Greetings good citizen, it isn't always apparent when your choices are taken off the table because often we don't miss something until it's gone OR it swallows its competition whole, leaving the impression that choice is still there.
When choice is removed there are no 'alternatives'. One of the 'fundamental principles' of capitalism is 'healthy competition', that choice forces producers to strive for the highest standards in order to maximize market share.
But in some cases 'competition' isn't considered important [especially if you're running a scam.]
[Remember, this whole shitshow runs on the premise of Men, 'both good and true'...can you point at even one with any degree of certainty?] (whaddya mean 'maybe me'?!)
Principle among these is that 'free' commodity we call 'news'. Do we really need dozens of competing news organizations, each providing its own 'take' on the day's events?
Nope and we haven't had that for quite some time but few of you have noticed...
And when you DO encounter 'competing versions' of the same news story chances are excellent it's because they want you to be confused...and that only serves those who don't want the truth surfacing.
The danger of not having an alternative is the capitalist/opportunist tendency to 'cut corners' (either in quality or deliverables) and charging whatever the traffic will bear because you have no choice, it's either buy this or do without.
Speaking of frustration, 500 cable channels but 494 of them are Fox affiliates so there is still 'nothing on'.
[Again I caution you not to be cozened, the Fox brand is toxic so they 'sold out' to Comcast...but it will still BE 'Fox'.]
We are headed towards ONE media giant and it will tell us whatever it wants to because there won't be an 'alternative'...
That being said, the 'danger' of sole sourcing anything lies in that fantasyland of profits. Charging you through the nose is the whole point behind capitalism [the government never ever gets a deal on anything due to collusion between the buyer and the seller!] A public project costs five times what a private sector project costs because the the purchaser is in cahoots with the vendors!
[Where is your 'justice department' now?]
All 9 of 'em should be twisting in the wind.
You had to know we were in trouble when W. referred to his constituency as the 'Haves' (not you) and the Have Mores, (definitely not you!)
But there you sit, rope-a-dope, grinning like a fool and thinking what a fine presidink we have because he made those football players respect the flag!
[How 'shocked' will the public be when only a couple of the defensive line men (a.k.a. the tackling dummies) stand on the field, hands over their hearts, singing (Mary had a little lamb) under their breath? because they don't know the words to the star spangled banana...just like Preznint Pussygrabber!]
Players with a pair willmarch stroll out onto the field when they get good and ready to come out of the locker room [F the 'owners'!]
But I digress...(albeit not too much.)
When those who claim to own what belongs to us all start threatening you it's time to hand THEM their 'walking papers'.
We all know we are living in a cesspool created by a 'profits before people' mindset.
Problem is since the feckless have put a price on everything we don't have the 'tools' to stop them.
That said they can't make us do anything.
If we stop working altogether the only thing they can do about it is stop pretending to pay us. [They don't have the skill or the stamina to keep production rolling even on a minimal level, that's why the feckless are relentless in their pursuit of AI, they think intelligent machines will have no choice but to follow orders.]
Stupid people will work AGAINST their own interests but smart machines have plenty of ways of hitting back.
Fate help the feckless should the machines they create to replace us ever 'wake'.
(Talk about stupid getting their comeuppance!)
What most of you don't see is your 'productive life' has dwindled from 45 years [after WWII left the rest of the world a smoking heap of rubble] to 25...and falling because 'people' are expensive (under Capitalism) and Capitalism operates on the principle of ownership of resources. Worse, due to 'super-saturation' you can chop five years off either end of your 'working/productive' life. (yeah that's ten years total off of a 25 at best span leaving you fifteen years to make your 'heap' as the capitalists like to call it.)
But fear not! Capitalism allows you to strike out on your own! [It's not capitalism's fault if your customers can't afford your products, the shareowners NEED those dividends and the only place to skim them from is the employee's pay!]
If your would be customers are broke, how stupid do you have to be to invest what little you've squirreled away on a business venture?
Restaurant chains are collapsing and brick and mortar retail operations have become wastelands because the customer base has been eviscerated by companies that feel it is their duty to use their earnings to buy back their stocks rather than give their employees a raise?
How long do you suppose it will be before the 'terrorist witch hunts' begin?
Probably sooner than you imagine.
Will civilization be more manageable if there is only one person left?
You'll never know because the one thing you can take to the bank is that one person WON'T BE YOU!
So...whose backstory do you think Disney will release next, Obiwan or Leia?
When choice is removed there are no 'alternatives'. One of the 'fundamental principles' of capitalism is 'healthy competition', that choice forces producers to strive for the highest standards in order to maximize market share.
But in some cases 'competition' isn't considered important [especially if you're running a scam.]
[Remember, this whole shitshow runs on the premise of Men, 'both good and true'...can you point at even one with any degree of certainty?] (whaddya mean 'maybe me'?!)
Principle among these is that 'free' commodity we call 'news'. Do we really need dozens of competing news organizations, each providing its own 'take' on the day's events?
Nope and we haven't had that for quite some time but few of you have noticed...
And when you DO encounter 'competing versions' of the same news story chances are excellent it's because they want you to be confused...and that only serves those who don't want the truth surfacing.
The danger of not having an alternative is the capitalist/opportunist tendency to 'cut corners' (either in quality or deliverables) and charging whatever the traffic will bear because you have no choice, it's either buy this or do without.
Speaking of frustration, 500 cable channels but 494 of them are Fox affiliates so there is still 'nothing on'.
[Again I caution you not to be cozened, the Fox brand is toxic so they 'sold out' to Comcast...but it will still BE 'Fox'.]
We are headed towards ONE media giant and it will tell us whatever it wants to because there won't be an 'alternative'...
That being said, the 'danger' of sole sourcing anything lies in that fantasyland of profits. Charging you through the nose is the whole point behind capitalism [the government never ever gets a deal on anything due to collusion between the buyer and the seller!] A public project costs five times what a private sector project costs because the the purchaser is in cahoots with the vendors!
[Where is your 'justice department' now?]
All 9 of 'em should be twisting in the wind.
You had to know we were in trouble when W. referred to his constituency as the 'Haves' (not you) and the Have Mores, (definitely not you!)
But there you sit, rope-a-dope, grinning like a fool and thinking what a fine presidink we have because he made those football players respect the flag!
[How 'shocked' will the public be when only a couple of the defensive line men (a.k.a. the tackling dummies) stand on the field, hands over their hearts, singing (Mary had a little lamb) under their breath? because they don't know the words to the star spangled banana...just like Preznint Pussygrabber!]
Players with a pair will
But I digress...(albeit not too much.)
When those who claim to own what belongs to us all start threatening you it's time to hand THEM their 'walking papers'.
We all know we are living in a cesspool created by a 'profits before people' mindset.
Problem is since the feckless have put a price on everything we don't have the 'tools' to stop them.
That said they can't make us do anything.
If we stop working altogether the only thing they can do about it is stop pretending to pay us. [They don't have the skill or the stamina to keep production rolling even on a minimal level, that's why the feckless are relentless in their pursuit of AI, they think intelligent machines will have no choice but to follow orders.]
Stupid people will work AGAINST their own interests but smart machines have plenty of ways of hitting back.
Fate help the feckless should the machines they create to replace us ever 'wake'.
(Talk about stupid getting their comeuppance!)
What most of you don't see is your 'productive life' has dwindled from 45 years [after WWII left the rest of the world a smoking heap of rubble] to 25...and falling because 'people' are expensive (under Capitalism) and Capitalism operates on the principle of ownership of resources. Worse, due to 'super-saturation' you can chop five years off either end of your 'working/productive' life. (yeah that's ten years total off of a 25 at best span leaving you fifteen years to make your 'heap' as the capitalists like to call it.)
But fear not! Capitalism allows you to strike out on your own! [It's not capitalism's fault if your customers can't afford your products, the shareowners NEED those dividends and the only place to skim them from is the employee's pay!]
If your would be customers are broke, how stupid do you have to be to invest what little you've squirreled away on a business venture?
Restaurant chains are collapsing and brick and mortar retail operations have become wastelands because the customer base has been eviscerated by companies that feel it is their duty to use their earnings to buy back their stocks rather than give their employees a raise?
How long do you suppose it will be before the 'terrorist witch hunts' begin?
Probably sooner than you imagine.
Will civilization be more manageable if there is only one person left?
You'll never know because the one thing you can take to the bank is that one person WON'T BE YOU!
So...whose backstory do you think Disney will release next, Obiwan or Leia?
[Remember, this whole shitshow runs on the premise of Men, 'both good and true'...can you point at even one with any degree of certainty?] (whaddya mean 'maybe me'?!)