Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Reality Check

Greetings good citizen, yesterday the worst president ever (Behind St. Ronnie and W.) kicked off his re-election campaign from a location near Mar-a-Largo, that bastion of the oppressed that charges $200k a year in dues just to belong to the 'exclusive' club.

What does Pussygrabber have in common with St. Ronnie & W? Their 'constituents' were/are the HAVES and the HAVE MORES...and NO ONE ELSE!

SHORT OF A REVOLT, Bonehead boy is guaranteed a 2nd term.

He's not being impeached [and in the current media circus that wouldn't prevent his re-election never mind not remove him from office] the 'political will' to remove him from office (for incompetence) DOESN'T EXIST!

His handlers have cultivated the rude, crude and ignorant image of Pussygrabber as the kind of president the citizens of the U.S. DESERVE!

The 'failure' of 'U.S. Democracy' is the direct result of a 'dumbed down' electorate that doesn't know what it is ignorant of and, thanks to the feckless media, doesn't care.

Murika, go! Whoo-hoo boy!

As I have pointed out repeatedly on this page, WE are outnumbered. 'Neck-deep in stupid' isn't a joke or an overestimation. The portion of the public who believe their 'patriotism' is their political affiliation are roughly equal to the cowards who avoid confrontation with the terminally stupid...unfortunately, combined they comprise a majority of the electorate...but you, being the other third of the electorate, the cognizant (who tend to underestimate our own numbers) are outgunned nonetheless.

The election results tell a disturbing story. The Electoral College has been used increasingly to 'override' the popular vote with disastrous consequences for the people of this, er, 'Republic'...which if you will remember are 'oligarchies' which PRETEND to be *Democratic. [The popular elections keep going to the (faux) opposition because bullies don't vote for bullies, they HATE the idea of being on the receiving end!]

You were supposed to never be intelligent enough to figure that unfortunate for them that money is zero guarantee that they are in fact 'smarter' than the rest of us.

We really have to make it a habit to start asking the individual on our right in all seriousness, 'How fuckin' dumb are you? While we are at it we should constantly reminding them 'stupid is a choice!' [born of the refusal to correct ignorance.]

If they don't start swinging, ask them to explain their stupidity. It is unlikely they have ever heard their internal conflict outloud before and that might fix 'em once and for all!

What ELSE do we know? Bobo's 'war on the media' is an attempt to distract you from their complicity in the conspiracy.

They lie and STUPID believes it [mostly because they are too dumb to know better.] That fine 'public education' that keeps landing them in prison Zero irony it is the same one the cops receive so now we are a herd of wind up toys doing whatever we are told/ordered to do.

Did I mention that Capitalism is dangerous for handing authority to the people afflicted with Ownership Syndrome? These people are mentally ill in the first place and THE LAW lets them have power over their employees!

What the fuck is wrong with our nation's (bought and paid for) LEGAL MINDS?

Anyone up for a lynching? If ya ain't, ya ought to be...

Until next time, Head.


* The cognizant know this but I will remind the confused that THERE ARE NO DEMOCRATS in US politics and haven't been since Reagan killed the Labor movement.

Liberalism no longer exists except as an intellectual exercise among those who pretend to disdain the elite [while actually being one of them, not a full-fledged member but a proxy member with enough money to 'pose'.]

None are so blind as the saying goes.


  1. SHORT OF A REVOLT, Bonehead boy is guaranteed a 2nd term.

  2. We really have to make it a habit to start asking the individual on our right in all seriousness, 'How fuckin' dumb are you? While we are at it we should constantly reminding them 'stupid is a choice!' [born of the refusal to correct ignorance.]

    Just remember to duck, they'd rather defend their stupidity with their fists because their mind isn't up to the job.

  3. What does Pussygrabber have in common with St. Ronnie & W? Their 'constituents' were/are the HAVES and the HAVE MORES...and NO ONE ELSE!

    SHORT OF A REVOLT, Bonehead boy is guaranteed a 2nd term.

  4. What the fuck is wrong with our nation's (bought and paid for) LEGAL MINDS?

    Anyone up for a lynching? If ya ain't, ya ought to be...

  5. SHORT OF A REVOLT, Bonehead boy is guaranteed a 2nd term.

    He's not being impeached [and in the current media circus that wouldn't prevent his re-election never mind not remove him from office] the 'political will' to remove him from office (for incompetence) DOESN'T EXIST!

  6. He's not being impeached [and in the current media circus that wouldn't prevent his re-election never mind not remove him from office] the 'political will' to remove him from office (for incompetence) DOESN'T EXIST!

    [and he still won't be impeached even after yesterday's idiocy!]

  7. What does Pussygrabber have in common with St. Ronnie & W? Their 'constituents' were/are the HAVES and the HAVE MORES...and NO ONE ELSE!

    SHORT OF A REVOLT, Bonehead boy is guaranteed a 2nd term.

  8. His handlers have cultivated the rude, crude and ignorant image of Pussygrabber as the kind of president the citizens of the U.S. DESERVE!

  9. His handlers have cultivated the rude, crude and ignorant image of Pussygrabber as the kind of president the citizens of the U.S. DESERVE!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...