Saturday, June 2, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the 'darkness' returns the hapless shudder remembering the old days of 'go along to get along'...

Somewhat distressing to see what passes for leadership these days on national television last night on the *Libbies's [Libertarian, nobody confuses him with a liberal (except conservatives) show telling us 'More of the Same' will fix everything.

They criticise conservatives for their blind faith in tax cuts then display the same 'cognitive dissonance' that everything will be just dandy if we can just get the 'good people' out to vote!

The 'realists' of the population have outgrown you. The system is corrupt and there is no way to use the system to fix the system!


We will vote ourselves straight back to the Dark Ages if NOTHING changes!

[Remember that revolt led by El Rushbo and chaired by the nation's third dumbest president, Saint Ronnie that nobody referred to until the Clinton Years as the 'conservative revolution'? Well if happened around the globe and the 'Free World' is sinking beneath the authoritarian waves of the world's that they are on the cusp of immortality.]

Yes good citizen, the truth is 'stranger than fiction'. Our newly minted immortals choose to remain anonymous because they can still be killed.

Think about the 'preparations' that would precede the arrival of humans with expanded lifespans. The greedy wealthy don't want to 'share' this gift with the unwashed [which is why the (already) global economy went crazy due to severe 'mismanagement'] They were going to prepare for the accidental revelation of 'the secret' by making life itself 'cost prohibitive'.

But they decided to lockdown the media instead.

The WOKE know I say true. We'll 'More of the Same' ourselves back into shackles if we don't discard the old way and replace it with a new one.

The LAW must be solely in the hands of those who must live under it and Leaders will remain bound by those laws!

The power of 'forgiveness' will be returned to the individuals involved as NO ONE will be able to 'pardon' the unlawful actions of another.

Justice is Justice and 'forgiveness' is another thing altogether. Ford Pardoned Nixon and Obama didn't even prosecute Bush or Cheney so when the law exists 'just' for the 'little people' we all live in a 'lawless land'.

Between the Mercs and the for profit prisons we really have to wonder who is running this shitshow? [The league of extraordinary Assholes?]

Land of the Free my ass!

Sunset is rapidly overtaking the 'Free World' and the Nazis among us aren't even aware of what they are doing.

Worse, never in history have so many of us been so 'expendable'. The media ignores this just as they stupidly advertise to the mentally challenged that unemployment is the lowest it's been in decades (thanks to the you can't live on it 'gig economy') More than fifty percent of working aged adults are listed as 'not in the workforce' yet the stupid think El Rumpo is succeeding in making Murika 'Great Again' with his LIES!

*This too is no mystery to the WOKE. They see it and it makes them doubt they will get the support they need if they make their move. [Remember, the revolt won't be televised until major cities are in flames and the national guard has been called out to restore order [likely with live ammunition.] That's when the revolt disappears in the daylight and returns after dark with handguns and assassinations.

Contrarily; once civil unrest breaks the surface (gets televised), many who have been waiting for someone else to make the 'first move' will pile in.

The actual rebels will hide during the day and fight at night, hunting the 'allies' of the One Percent wherever they are found.

The ones that are unemployed can operate freely while those that go missing from their jobs will be 'hunted' [ a tip to the young who may make an 'impulsive' decision to join the rebellion.]

Once they 'suspect' you, hiding is damn near impossible. Now your 'log-in' betrays your position as well as positively identifies you.

We 'armchair' rebels hide in plain sight. We have nothing to fear as long as the action remains out of the public eye.

Once the revolt breaks the surface we (armchair warriors) had best go to ground as craftily as we are capable of.

I know you're 'scared', the biggest danger facing the 'would be rebels' is moving too soon.

In the meantime we all know that time is running out, if we hesitate much longer we risk slipping beneath the waves without so much as a single 'glub.'

Once they establish automated supply lines the 'faux revolt' [Kissin' cousin to the 'forever war'] will begin as they start arresting people suspected of domestic terrorism.

Think they need a reason? Ask your typical individual of color what they think about the law's need for a 'reason'...

Tink or twim?

The choice, as always, is yours. [Die on your feet or live on your belly, they won't risk letting you getting up on your knees!]

Sort of redefines the term 'crawl worm' doesn't it?

Thanks for stopping by to have your eyes opened.

Oh and don't forget to go to the polls this November [They won't burn themselves down!]


* I criticise Mahar because he has a national platform but uses it to push the status quo, otherwise when I look at him in the mirror I see myself. [if we subtract the capitalist/opportunist.]

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