'interpret' that rulebook however they see fit...which is where 'injustice' comes from.

[It's also where 'lawyering up' comes from. If you need a 'Pro' to get you undone then the system itself is unjust. Lawyers love the law but they love MONEY more and the first one to run out of cash's also why you CAN'T sue the government, not because they are 'infallible' but because they 'theoretically' can never run out of money.]

How many of you had your eyes pop this morning when you learned that your ass was saved by an act of congress? Numbnuts apparently 'authorized' a strike on Iran but Congress stepped in and said no.

You were about to get 'vaporized' over a drone that didn't belong there in the first place.

Naturally, 'Pussygrabber's base' is on a rampage this morning, seeking to lynch the politicians that denied them 'justice'...

Ownership and Conservatism are both incurable mental disorders that can only be treated using extreme measures. [It's why the naked nature walk is a 'one-way trip'.]

Returns us to the center of today's post and the question of 'who' shall judge us?

Why do the 'Pros' keep getting it wrong? Because they aren't interested in 'justice' only the 'appearance of justice'. Their multiple 'bad decisions' are made for the payday after the verdict is handed down.

Again you need not be a genius to see that this is NOT 'justice'.

So how do we mete out this elusive yet vital foundation for preserving 'Peace', the most essential element of Order?

Via Equality. Without equality there is no justice and without justice there can be no peace for without peace there can be no order...and without order civilization is a joke.

Didn't know 'the chain' was that long, did ya?

The first step is ROUTINELY ignored which is precisely the reason why human history is written in blood.

But alas, I preacheth to the choir.

Um, back to 'rudderlessness' which is the default state of a society that ignores the basic precepts...

Without equality we have those who BELIEVE they are BETTER than the rest of us RULING over a helpless populous for their own savage amusement.

To which we can only 'f'n dumb are you?

Happy Friday, Head!



  1. it seems the 'free thinkers' up Washington State way are proposing that the common citizen be enabled to issue one another traffic citations, 'freeing up' law enforcement for other unspecified duties. [Possibly in response to the increase in donut thefts by uniform wearing bandits...]

  2. In a 'saner' future there won't be any cops at all but that is because criminal behavior will be rare and largely self-policing. [If you need armed thugs to keep you safe you are doing civilization WRONG!]

    Ironically, you don't need to be a genius to figure that one out.

    Outlaw cash and crime literally disappears!

  3. The 'stone' at the center of civilization is a Law Book but then we give WEASELS the 'sole discretion' to 'interpret' that rulebook however they see fit...which is where 'injustice' comes from.

  4. Right and wrong are decided 'on the fly' by people PRETENDING TO BE JUDGES.

    Y'all don't think we got us a 'justice problem', do ya?

    Need I remind you that justice is whatever they say it is? [Even on f'n TV...]

  5. Why do the 'Pros' keep getting it wrong? Because they aren't interested in 'justice' only the 'appearance of justice'. Their multiple 'bad decisions' are made for the payday after the verdict is handed down.

    Again you need not be a genius to see that this is NOT 'justice'.

  6. Need I remind you that justice is whatever they say it is? [Even on f'n TV...]

    Without straining you can count at least a dozen 'unjust practices' that the infamous they get away with all the time. [If you are having trouble identifying these travesties of justice start with the need for more rigorous policing at the nation's donut's the reason there is never a cop around when you need one.]

    In a 'saner' future there won't be any cops at all but that is because criminal behavior will be rare and largely self-policing. [If you need armed thugs to keep you safe you are doing civilization WRONG!]

  7. In a 'saner' future there won't be any cops at all but that is because criminal behavior will be rare and largely self-policing. [If you need armed thugs to keep you safe you are doing civilization WRONG!]

    Ironically, you don't need to be a genius to figure that one out.

    Yet NONE of you have...makes you wonder, ya know?

  8. Without straining you can count at least a dozen 'unjust practices' that the infamous they get away with all the time. [If you are having trouble identifying these travesties of justice start with the need for more rigorous policing at the nation's donut's the reason there is never a cop around when you need one.]

  9. it seems the 'free thinkers' up Washington State way are proposing that the common citizen be enabled to issue one another traffic citations, 'freeing up' law enforcement for other unspecified duties. [Possibly in response to the increase in donut thefts by uniform wearing bandits...]

    Talk about two bad ideas in one, they can't possibly be that dumb but the situation is getting worse instead of better and it's only going to keep creeping toward chaos (definitely NOT ANARCHY, if you think they are the same you're a moron!) because our 'rudderless' society also doesn't have an ANCHOR.

    Right and wrong are decided 'on the fly' by people PRETENDING TO BE JUDGES.

    Y'all don't think we got us a 'justice problem' do ya?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...