Friday, April 17, 2020

H F D ?

Greetings bewildered and astonished! What the hell is it with movement conservatism and stupid? This morning's headlines point to the hand to mouth tightrope that has typified the existence of the 'working-class PEASANT' since Morning in America when anything resembling an opportunity was exported to the mythical 'cheaper there'.

If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck than a buck has to be a buck, regardless of who prints it! Just try explaining that to people whose flag keeps coming unwrapped because of the death grip they have on their gun in one hand and their bible in the other...

Might as well talk to the wall.

Is that 'the secret'? Give stupid three things to worry about and they become so confused that they don't know which way is up?


At the risk of repeating myself, humanity can no longer afford the luxury of following stupid, myopic liars.

Bizarrely, that's the 'crux' of the problem. The 'average' individual is too dumb to spot a lie.

Worse, COVID-19 could very well be a (very) thinly-disguised attempt at global genocide and you seem unable to bring yourself to give a shit.

Did you spot the other 'dodge' in the headlines, that the obstacle to developing a vaccine lies in predicting how the virus will mutate?

Can you spell fucked?

Thinking has NEVER been the strength of Conservatism. The 'bedrock' of staunch Republicanism lies in 'truthiness'. It doesn't have to BE true if it 'sounds like it MIGHT be true'.

While it would be madness in the extreme to urge your followers to gather en masse to protest any delay in re-opening the economy, it could work as an 'organic' way of winnowing down the number of numbskulls living among us without resorting to IQ testing. The dumb would fight testing with every fiber of their being. Bad enough to know personally that you are dumb/ignorant and another thing entirely to have the rest of society know it too.

Who would be 'irresponsible' enough to urge folks to gather in large numbers during a pandemic?

Who indeed.

[Rhetorical question, we all know the answer and the fucktarded feckless would do it just to see who is actually dumb enough to gather without being vaccinated. Those who view the rest of us as both surplus and expendable would find this as a proof of theory kind of way.

Um, does anybody need a hand with today's title? [If you do, chant the refrain and if you don't know what that is, get the fuck out!

And another week goes down the tubes...

Happy Friday, Head and Happy Good Friday to my orthodox friends, not that it's anything to me.



  1. Who would be 'irresponsible' enough to urge folks to gather in large numbers during a pandemic?

    Who indeed.

  2. If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck than a buck has to be a buck, regardless of who prints it! Just try explaining that to people whose flag keeps coming unwrapped because of the death grip they have on their gun in one hand and their bible in the other...

  3. Is that 'the secret'? Give stupid three things to worry about and they become so confused that they don't know which way is up?

  4. Worse, COVID-19 could very well be a (very) thinly-disguised attempt at global genocide and you seem unable to bring yourself to give a shit.

    Aren't you taking this Que sera, sera shit too far?

  5. Thinking has NEVER been the strength of Conservatism. The 'bedrock' of staunch Republicanism lies in 'truthiness'. It doesn't have to BE true if it 'sounds like it MIGHT be true'.

  6. Who would be 'irresponsible' enough to urge folks to gather in large numbers during a pandemic?

    Who indeed.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...