Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lucky reader!

Greetings curious one, it is you that will be blessed with knowledge that might help you survive this crisis.

Past plagues have taught us one thing, the crisis won't end until all of the people susceptible to it are dead. In case you are wondering, that is how the Spanish flu of 1918 ended. It's also how we 'survived' the Black Death.

So if you're twiddling your thumbs 'imagining' this whole thing will be over in a couple more weeks, think again. IF the non-existent 'we' are 'lucky' (big if), an effective vaccine will be developed IN THE NEXT TWELVE MONTHS and that will finally slow this train wreck down.

Quick mental test for competence, how many of you know why the 'common cold' keeps returning?


Um, are you bright enough to understand that this is COVID 19 and SARS is COVID-2?

No magic wand and no bullshit, this isn't over until everyone that is susceptible to it is dead.

Captain Obvious will repeat his credo, I don't pen these for DUMMIES! If you can't keep up, give up!

This is plague 101 without the 'candy coating'.

This is what WE NEED from the f'n media, not 'damage control'.

This is also a demonstration of vision and clear-sightedness, [Again, if you can't keep up, give up (and get out of the f'n way!)]

Gegner does not suffer fools gladly while the feckless thrive on your foolishness and welcome your ignorance!

If you can't sort fact from bullshit you have no place at the table.

I don't need to apologize to the cognizant, they know the only thing patience nets you is doubt.




  1. Greetings curious one, it is you that will be blessed with knowledge that might help you survive this crisis.

    THis needs to reach as many of the cognizant as possible, do YOUR part!

  2. So if you're twiddling your thumbs 'imagining' this whole thing will be over in a couple more weeks, think again. IF the non-existent 'we' are 'lucky' (big if), an effective vaccine will be developed IN THE NEXT TWELVE MONTHS and that will finally slow this train wreck down.

  3. Past plagues have taught us one thing, the crisis won't end until all of the people susceptible to it are dead. In case you are wondering, that is how the Spanish flu of 1918 ended. It's also how we 'survived' the Black Death.

  4. Um, are you bright enough to understand that this is COVID 19 and SARS is COVID-2?

    No magic wand and no bullshit, this isn't over until everyone that is susceptible to it is dead.

  5. Looks like stupid is winning.

  6. So if you're twiddling your thumbs 'imagining' this whole thing will be over in a couple more weeks, think again. IF the non-existent 'we' are 'lucky' (big if), an effective vaccine will be developed IN THE NEXT TWELVE MONTHS and that will finally slow this train wreck down.

  7. No magic wand and no bullshit, this isn't over until everyone that is susceptible to it is dead.

    Captain Obvious will repeat his credo, I don't pen these for DUMMIES! If you can't keep up, give up!

  8. Greetings curious one, it is you that will be blessed with knowledge that might help you survive this crisis.

  9. If you can't sort fact from bullshit you have no place at the table.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...