Monday, June 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's post is 'linked' to Iran's warning that the US shouldn't expect to 'stay safe'.

Did the Iranians finally take leave of their senses or is that the exclusive domain of the hopelessly stupid?

The media is full of clues if you pay attention to the big picture.

Let's start with the 'oafs' allegedly in charge of things. Today's headlines tell us that that Rama-lama-ding-dong has threatened China with (more I guess) tariffs if Chairman Xi doesn't meet with him.

Is this the manifestation of 'When your only tool is a hammer', writ large?

STOP: I'm not pointing at Dummy's actions, I'm pointing at Dummy!

The 'F-U Libtard' crowd, [the people that refuse to think because it makes their teeny, empty head hurt] also refuse to put two and two together and recognize what everybody else knows...that the 'meat-puppet' isn't calling ANY of these shots. [These are people who will have their 'right to vote' stripped from them because our species won't survive following the lead of MORONS!]

STOP: If the individual that we elect to handle our affairs isn't doing the job then who is? [This leads to that other question of if the elections are a sham, why bother?]

If the elections are a sham then so is the whole 'party' thing...but most already know because neither party cares about anything the public really cares about.

The 'illusion of participation' exists SOLELY so the people can blame the system when shit goes horribly wrong!

In the meantime we keep finding ourselves being backed into impossible corners just because the people really running things CAN.

Bad enough we don't know who these people are but they are also 'above the law' because they 'OWN' the legal system in their bailiwick.

On the surface these, er, unidentified elements appear to be independent entities but of late [Post WW-II] there is evidence of collusion between these shadow operators.

Put the two world wars together and you find a situation so improbable that there is no escaping the fact that the puppet masters are 'colluding'.

So what our generation has been taught about recent history is in fact a lie. Just as our kids are being fed a pack of lies as well...although the goal today is to 'pacify' (for a short while longer) as the conspirators (who pretend they don't exist) reach for the lever marked GENOCIDE.

Tick-tock, good citizen.

The part that should frighten you spitless is there isn't a way to bring the self-serving to heel. They control the money and the law and use both to cow YOU into submission.

Is it ironic that 'Satan' [our VERY REAL shadowy overlords] greatest achievement was convincing humanity that they didn't exist? [Do they relish playing the bad guy to their own fictional almighty patriarch?]

Too bad we can't ask them because they play the 'we don't exist card' to the hilt.

Like fungus, sunlight kills them. They CAN'T survive in the open, having their motives questioned or examined.

Not so amusing is how little the 'sunlight laws' did to expose them.

Most fail to make the connection between the sunlight laws of the late 90's and the Patriot Act at the beginning of the 00's.

National security trumps all.

It's a question that should keep you awake at night considering the stakes [your children's future.] WHO is running this shitshow?

EVERYTHING you experience in your daily life is THEIR FAULT, from homelessness to the opioid crisis, suicide to overpopulation and the resultant environmental degradation. Whoever is really running things isn't concerned about any of these issues because they aren't going to last much longer.

Why do you suppose that is? Did we just circle back to the beginning of this post?

Not what to think, Head...but most definitely something to think about...




  1. STOP: I'm not pointing at Dummy's actions, I'm pointing at Dummy!

  2. Bad enough we don't know who these people are but they are also 'above the law' because they 'OWN' the legal system in their bailiwick.

    On the surface these, er, unidentified elements appear to be independent entities but of late [Post WW-II] there is evidence of collusion between these shadow operators.

    Put the two world wars together and you find a situation so improbable that there is no escaping the fact that the puppet masters are 'colluding'.

  3. EVERYTHING you experience in your daily life is THEIR FAULT, from homelessness to the opioid crisis, suicide to overpopulation and the resultant environmental degradation. Whoever is really running things isn't concerned about any of these issues because they aren't going to last much longer.

  4. Not so amusing is how little the 'sunlight laws' did to expose them.

  5. Most fail to make the connection between the sunlight laws of the late 90's and the Patriot Act at the beginning of the 00's.

    National security trumps all.

  6. STOP: If the individual that we elect to handle our affairs isn't doing the job then who is? [This leads to that other question of if the elections are a sham, why bother?]

  7. EVERYTHING you experience in your daily life is THEIR FAULT, from homelessness to the opioid crisis, suicide to overpopulation and the resultant environmental degradation. Whoever is really running things isn't concerned about any of these issues because they aren't going to last much longer.

  8. STOP: I'm not pointing at Dummy's actions, I'm pointing at Dummy!

    If the people elected to do the job aren't doing it, who is?

  9. STOP: If the individual that we elect to handle our affairs isn't doing the job then who is? [This leads to that other question of if the elections are a sham, why bother?]

  10. STOP: If the individual that we elect to handle our affairs isn't doing the job then who is? [This leads to that other question of if the elections are a sham, why bother?]

  11. It's a question that should keep you awake at night considering the stakes [your children's future.] WHO is running this shitshow?

    EVERYTHING you experience in your daily life is THEIR FAULT, from homelessness to the opioid crisis, suicide to overpopulation and the resultant environmental degradation. Whoever is really running things isn't concerned about any of these issues because they aren't going to last much longer.

  12. STOP: I'm not pointing at Dummy's actions, I'm pointing at Dummy!

    The 'F-U Libtard' crowd, [the people that refuse to think because it makes their teeny, empty head hurt] also refuse to put two and two together and recognize what everybody else knows...that the 'meat-puppet' isn't calling ANY of these shots. [These are people who will have their 'right to vote' stripped from them because our species won't survive following the lead of MORONS!]

    STOP: If the individual that we elect to handle our affairs isn't doing the job then who is? [This leads to that other question of if the elections are a sham, why bother?]

  13. Put the two world wars together and you find a situation so improbable that there is no escaping the fact that the puppet masters are 'colluding'.

  14. Bad enough we don't know who these people are but they are also 'above the law' because they 'OWN' the legal system in their bailiwick.

  15. STOP: If the individual that we elect to handle our affairs isn't doing the job then who is? [This leads to that other question of if the elections are a sham, why bother?]

    If the elections are a sham then so is the whole 'party' thing...but most already know because neither party cares about anything the public really cares about.

    People are losing faith in a system that DOESN'T serve them because it is CORRUPT.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...