Thursday, June 6, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the privately owned media expends endless pixels convincing us that communism and liberalism have failed [the latter is still a conservo-whacko pipedream that they are still working on making true using the tried and true method of a lie, repeated often enough, becomes true.]

While the flat earth only has four directions (up, down, left, right) the lying liars who control the 'official' information outlets are telling you (repeatedly) that 'left' is bad, the only way up is to steal and down needs no explanation because new depths keep getting opened up for the beaten and the damned.

[You can be sure that 'righty' will object to the remaining direction being labeled 'stasis' because the dumb believe that Obedience is superior to Free Will.] They don't call 'em stupid for nothing.

Worse, the 'gamemakers', after acknowledging the flaws in three of the four directions on the political compass try and convince you there is a fifth direction, that of the 'center', the 'logical direction' the other four forces push things.

If you LOVE Liberty and Freedom, the smiling BS vendors of the right spare no effort to convince you that those ideals exist [both intangible and unattainable] at the 'mystic center' of conservo-whackodom. [Why do the whackos believe that strict obedience will provide you with all the 'freedom' you deserve?]

But 'magical thinking' is pretty much the essence of conservo-whackdom where the contradictions exist to be ignored.

Thought Experiment time:

Picture the four points of the compass. In what direction to place freedom and liberty (better defined as the 'right to choose for yourself')

Would they lay to the left towards 'chaos' or would you try and smuggle them past the rigid, dictatorial 'right'?

This is the 'choice' you are faced with when you have to choose political sides based on under which do you feel 'safer', with the 'tolerant' left or the rigid right?

There's your choice yet Liberty and Freedom DIE outside the MIDDLE so both sides claim to be the 'wiser' choice.

With THAT as a given now the 'choice' becomes one of 'up' or 'down'. Do we, stuck in the middle, move in the upwards direction of the 'greater good' or do we move in the downward direction of 'peace at any price'?


With the above in mind, what direction do you think we are headed in?

'A FEW' move up while the bulk of us slowly sink while pretending (or perhaps just being thankful things aren't getting worse faster.)

Our society resembles a cow patty with a very slender spike sticking out of it...and while we'd like to think/console ourselves that the spike is in the middle of a pile of shit, think again...the spike is as far from the shit as it can get without losing control.

They'd be on the opposite side of the planet or another planet altogether if they could manage it...and that's not to say they aren't doing this to the rest of us 'over a wire' but one step/problem at a time.

[There is and always has been an 'inhuman' element in the way we deal with each other. Until the reason behind this is pinned down all possibilities remain on the table.]

With that thought in mind we return to the issue of our narrow 'spike of prosperity' vs the illusion of prosperity that quickly gives way to abject, widespread poverty.

Thus the STENCH good citizen.

Something STINKS about this whole deal and until we reveal what's underneath all of the 'posturing & posing' we won't be able to clean it up and rid ourselves of the stench of HYPOCRISY!

So it is the 'privately owned media' pits the 'lackeys' against the expendables in a struggle over circumstances that shouldn't exist in the first place.

If the collective 'we' were doing this right ANYWHERE, nobody would be 'in search of' perpetually 'greener pastures'...yet the refugee crisis is a global phenomenon and the privately owned media pretends not to notice (because you sure as fuck don't!)

Humans have a deeply disturbing habit of letting themselves off the hook far too easily...and oh how we cry when we can't free ourselves!

Freedom and Liberty DON'T EXIST outside the center of the compass, tyranny or chaos will shred them both the moment they stray from the 'safety' of the center where neither tyranny or chaos can survive.

I'd end it here but we haven't 'finished' the equation.

We all KNOW which way 'up' is but we can't get there from here using the current (toothless) political process. Failure isn't punished and 'insubordination is often rewarded by those who butter their bread on both sides using 'our' share.

Should we 'execute' society's failures? [The State regularly kills murderers under the biblical axiom of 'an eye for an eye'.]

In this the process is deeply flawed...and there is no way using the process to fix the process.

History proves humans will NOT tolerate 'frustration' for extended periods of time, the coming presidential cycle is being played in the media to specifically stoke the blazing inferno of frustration that WILL boil over regardless of the outcome. [Because the rich/criminals don't lose!]

The grandchildren of the Robber Barons/Royals believe their progenitors made a mistake pretending to capitulate to the rabble, this time they are going to prove to the lowlifes why they are superior to the rest of us.

Perhaps this time we will erase them from the genepool, privilege has NO place in a 'survival situation'.

I wish to be clear that job one remains SURVIVAL. We will FAIL if we can't 'co-operate' and share this planet because the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight are wearing razor thin.

TOGETHER we are MIGHTY, alone we aren't even food.

Your choice. Happy D-Day Head,

Should probably mention that the whole W.W. thing reeks of the same insincerity that brought us to this historic cliff they are preparing to push billions off of...

Same as it ever was...



  1. STOP:

    With the above in mind, what direction do you think we are headed in?

    'A FEW' move up while the bulk of us slowly sink while pretending (or perhaps just being thankful things aren't getting worse faster.)

  2. With that thought in mind we return to the issue of our narrow 'spike of prosperity' vs the illusion of prosperity that quickly gives way to abject, widespread poverty.

    Thus the STENCH good citizen.

    Doesn't the reek give away when something is rotten?

  3. While the flat earth only has four directions (up, down, left, right) the lying liars who control the 'official' information outlets are telling you (repeatedly) that 'left' is bad, the only way up is to steal and down needs no explanation because new depths keep getting opened up for the beaten and the damned.

  4. If you LOVE Liberty and Freedom, the smiling BS vendors of the right spare no effort to convince you that those ideals exist [both intangible and unattainable] at the 'mystic center' of conservo-whackodom. [Why do the whackos believe that strict obedience will provide you with all the 'freedom' you deserve?]

  5. If the collective 'we' were doing this right ANYWHERE, nobody would be 'in search of' perpetually 'greener pastures'...yet the refugee crisis is a global phenomenon and the privately owned media pretends not to notice (because you sure as fuck don't!)

  6. Worse, the 'gamemakers', after acknowledging the flaws in three of the four directions on the political compass try and convince you there is a fifth direction, that of the 'center', the 'logical direction' the other four forces push things.

    If you LOVE Liberty and Freedom, the smiling BS vendors of the right spare no effort to convince you that those ideals exist [both intangible and unattainable] at the 'mystic center' of conservo-whackodom. [Why do the whackos believe that strict obedience will provide you with all the 'freedom' you deserve?]

  7. But 'magical thinking' is pretty much the essence of conservo-whackdom where the contradictions exist to be ignored.

  8. Something STINKS about this whole deal and until we reveal what's underneath all of the 'posturing & posing' we won't be able to clean it up and rid ourselves of the stench of HYPOCRISY!

  9. The grandchildren of the Robber Barons/Royals believe their progenitors made a mistake pretending to capitulate to the rabble, this time they are going to prove to the lowlifes why they are superior to the rest of us.

    Perhaps this time we will erase them from the genepool, privilege has NO place in a 'survival situation'.

  10. Picture the four points of the compass. In what direction to place freedom and liberty (better defined as the 'right to choose for yourself')

    Would they lay to the left towards 'chaos' or would you try and smuggle them past the rigid, dictatorial 'right'?

  11. Freedom and Liberty DON'T EXIST outside the center of the compass, tyranny or chaos will shred them both the moment they stray from the 'safety' of the center where neither tyranny or chaos can survive.

    I'd end it here but we haven't 'finished' the equation.

  12. If you fail to identify the issues you are doomed to be overwhelmed by them.

    er: the lying liars who decide for all of us what is 'important'...

  13. Freedom and Liberty DON'T EXIST outside the center of the compass, tyranny or chaos will shred them both the moment they stray from the 'safety' of the center where neither tyranny or chaos can survive.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...