Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Greetings good citizen, how many of you know what this means nevermind had occasion to even hear the term used in its proper context before?

New one on me but Mr. Krugman is a professor of Economics at Princeton University where we can be sure such obscure terms are bandied about with regularity.

Mentally prepare yourself for the outcome created if the REPUBLICANS decided to save themselves (and the nation) by tossing Preznint Pussygrabber onto the garbage heap of history. Mike Pence would finish Trump's term and end the nation's embarrassment at the hands of a decidedly unpopular and the most un-statesman-like leader this nation has ever had.

Billionaires, they're not like you and me... [NEVER lose sight of the fact it is his fellow BILLIONAIRES KEEPING HIM IN OFFICE!]

How sad good citizen that it has become difficult to chose which is worse, his general IGNORANCE or his penchant for lies?

Because if something isn't done we are left to wonder just WHO the REPUBLICANS 'really are'? Is it the hapless voters or is it the money that runs the whole freaking shaky storefront?


The Republicans would stand to make sweeping political gains nationwide and all they have to do is ditch the national embarrassment named Trump.

From a purely political point of view it would be a masterstroke but then we have the 'stupid problem' to contend with...and Republicans are nuthin if not stupid.

Mr. Krugman's first paragraph provides the answer to the question 'What is a Quisling?' and it also contains this rather pointed political barb for the Republicans to stand up and DO THEIR JOBS!

The eyes of history are upon you Republicans. [How fortunate for them that the media is forced to avert its eyes?]

Choose wisely. [Not that the public will ever know you failed, big time, AGAIN.]

Naturally, the caveat here is IF the frontmen for the money let them do what is best for the nation AND their party.

* It is here, oh estranged citizen, that ye who find representation with neither 'party' shall see the truth with your own eyes.

It's probably too late for those who fail to see that quibbling over how to solve a problem shouldn't supercede taking any action at all.

Rule via confusion must end, just as 'my way or the highway' and it's kissing cousin 'quid pro quo' must also be abandoned [conditional relief.]

Stubbornness allows the situation to continue rather than enable even partial relief to be provided, that's what 'my way or the highway' hopes to accomplish, just as making relief 'conditional' hopes to achieve the same goal but provide the 'fig leaf' of having offered a solution.

Shifting from today's subject matter to the world stage, most of you were not surprised by the lack of substantial progress made in Singapore because most of you kept your expectations to a minimum.

Seems the 'I'll walk right out' crowd was disappointed [mostly media types that thrive on controversy] nor did the 'Peace in our time' crowd get that long awaited re-unification of the Korean peninsula. Why does one get the impression that peace and re-unification would ruin Trump's agenda?

Not that The Donald has an agenda (or anything else going on upstairs) but his handlers sure do. [Thus the Quisling]

Perhaps the most bizarre part of this particular Kabuki dance in how the majority of you continue to delude yourself into thinking "If I can just keep my head down and my mouth shut I might escape this mess..." when you know A.) the 'poop party' is about to erupt any minute now and B.) it's gonna roll right up to your front door, probably sooner than later.

Like the political BS you pretend is beneath you, once the shit starts there is no avoiding it and you will take a side regardless of what how you kid yourself saying you're 'neutral'.

You are either part of the solution or you're part of the problem, there is no 'middle ground'.

In the end, to quote Rush, choosing not to decide is still making a choice...a cowards choice but a choice none the less.



  1. Billionaires, they're not like you and me... [NEVER lose sight of the fact it is his fellow BILLIONAIRES KEEPING HIM IN OFFICE!]

  2. Stubbornness allows the situation to continue rather than enable even partial relief to be provided, that's what 'my way or the highway' hopes to accomplish, just as making relief 'conditional' hopes to achieve the same goal but provide the 'fig leaf' of having offered a solution.

    Here we are 6 months later and impeachment is grinding away at Pussygrabber's fake popularity...will the media be able to maintain the ruse?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...