Saturday, June 29, 2019

One Party Rule

Greetings good citizen. Understandably, the people masquerading as Democrats appear clueless because they are. The big D democrats were defunded [by the same oligarchs that fund both sides of the fake political divide] after St. Ronnie busted the Union movement so those democrats are gone.

Couple that with Comrade Vlad's declaration that 'liberalism' is obsolete, people/humanity is better served by TRIBALISM.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one [but most of us haven't trained them to speak.]

The very bedrock of conservatism is the 'us vs them' mentality. Without a scapegoat conservatism can't exist. Conservatism would be so wonderful if reality would just stop interfering!

Understand this is behind the push for 'One Party Rule' where those dissatisfied with the 'magical thinking' that is conservatism will be crushed under the overwhelming tide of believers. [Key to this is the inescapable fact that humans are mimics, we will 'go along to get along', damn the consequences.]

[Sorry Jews, luckily but you aren't in the crosshairs this time, it's the 'third world's' turn.]

Understand that the rise in global 'conservatism' is an effort to get ahead of a rising tide of 'Hey, wait a minute?' that is sweeping the planet as the global 'rabble' see themselves in the downtrodden everywhere and have the epiphany that their plight isn't due to God hating them as they were taught by the lies of the White Devils.

Belatedly the feckless discovered that globalizing the planets markets would have 'unintended consequences' because people around the world would start reaching out to one another and find they had more in common with one another than what they were taught was the case.

You hate Commies because you were TAUGHT to hate commies, just as you were TAUGHT that brown people were stupid and inferior.

Neither is true and the 'free world' would collapse overnight if we boycotted products made in communist who is zooming who?

Could it be the MONEY PARTY of the oligarchs? [You don't get to vote and accident of birth determines membership with the only way to join being marriage, either in or out, as the case may be.]

I'm tempted to call digressing again but I'm not. The oligarchs control the media and the banking system and the totally screwy stock markets. [which is literally a bunch of old farts sitting in a room asking one another 'how can we drive 'em crazy today?']

It's where 'owning the tards' originated!

Now we are off the beaten path but it is here I wish to make the point that we are all 'human first' and those who don't agree have no business making rules for the rest of us, this 'Master Race' shit has gone on long enough!

Get your head out of your ass and put an end to this legalized tyranny THEY call 'democracy'.

No matter how hard you try you can't vote yourself 'free'. [The royals declared themselves free but that's a pretty small club and they have a bitch of a time protecting their flanks because of all the clever 'wannabes' and posers.]

One people, one purpose, no exceptions.

Thanks for letting me inside your head.



  1. Couple that with Comrade Vlad's declaration that 'liberalism' is obsolete, people/humanity is better served by *TRIBALISM.

    *You know that thing wars are based on...

  2. Now we are off the beaten path but it is here I wish to make the point that we are all 'human first' and those who don't agree have no business making rules for the rest of us, this 'Master Race' shit has gone on long enough!

  3. The very bedrock of conservatism is the 'us vs them' mentality. Without a scapegoat conservatism can't exist. Conservatism would be so wonderful if reality would just stop interfering!

  4. Understand this is behind the push for 'One Party Rule' where those dissatisfied with the 'magical thinking' that is conservatism will be crushed under the overwhelming tide of believers. [Key to this is the inescapable fact that humans are mimics, we will 'go along to get along', damn the consequences.]

    [Sorry Jews, luckily but you aren't in the crosshairs this time, it's the 'third world's' turn.]

  5. Understand this is behind the push for 'One Party Rule' where those dissatisfied with the 'magical thinking' that is conservatism will be crushed under the overwhelming tide of believers. [Key to this is the inescapable fact that humans are mimics, we will 'go along to get along', damn the consequences.]

  6. The very bedrock of conservatism is the 'us vs them' mentality. Without a scapegoat conservatism can't exist. Conservatism would be so wonderful if reality would just stop interfering!

    Without a scapegoat, conservatism collapses because its promises are empty.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...