Thursday, June 27, 2019

Electoral Landslide

Greetings good citizen, I waited to see if any of the other so-called news outlets picked up on this but after yesterday's CF of a 'democratic debate' [repeat after me, THERE ARE NO DEMOCRATS ANYMORE, only people PRETENDING to be.] I felt it us time to draw attention to what Trump's campaign manager is, er, 'forecasting'. [The cognizant already know it is the title of this piece.]

So here we are with perhaps the most loathed POTUS in history, a man that personifies the rift between the clueless rich and their voiceless, helpless peasant voters and his 'managers' prediction of an Electoral Landslide?

At first it bounces off the brain and you marvel 'what is this guy smoking?' but then it kicks in, the Electoral College has nothing to do with the 'popular vote'.

Is the deck stacked?

Remember this twat LOST the popular vote the first time and it is unlikely he will win a popular election now as he has demonstrated that it takes more than celebrity to represent a nation.

Despite a feckless media that makes no distinction between famous and infamous, Trump's celebrity stops with his television persona, which is scripted [and he's still an A-hole.]

If the Electoral college is deciding our elections your 'vote' is meaningless. The oligarchs are flying the nation by wire and what you want isn't even on their radar. [Sound familiar?]

If we were to re-write history we would go back to the great depression and the fake crashing of the world's fake financial system intended to punish the masses for supporting the Labor movement.

Remember the 'robber barons' were never brought to justice and the breaking up of their 'monopolies' was only a temporary setback, they quickly merged themselves back to even greater market dominance while limiting transparency legislation.

Remember Hertz/Avis? Most don't but that happened long after Teddy Roosevelt and the 'trust busters' were laid to rest.

What followed, the 'balkanization' of the car rental industry.

Seems like I'm drifting here but the cognizant understand the 'point' is the oligarchs [formerly known as the robber barons] have NEVER been brought to justice because they OWN it!

This is why a literally 'stacked' Electoral College can produce whatever outcome the oligarchs want, the public be damned.

There is ZERO DIFFERENCE between this and living in a DICTATORSHIP.

Worse, ALL dictatorships label themselves 'benevolent'.

Some of you are disturbed by my comparing the feckless rich with their predecessors, the royals and how the oligarchs treat women the same way those appointees of God, the royals did.

The latest is number 23...what a 'role model'.

If the Electoral college intends to hand him the presidency for a 2nd time, REVOLT is the ONLY option and we don't need to wait until November 2020 to do it because that die is already cast.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,



  1. If the Electoral college intends to hand him the presidency for a 2nd time, REVOLT is the ONLY option and we don't need to wait until November 2020 to do it because that die is already cast.

  2. Might be a good time to look up the word 'tyranny' and ask yourself if this could be one of those situations. If you don't know what tyranny is it wouldn't come to you by itself.


    They are actors intended to distract you...

  4. Remember this twat LOST the popular vote the first time and it is unlikely he will win a popular election now as he has demonstrated that it takes more than celebrity to represent a nation.

  5. If the Electoral college intends to hand him the presidency for a 2nd time, REVOLT is the ONLY option and we don't need to wait until November 2020 to do it because that die is already cast.

    How unfortunate for humanity that they don't each you to THINK!

  6. Remember this twat LOST the popular vote the first time and it is unlikely he will win a popular election now as he has demonstrated that it takes more than celebrity to represent a nation.

  7. Is the deck stacked?

    Remember this twat LOST the popular vote the first time and it is unlikely he will win a popular election now as he has demonstrated that it takes more than celebrity to represent a nation.

    Despite a feckless media that makes no distinction between famous and infamous, Trump's celebrity stops with his television persona, which is scripted [and he's still an A-hole.]

    When 'electability' is reduced to name recognition your freedom is lost. What do you say to that, dummy?

  8. So here we are with perhaps the most loathed POTUS in history, a man that personifies the rift between the clueless rich and their voiceless, helpless peasant voters and his 'managers' prediction of an Electoral Landslide?

    At first it bounces off the brain and you marvel 'what is this guy smoking?' but then it kicks in, the Electoral College has nothing to do with the 'popular vote'.

  9. So here we are with perhaps the most loathed POTUS in history, a man that personifies the rift between the clueless rich and their voiceless, helpless peasant voters and his 'managers' prediction of an Electoral Landslide?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...