Saturday, June 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the Beatles sang 'all you need is love' [that said, they were neither the first or the only proponents of the 'love thyself' philosophy because the damning truth is haters START with whatever stares back at them in the mirror.

They not only despise others but they aren't too enthused when it comes to themselves either [an understatement but were talking psychosis here.]

If you don't see the 'good' in yourself it becomes impossible to see it in others. You don't even bother looking for it and this has led to the reckless myth of the 'rugged individual'.

Despite having heard it a thousand times it remains a fact that you can't love others if you don't first love yourself.

Most of us look in the mirror and see disappointment but the people who love and receive love from others know there is more looking back at them than a flawed creation because love completes them.

Yeah, that's the funny thing about that four letter word, in order to get love you must first give love. It is by giving love that you learn to appreciate it. Giving love helps you to understand that true love isn't selfish and that true love forgives.

But there are limits. Love is frail and easily broken. Strong love takes time to build and a level of effort that most of us lack the dedication to keep up. Love often flows one-way for long periods of time before it starts to flow back to you.

True love isn't money and you'd be amazed at how many equate money with love. You can buy affection but it's not 'love'. Love can only be 'earned'.

Yes love is often paid for with sacrifice but that's the 'normal' price of love. We have to give up what makes us happy to make the ones we love happy! Sucky deal but that's how it works.

Love (like happiness) is best when shared. Seeing the one you love happy often exceeds the happy you would have received pursuing what you only 'like' to do by yourself.

Not that love can't be a 'private' thing. The problem with love in a vacuum is it becomes an 'obsession', nothing matters but the object of adoration. Secret love is a disease that kills!

Not everything is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows when it come to the darkside of the L word.

No discussion of love is complete without a look its dark underbelly.

In fact, some see the dark side of love and forsake it completely, choosing to avoid love's pitfalls, stunting their ability to love AND their ability to empathize.

That said, some 'sacrifices' aren't worth it. [Doing without to avoid possible pain later on...better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.]

If we posit that Love completes us, we return to contemplate the countless empty souls there are out there, refusing to take the first step so necessary towards becoming 'whole'.

If you can't give love then you are incapable of receiving it. A factor most can't comprehend and even fewer appreciate.

It all comes down to cases and the only one that knows the answer is the one who stares back at you in the mirror.

If I were you I'd march up to the nearest mirror [preferably a private one] and tell that special someone you love them because it all starts with YOU!

You'll feel so uplifted you'll marvel over why you haven't done it sooner!

Self-love isn't the 'answer' but it's the start to completing you as a fully realized human being.

Complete yourself...NOW!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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