Greetings good citizen, nettlesome at first, the widening gulf between qualified leaders and clueless meat puppets continues to broaden as the system remains focused on candidates whose only commitment is to follow the party's dictates.
Problem with this is puts the campaign contributor in the driver's seat. The money gets to 'mold' platform stances [planks] where it intersects their interests and remove stances that may hinder their own agenda.
So remember, when you go to the polls you are NOT electing a leader, you're voting for a meat puppet.
As we have seen repeatedly from Preznint Pussygrabber, it doesn't matter what he promised on the campaign trail, the money tells him what to do and he does it.
The biggest 'tell' that the process is utterly corrupt [besides still winning election after admitting to his philandering ways] was his 'joke' about being able to murder/shoot someone while on national television and STILL 'win' the election.
Big Joke...right?
No, numbnuts was merely repeating what he had been told, that the system can make ANYBODY president EVEN WITH ZERO VOTES!
How sanguine are you now about trotting down to the polls this November to give the Republican's the big nougie they deserve? Is it starting to dawn on you that the process is TOTALLY out of our hands?
If you had half a brain/nut you'd go to the local polls and burn them to the ground...and maybe you shouldn't wait until November to do it either!
But why am I telling YOU this? You still think money is REAL!
How they must howl over your stupidity/gullibility!
And Friday being my day to go charging off the reservation, we have arrived at this week's installment of A Simple Plan...because NOTHING gets fixed if you don't know how to fix it! [How tragic not knowing how it was supposed to work broke it in the first place?]
Most kids don't become 'aware' of politics until they are entering Middle School, by now their history lessons combined with their improving linguistic skills make them more aware that they are living (and always have been) in a 'politically charged' environment.
Some school systems conduct mock elections to teach these impressionable youngsters that their job is to vote for people who represent their ideology and some of these school systems even go as far as 'simplifying' the differences between the two predominant ideologies.
It is here that the 'hijacked' political process goes wrong. A 'leader' is a problem solver, not a hapless meat-puppet incapable of tying shoes, (his or anyone else's for that matter!) [gender specific here because you go with the example you've got...]
So it is the child's 'political education' begins during the nurturing of their cognitive functions and teaching them that they are but a small piece of something larger that CAN BE wonderful IF they work to help make it that way! Hatred is a learned thing and teaching the young to hate will be avoided whenever possible.
Failure to do this will result in twisting the child's ego to the point they will be unable to form friendships or learn to trust.
Thus will sports franchises go the way of the dodo because it is here that children are initially taught hatred. Bizarrely the non-athletic learn hatred from the church, which also goes the way of the dodo.
Freeing a child's mind of hatred will produce less inhibited minds. INCLUDING them equally teaches them they are 'partners' in society with none lesser than anyone else.
Plant and animals 'compete', sentient creatures cooperate!
We aren't like animals despite being raised like them [out of ignorance!] Once again we return to the qualification glitch. [Most people wouldn't qualify to be parents despite being biologically capable.]
As our children mature they would have their problem solving skills cultivated and challenged while having their character molded into being the type of emotionally secure individual that values the contributions of others into making this a life worth living.
Yup, the whole time the 'scorecard' would track the child's progress towards functioning adulthood. When the time comes this scorecard would be used to measure the individual's worthiness for positions of authority.
The greedy and self-centered WILL NOT PASS.
See, chiefs solve problems using practical, holistic solutions.
Politics aren't something you fight over, practically speaking politics shouldn't exist at all! Solving problems should never be superceded by HOW they are solved and that's what politics does [it turns the solution into the problem.]
Didn't know that, did ya?
Politics, especially modern politics is more concerned with preventing issues from even being addressed [because a lot of very well-off people are on the wrong side of the law.]
Well, the other part of the problem solving process would would be legislation and in this leadership can only vote along with the public on deciding which laws make sense to them.
Lawmakers would join the Dodo chain in exile (in many cases literally) as the law is returned to a place it's never been, under the control of those who must live under it. [Only some of you are aware that our current legislators routinely exempt themselves from the laws they pass...]
But again we arrive at the issue of 'qualification' and who gets to decide things are screwed up?
This is YOUR life, isn't it?
Thanks for letting me expand your consciousness, however so slightly,
Problem with this is puts the campaign contributor in the driver's seat. The money gets to 'mold' platform stances [planks] where it intersects their interests and remove stances that may hinder their own agenda.
So remember, when you go to the polls you are NOT electing a leader, you're voting for a meat puppet.
As we have seen repeatedly from Preznint Pussygrabber, it doesn't matter what he promised on the campaign trail, the money tells him what to do and he does it.
The biggest 'tell' that the process is utterly corrupt [besides still winning election after admitting to his philandering ways] was his 'joke' about being able to murder/shoot someone while on national television and STILL 'win' the election.
Big Joke...right?
No, numbnuts was merely repeating what he had been told, that the system can make ANYBODY president EVEN WITH ZERO VOTES!
How sanguine are you now about trotting down to the polls this November to give the Republican's the big nougie they deserve? Is it starting to dawn on you that the process is TOTALLY out of our hands?
If you had half a brain/nut you'd go to the local polls and burn them to the ground...and maybe you shouldn't wait until November to do it either!
But why am I telling YOU this? You still think money is REAL!
How they must howl over your stupidity/gullibility!
And Friday being my day to go charging off the reservation, we have arrived at this week's installment of A Simple Plan...because NOTHING gets fixed if you don't know how to fix it! [How tragic not knowing how it was supposed to work broke it in the first place?]
Most kids don't become 'aware' of politics until they are entering Middle School, by now their history lessons combined with their improving linguistic skills make them more aware that they are living (and always have been) in a 'politically charged' environment.
Some school systems conduct mock elections to teach these impressionable youngsters that their job is to vote for people who represent their ideology and some of these school systems even go as far as 'simplifying' the differences between the two predominant ideologies.
It is here that the 'hijacked' political process goes wrong. A 'leader' is a problem solver, not a hapless meat-puppet incapable of tying shoes, (his or anyone else's for that matter!) [gender specific here because you go with the example you've got...]
So it is the child's 'political education' begins during the nurturing of their cognitive functions and teaching them that they are but a small piece of something larger that CAN BE wonderful IF they work to help make it that way! Hatred is a learned thing and teaching the young to hate will be avoided whenever possible.
Failure to do this will result in twisting the child's ego to the point they will be unable to form friendships or learn to trust.
Thus will sports franchises go the way of the dodo because it is here that children are initially taught hatred. Bizarrely the non-athletic learn hatred from the church, which also goes the way of the dodo.
Freeing a child's mind of hatred will produce less inhibited minds. INCLUDING them equally teaches them they are 'partners' in society with none lesser than anyone else.
Plant and animals 'compete', sentient creatures cooperate!
We aren't like animals despite being raised like them [out of ignorance!] Once again we return to the qualification glitch. [Most people wouldn't qualify to be parents despite being biologically capable.]
As our children mature they would have their problem solving skills cultivated and challenged while having their character molded into being the type of emotionally secure individual that values the contributions of others into making this a life worth living.
Yup, the whole time the 'scorecard' would track the child's progress towards functioning adulthood. When the time comes this scorecard would be used to measure the individual's worthiness for positions of authority.
The greedy and self-centered WILL NOT PASS.
See, chiefs solve problems using practical, holistic solutions.
Politics aren't something you fight over, practically speaking politics shouldn't exist at all! Solving problems should never be superceded by HOW they are solved and that's what politics does [it turns the solution into the problem.]
Didn't know that, did ya?
Politics, especially modern politics is more concerned with preventing issues from even being addressed [because a lot of very well-off people are on the wrong side of the law.]
Well, the other part of the problem solving process would would be legislation and in this leadership can only vote along with the public on deciding which laws make sense to them.
Lawmakers would join the Dodo chain in exile (in many cases literally) as the law is returned to a place it's never been, under the control of those who must live under it. [Only some of you are aware that our current legislators routinely exempt themselves from the laws they pass...]
But again we arrive at the issue of 'qualification' and who gets to decide things are screwed up?
This is YOUR life, isn't it?
Thanks for letting me expand your consciousness, however so slightly,
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