Sunday, April 19, 2020


Greetings victims, if I am reading the tea leaves correctly the only thing the quarantine accomplished was allowing 75% of the people susceptible to COVID-19 to escape immediate infection. Conservo-whackos across the red portions of the nation have done the rest of us the service of acting as human guinea pigs, [not that the media will announce any spikes in the spread of the virus, even if the death toll is horrendous.]

Who encourages people to protest a quarantine during a pandemic? [Lying liars and the dumbasses that listen to them? The protestors have proven that stupid is its own reward!]

This leads us to the outcome that millions of, er, 'law-abiding' (albeit hopelessly stupid) citizens will be cursed with, remaining perfectly healthy during the quarantine only to be felled by the virus after the quarantine is lifted, then being forced to self isolate for TWO MORE (unpaid) WEEKS!

The fiscal meatgrinder we call capitalism makes no allowances for this highly foreseeable eventuality and our moronic politicians will balk at extending benefits for people who didn't get sick when they were under lockdown.

[Government, we're doing it wrong.]

So far, this whole episode 'looks like' a severe overreaction to the normal annual outbreak of the flu.

What if it isn't?

Nobody is ready for what will happen if, within a week of lifting the quarantine, the virus does what the doctors originally feared and an already over-stressed (for profit) healthcare system is overwhelmed, resulting in millions (if not billions) of deaths?

Will 'sorry' cut it? [Will it matter?]

Should such an event occur, how do you suppose 'damage control' will handle it? Divine retribution?

Happy Pasha to my orthodox loved ones and a Happy Sunday to the rest of you 'God Fearing' heathens...



  1. Will 'sorry' cut it? [Will it matter?]

  2. Who encourages people to protest a quarantine during a pandemic? [Lying liars and the dumbasses that listen to them? The protestors have proven that stupid is its own reward!]

  3. Nobody is ready for what will happen if, within a week of lifting the quarantine, the virus does what the doctors originally feared and an already over-stressed (for profit) healthcare system is overwhelmed, resulting in millions (if not billions) of deaths?

  4. Should such an event occur, how do you suppose 'damage control' will handle it? Divine retribution?

  5. The fiscal meatgrinder we call capitalism makes no allowances for this highly foreseeable eventuality and our moronic politicians will balk at extending benefits for people who didn't get sick when they were under lockdown.

    [Government, we're doing it wrong.]

  6. if I am reading the tea leaves correctly the only thing the quarantine accomplished was allowing 75% of the people susceptible to COVID-19 to escape immediate infection. Conservo-whackos across the red portions of the nation have done the rest of us the service of acting as human guinea pigs, [not that the media will announce any spikes in the spread of the virus, even if the death toll is horrendous.]

  7. So far, this whole episode 'looks like' a severe overreaction to the normal annual outbreak of the flu.

    What if it isn't?

  8. Happy Pasha to my orthodox loved ones and a Happy Sunday to the rest of you 'God Fearing' heathens...

  9. This leads us to the outcome that millions of, er, 'law-abiding' (albeit hopelessly stupid) citizens will be cursed with, remaining perfectly healthy during the quarantine only to be felled by the virus after the quarantine is lifted, then being forced to self isolate for TWO MORE (unpaid) WEEKS!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...