Saturday, April 11, 2020


Greetings YOU! Today's offering is about that thing that lives in your head and tells you what to do. Ever wonder why schizophrenia is so common? It's because of the duality of consciousness.

The average individual knows there is the meat suit and there is the 'conscious mind'. How we deal with this disturbing duality, that the meat suit is 'aware' of itself and thinks, that's the part that confuses us. Some of us tend to divide the two and the thing/alien in your head will, under some circumstances, 'scapegoat' the meat suit for its behavior.

Viola, instant psychopath!

People confused by this duality are susceptible to 'suggestion' because they have difficulty comprehending who is in control.

Tell a mind it doesn't know what it's doing often enough [Like the educational system does constantly] and you have humans that don't know their own ass from a hole in the ground. Add in movement conservatism and you've got a robot that votes!

You'd think you would grow comfortable with yourself over time but that 'feeling of otherness' always disturbs us.

Um, doesn't help to point out that there is nobody in there but you. You are the meat suit and the thing in your head is in charge! Worse, every once in a while the thing inside your head will seize control, forcing you to do things you aren't comfortable doing.

Sometimes the alien is brave but most times it is both reckless and foolish. You suppress the alien when you can but your thinking parts sometimes have a 'mind of its own' [in case you wonder where conservative screed comes from.]

How can you identify conservative dogma? It is riddled with repeated denials [conservatism demands that it be right and 'good' even when it is *insane...]

What's the 'point'?

If you can't deal with the reality that the meat suit is aware of itself and you ALLOW your mind to 'pretend' it is a separate entity, YOU are NOT in control of your life.

That voice inside your head isn't God, it's YOU!


Don't dismiss this. There are very few 'rational' people walking around out there. Most of you have an uneasy relationship with the thing between your ears and most have given up trying to reason with it.


Where does this leave our species? Doesn't this lack of rationality leave us susceptible to manipulation?

They are going to lift the shelter in place order and the virus will spread like wildfire. [They know this.] It DOESN'T take 12 months to develop a vaccine, if ANYONE survived, they ALREADY HAVE ONE!

Lifting the shelter in place order before providing the public with the vaccine is genocide.

Here we are again with the three things people hate cameras, mirrors, and the truth.

People aren't looking for answers, they are looking for assurances (even if they are lies.)

Happy Saturday, and the other guy play nice now!


*repeating the same behavior, each time expecting a different outcome. [Tax cuts DON'T create jobs because there is nothing to 'invest' in. You've watched Shark Tank, seen ANY billion-dollar ideas, any at all?]

P.S. This duality is the reason you are literally afraid to think...just another helpful pointer from your Uncle Gegner.


  1. This duality is the reason you are literally afraid to think.

  2. The average individual knows there is the meat suit and there is the 'conscious mind'. How we deal with this disturbing duality, that the meat suit is 'aware' of itself and thinks, that's the part that confuses us. Some of us tend to divide the two and the thing/alien in your head will, under some circumstances, 'scapegoat' the meat suit for its behavior.

    Viola, instant psychopath!

  3. Don't dismiss this. There are very few 'rational' people walking around out there. Most of you have an uneasy relationship with the thing between your ears and most have given up trying to reason with it.

  4. They are going to lift the shelter in place order and the virus will spread like wildfire. [They know this.] It DOESN'T take 12 months to develop a vaccine, if ANYONE survived, they ALREADY HAVE ONE!

    Lifting the shelter in place order before providing the public with the vaccine is genocide.

  5. People aren't looking for answers, they are looking for assurances (even if they are lies.)

    Happy Saturday, and the other guy play nice now!

  6. How can you identify conservative dogma? It is riddled with repeated denials [conservatism demands that it be right and 'good' even when it is *insane...]

  7. Um, doesn't help to point out that there is nobody in there but you. You are the meat suit and the thing in your head is in charge! Worse, every once in a while the thing inside your head will seize control, forcing you to do things you aren't comfortable doing.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...