Greetings pedestrian, Joyous tidings! (or so the deluded would have you believe.) God shall return to save us 'shortly' (which is to add that it's inadvisable to hold your breath as we are dealing with 'God time' here.)
One thing hasn't changed over the ages, disasters of almost any scale are promptly determined (by the status quo) to be 'God's Judgment' visited upon a society born into 'wickedness'.
The front page of today's NY Times features precisely such a proclamation without committing to the opinion that the apocalypse is upon us.
St. John's alleged vision is a spectacle dripping in blood and worldwide misery. While the latest crusade has turned the region into an economic wasteland almost none of the predictions made in the Christian Book of Prophecies have come to pass.
Were we to accept the Bible literally the devastation in the Middle East doesn't approach the level carnage described in the Bible...a book that was written by men (but those men were 'influenced' by God!)
It is a given that Man is not a rational creature and that makes him susceptible to deception. IF the entity (I am convinced they are as human as you and I) ever returns (unlikely as whatever it was they came here for is long depleted/gone or they'd still be here!)
There are two explanations for a continued human presence on this mined out rock, One is we were abandoned in place, our purpose served we weren't needed elsewhere. The second narrative is we are the children of the escaped survivors of the 'clean up'.
The non-existent we have nothing they are interested in.
Right underneath the announcement of the arrival of the Apocalypse, we find an announcement that the global economy will take a 'long time' to recover.
The young accept this at face value but those of us who have been around this block a time or two have heard it before.
Nothing will improve until we stop letting the criminals milk us for everything we're worth.
If you weren't born with a trust fund you MUST buy your future from the bank. They call this 'fair' because (almost) everybody has to do it...
When you control the narrative the lies never stop. The economic desert has expanded mightily as capitalism lays waste to the planet so 'a few' can be 'rich'. [Even that doesn't mean what you think it means!]
Have I mentioned we are neck-deep in stupid?
The economy has been in a death spiral since I was young. The papers used to have pages and pages of help wanted ads but that useful indicator disappeared right around Morning in America when unemployment eclipsed that of the Great Depression (because capitalism is predatory and money is only useful to tyrants and the individual.
Guess who is getting the most mileage out the coin in your pocket? [Hint, it's not YOU!]
Worse, this situation is highly 'fixable'. A Simple Plan provides 100% employment while banning the exploitation of any human by any other. Paychecks all around are the first crucial step towards Equality that leads to Unity!
You know this, I know this and the criminals know this.
Remember why I end these when and where I do.
One thing hasn't changed over the ages, disasters of almost any scale are promptly determined (by the status quo) to be 'God's Judgment' visited upon a society born into 'wickedness'.
The front page of today's NY Times features precisely such a proclamation without committing to the opinion that the apocalypse is upon us.
St. John's alleged vision is a spectacle dripping in blood and worldwide misery. While the latest crusade has turned the region into an economic wasteland almost none of the predictions made in the Christian Book of Prophecies have come to pass.
Were we to accept the Bible literally the devastation in the Middle East doesn't approach the level carnage described in the Bible...a book that was written by men (but those men were 'influenced' by God!)
It is a given that Man is not a rational creature and that makes him susceptible to deception. IF the entity (I am convinced they are as human as you and I) ever returns (unlikely as whatever it was they came here for is long depleted/gone or they'd still be here!)
There are two explanations for a continued human presence on this mined out rock, One is we were abandoned in place, our purpose served we weren't needed elsewhere. The second narrative is we are the children of the escaped survivors of the 'clean up'.
The non-existent we have nothing they are interested in.
Right underneath the announcement of the arrival of the Apocalypse, we find an announcement that the global economy will take a 'long time' to recover.
The young accept this at face value but those of us who have been around this block a time or two have heard it before.
Nothing will improve until we stop letting the criminals milk us for everything we're worth.
If you weren't born with a trust fund you MUST buy your future from the bank. They call this 'fair' because (almost) everybody has to do it...
When you control the narrative the lies never stop. The economic desert has expanded mightily as capitalism lays waste to the planet so 'a few' can be 'rich'. [Even that doesn't mean what you think it means!]
Have I mentioned we are neck-deep in stupid?
The economy has been in a death spiral since I was young. The papers used to have pages and pages of help wanted ads but that useful indicator disappeared right around Morning in America when unemployment eclipsed that of the Great Depression (because capitalism is predatory and money is only useful to tyrants and the individual.
Guess who is getting the most mileage out the coin in your pocket? [Hint, it's not YOU!]
Worse, this situation is highly 'fixable'. A Simple Plan provides 100% employment while banning the exploitation of any human by any other. Paychecks all around are the first crucial step towards Equality that leads to Unity!
You know this, I know this and the criminals know this.
Remember why I end these when and where I do.
One thing hasn't changed over the ages, disasters of almost any scale are promptly determined (by the status quo) to be 'God's Judgment' visited upon a society born into 'wickedness'.
ReplyDeleteRight underneath the announcement of the arrival of the Apocalypse, we find an announcement that the global economy will take a 'long time' to recover.
ReplyDeleteThe young accept this at face value but those of us who have been around this block a time or two have heard it before.
It is a given that Man is not a rational creature and that makes him susceptible to deception. IF the entity (I am convinced they are as human as you and I) ever returns (unlikely as whatever it was they came here for is long depleted/gone or they'd still be here!)
ReplyDeleteThe front page of today's NY Times features precisely such a proclamation without committing to the opinion that the apocalypse is upon us.
ReplyDeleteSt. John's alleged vision is a spectacle dripping in blood and worldwide misery. While the latest crusade has turned the region into an economic wasteland almost none of the predictions made in the Christian Book of Prophecies have come to pass.
Nothing will improve until we stop letting the criminals milk us for everything we're worth.
ReplyDeleteIf you weren't born with a trust fund you MUST buy your future from the bank. They call this 'fair' because (almost) everybody has to do it...
The economy has been in a death spiral since I was young. The papers used to have pages and pages of help wanted ads but that useful indicator disappeared right around Morning in America when unemployment eclipsed that of the Great Depression (because capitalism is predatory and money is only useful to tyrants and the individual.
ReplyDeleteGuess who is getting the most mileage out the coin in your pocket? [Hint, it's not YOU!]
St. John's alleged vision is a spectacle dripping in blood and worldwide misery. While the latest crusade has turned the region into an economic wasteland almost none of the predictions made in the Christian Book of Prophecies have come to pass.