Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Greetings leaderless ones, here in the aftermath of Morning in America, some of the older generation are finally realizing what Y.O.Y.O. truly means.

People should find it disturbing that the term 'Morning in America' is just an obscure historical reference to those born in the post-Reagan generations. The world is the same as it has always been to those born after the Conservative Revolution of 1980. That said the 'poisoning' of global democracy predates WWI.

The (purposefully cultivated) state of fear is crucial to the latest rendition of the 'Comply or Die' regimen.

A bought and paid for media has been used by the 'owner class' to convince a poorly educated public to commit to a very specific agenda. An agenda that involves their own ongoing enslavement in exchange for unquantifiable 'safety'.

Thus the patriotic slogan which states that those who would sacrifice their liberty for safety deserve neither. Why this truth isn't more popular remains a mystery.

Part of how people became enslaved is because we are conditioned to think in terms of the present and their current circumstances, most of you give little thought to how we arrived here or how a certain segment of the population might have a different agenda than the rest of us.

They started as conquerers and enslavement was the consequence of being vanquished. So it is that success in this life has long been predicated on brutality and the suppression of 'resistance'.

Hence, comply or die.

The conquerors became king and the kings became nobles [more wastrels than warriors] which upset the 'natural order of things' until warfare was mechanized and armies grew to number in the millions. [See the repeat/evolution of 'the illusion of safety?']

Armies that can be evaporated with the push of a button are meaningless but the average moron doesn't appreciate that just as they fail to comprehend how a cloth mask only serves to limit the 'spray' of their coughs/sneezes, it does NOTHING to stop the virus!

Watched a documentary on Corvid-19 last night and it was, if viewed with a cynical/realistic eye, quite informative.

They showed how Covid was collected [along with a few other recently developed troublesome pathogens that were all weaponized and turned loose on an unsuspecting populace.

Naturally, the omitted the weaponization stage but they did reveal the blueprint for 'sculpting' the 'perfect killer'. Watch the video [Netflix] and you will see what I'm saying.

Now to address the 'assertion' that there exists a conspiracy to keep the bulk of mankind both docile and subservient because they don't want to do any 'shit work' themselves and AI isn't quite up to the job...and then there is the fear that AI may become too smart and no longer have a 'use' for its masters. Better the 'devil you know', keep 'em stupid and docile and things will work out so long as you keep them saddled with 'hostages'.

This is the ONLY thing preventing you from being sterilized in the birthing room.

Under ASP, children will no longer be something anyone can do. Your genetic material will be collected for future use but the future of our species lay in hybrids.

The 'best part of you' will survive into the future, the rest, the fucked up parts will be 'discarded'.

Who decides? We can't let those who have fooled themselves into thinking THEY are 'better' than the rest of us do it. We just have to leave the dumb out of the process because their decisionmaking parts don't function well.

Remember the sign: Survivors Only!



  1. Watched a documentary on Corvid-19 last night and it was, if viewed with a cynical/realistic eye, quite informative.

  2. Thus the patriotic slogan which states that those who would sacrifice their liberty for safety deserve neither. Why this truth isn't more popular remains a mystery.

  3. Now to address the 'assertion' that there exists a conspiracy to keep the bulk of mankind both docile and subservient because they don't want to do any 'shit work' themselves and AI isn't quite up to the job...and then there is the fear that AI may become too smart and no longer have a 'use' for its masters. Better the 'devil you know', keep 'em stupid and docile and things will work out so long as you keep them saddled with 'hostages'.

    Your fear for your children's welfare is used against you.

  4. A bought and paid for media has been used by the 'owner class' to convince a poorly educated public to commit to a very specific agenda. An agenda that involves their own ongoing enslavement in exchange for unquantifiable 'safety'.

  5. They started as conquerers and enslavement was the consequence of being vanquished. So it is that success in this life has long been predicated on brutality and the suppression of 'resistance'.

    Hence, comply or die.

  6. Under ASP, children will no longer be something anyone can do. Your genetic material will be collected for future use but the future of our species lay in hybrids.


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