Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Blame Game

Greetings good citizen, every generation blames the one before them for not leaving them a workable situation...which ignores how 'accident of birth' and a dwindling pool of resources has always limited the prospects of the next generation.

The odds of a 32-year-old dying have risen by 24 percent in the past five years, even as death rates among older Americans are about stable. Baby Boomers are living longer even as the workers who pay for their pensions are dying from an epidemic of drug overdose, suicide, car accidents, and violence. But, of course, while this sudden increase in working-age death rates is a new concern, the long-run fiscal crunch has been obvious for decades. For virtually the entire period of Boomer political dominance, it has been obvious that long-term obligations needed to be fixed. And yet, the problem has not been fixed. Younger Americans will suffer the consequences.

As dire as this all sounds, there is cause for hope. If the problem is too many senseless rules, then the solution is obvious. Strict licensure standards can be repealed. Minimum lot sizes can be reduced. Building-height ceilings can be raised. Nonviolent prisoners can have their sentences commuted. Even thorny problems such as cost control in universities can be addressed through caps on non-instructional spending, while solutions for government debt and obligations are widely known, even if they are politically unpalatable.

Um, does anyone else see the 'la-la-la' factor there. Whoever penned this remains ignorant of why these regulations exist...and WHO put them there. Not like 'we' (the boomers) voted for ANY of that shit.

Worse, it is the reason these problems 'fester', because the journalistic community is incapable of pointing at the true culprit or they will lose their situation over a story that WILL NEVER see the light of day.

No magic here. Republics are oligarchies so who is the problem, the cowardly oligarchs!

See, simple, culprit hiding in plain sight but the media can't bad mouth the boss so instead they scapegoat the previous generation. [You didn't VOTE! when all you have to do to see what 'voting' gets you is look at the White House and that asshat LOST the popular vote! by 3 million votes.]

It is only in these missives that we see attention being drawn to the hundreds of years of no longer relevant legislation that remains on the books.

Like the typical hoarder, the oligarchs don't want old laws removed from the books, the confusion they create is precisely the legal environment they are cultivating!

What else did our intrepid mud-slinger miss?

Scrapping regulation will not create the jobs our foundering society so desperately needs...only ONE system creates paid employment for jobs the average citizen has been forced to do themselves or do without.

So, who f'd up YOUR life?

This time the mirror is only partly true. You aren't given a choice, even the children of privilege are expected to ride the greased rails without complaint.

If we are being honest about this the true culprit is the eye that never blinks, that is the constant reminder of your multiple shortcomings.

What if your life is 'just like' the people TV brings into your livingroom every minute of every day? Your dissatisfaction then becomes the 'role models' who are boring (or their problems are unrealistic...but what do you expect from scripted television?)

They are always cooking up happy/funny solutions and your life isn't like that.

If they put on shows that reflected real life nobody would watch! [The cops NEVER catch the criminal and the 'evidence' is almost always 'inconclusive'....wouldn't watch that shitshow for long, would you?]

Um, are you wondering how we got here when we started off playing 'let's point fingers'?

Truth, good citizen, the 'font' of all your dissatisfaction is the (lying) eye that never blinks.

The reason you don't know how to think is because the screen does all the thinking for you, all you have to do is WATCH.

Um, I don't watch TV, so I'll have to ask one of Murika Great Again? [If so, when was it 'great' before now?]

Just an 'opinion' here but Murika won't be great until we muzzle the lying beast we brought into our homes.

TV is for 'entertainment' yet the, er, 'unsophisticated' believe everything they see so maybe they shouldn't be permitted to watch TV if they can't notch a 100 on an IQ test...or perhaps programing should be restricted to IQ level. If you can't crack a 100 all you can watch is Barney and Arthur. [For the none too bright '100' is 'average' and most people can do it...although I suspect there are more 'near misses' (98's and 99's) than those who just squeaked over the mark. If we look across the landscape, hundreds have become rare.]

And those couple of points seem to have a profound effect on the individual's ability to sort fact from fiction.

Again, I write for the cognizant, their ability to see what I share for what it is [opinion] is uncontested.

Fair & Balanced is just the tip of the 'stupid' iceberg.

Nothing I share here is going to change that, it seems awareness alone does little.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,



  1. TV is for 'entertainment' yet the, er, 'unsophisticated' believe everything they see so maybe they shouldn't be permitted to watch TV if they can't notch a 100 on an IQ test...or perhaps programing should be restricted to IQ level. If you can't crack a 100 all you can watch is Barney and Arthur. [For the none too bright '100' is 'average' and most people can do it...although I suspect there are more 'near misses' (98's and 99's) than those who just squeaked over the mark. If we look across the landscape, hundreds have become rare.]

  2. See, simple, culprit hiding in plain sight but the media can't bad mouth the boss so instead they scapegoat the previous generation. [You didn't VOTE! when all you have to do to see what 'voting' gets you is look at the White House and that asshat LOST the popular vote! by 3 million votes.]

  3. Are you listening, Trumps 'campaign manager' is telling the public flat out that he expects an Electoral Landslide in favor of his candidate...


  4. Again, I write for the cognizant, their ability to see what I share for what it is [opinion] is uncontested.

    Fair & Balanced is just the tip of the 'stupid' iceberg.

    Nothing I share here is going to change that, it seems awareness alone does little.

  5. So, who f'd up YOUR life?

    This time the mirror is only partly true. You aren't given a choice, even the children of privilege are expected to ride the greased rails without complaint.

    But complain they do...until they are old enough to appreciate what 'advantage' is. [Puts them on the 'right side' of tyranny because it makes them the tyrants!]

  6. No magic here. Republics are oligarchies so who is the problem, the cowardly oligarchs!

  7. Um, does anyone else see the 'la-la-la' factor there. Whoever penned this remains ignorant of why these regulations exist...and WHO put them there. Not like 'we' (the boomers) voted for ANY of that shit.

  8. No magic here. Republics are oligarchies so who is the problem, the cowardly oligarchs!

    See, simple, culprit hiding in plain sight but the media can't bad mouth the boss so instead they scapegoat the previous generation. [You didn't VOTE! when all you have to do to see what 'voting' gets you is look at the White House and that asshat LOST the popular vote! by 3 million votes.]

    Same thing happened when Dewey beat Truman and the E.C. handed Truman the victory...Truman (who founded the CIA) was Their boy.

  9. Truth, good citizen, the 'font' of all your dissatisfaction is the (lying) eye that never blinks.

    The reason you don't know how to think is because the screen does all the thinking for you, all you have to do is WATCH.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...