Monday, June 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is perhaps the least understood word in human lexicon and because of that it has been used by the feckless to drive wedges between an already divided society.

Let's begin with the first 'absolute' and that is one man's patriot is another man's terrorist. Some like to call the opposing patriot a 'freedom fighter' but that is only to provide the terrorist with a fig leave of legitimacy.

Now (and today is no different) Patriots are 'fans' of a given ideology.

How many of you KNOW what 'fan' is short for?

Fan is the 'root' of fanatic.

Fanatics are irrational in their beliefs and harbor an irrational hatred for those who don't share those beliefs. Allah Akbar anyone?

Non comprende? Let's take a match to this star spangled, red and white striped rag. [Now ya got it!]

What do these two concepts have in common? Neither are REAL. There is no Spirit in the Sky and the 'rag' is just a rag.

Don't tell the 'fanatics' that the symbol of their devotion is just a hunk of cloth because they aren't buying it, 'they're patriots!'

Why are the 'patriots' among us supporting the people tearing this nation to the ground?

Because they don't understand that their fierce loyalty to something they don't understand is being used against them.

Their ignorance of what Team USA stands for makes them susceptible to misdirection by the witch hunters among us.

What does (team) USA mean to YOU? [It's where YOUR people live and you LOVE it, in fact you'd even go as far as to say it's your DUTY to love it and anyone who doesn't see that is a traitor!]

Humans are bred to be 'territorial' and taught to distrust anyone that doesn't look like them.

Now SOME of you, when it's laid down raw like that can see where this is headed but the ones who don't think (and you'd be amazed at how many humans are still working off that very first 'lunch bag' that mommy packed for them on their first solo excursion from the safety of the nest all those years ago) haven't shifted mental gears because mommy never told them to!

Your blind loyalty is used against you as the people you elect to represent you fail you at every turn then blame it on the [non-existent] opposition.

Liberals, you'd think the planet was lousy with them but no, what you're calling a 'liberal' is actually people that are aghast at YOUR support for MONSTERS!

You inability to recognize your own butt from a hole in the ground is being used against you.

I imagine if we dug hard enough we'd find writers 60 years ago who saw what was happening in Pre-WWII Germany and asked the people WHY they were supporting vicious animals [who also wrapped themselves in the flag and couched their motives in putting their 'nation' first.]

Well guess what fool! YOU are marching down that same road because just like them you don't see that the ones who are crying for you to stop are human too!

And guess what that makes you? Humans that fail to recognize the humanity of others are monsters unfit for society/civilization.

But "My country right or wrong" eh?

Who knew the kind of damage the K.I.S.S. rule could inflict? [Because the most vocal flag-waving patriots are as dumb as a box of rocks. (but others just want to be on the side that's 'winning'...)]

Like rebel soldiers, they (to this day) didn't know what they were fighting for but they sure as shit weren't backing down!

Now THAT'S 'patriotism!' [Moronic but patriotism nonetheless.]

Thanks for letting me inside your head,

If today's post didn't expand your understanding I hope it provided you with the will to examine those values you claim you have...


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