Sunday, June 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while I dwell upon survival as the primary objective of corporeal existence it seems mutual survival was pushed aside with the advent of 'public protection'. [Which in most cases turned into an employment program for thugs.] Just as standing armies were established to keep a rein on those who would attack society if left to their own devices.

[You need to be clear eyed to survive in this 'rat race' that provides privileges based upon one's capacity for disrupting peaceful co-existence.]

If you don't understand this fundamental fact you will completely mistake the true purpose behind the creation of these social institutions!

If we take this as a given we begin to understand how the original self-declared 'sovereign' tilted the table permanently in their family's favor.

Because the hand that giveth was also the hand capable of taking away and the none too bright were unable [in most cases although it did happen occasionally] to supplant their 'benefactor' whose primary gift was that of legitimacy.

Take what we have to this point we see how survival:Personal became a much more difficult task with the 'formalization' (and protection) of the less talented among us. [Before becoming 'police' these miscreants were looting marauders that preyed on the more industrious, who they personally thought were fools for making what they so easily took from them.]

Which is to belabor the obvious that the 'suicide phenomenon' has a much longer history than any of us suspects.

What's changed from the early days of so-called 'civilization'? Very little. A Thug is still a thug and a rogue is still a rogue although both of them wear uniforms and draw paychecks cut for them by the feckless sovereign.

Most of you would be deeply [and rightly] disturbed if you possessed an accurate picture of what today's workforce looks like.

Indeed even the sovereign appreciates that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem...

For every worker in the 'private sector' and guess what the largest single 'private' employer is? Who do you think it is? Do you even know the difference between private and public sector employment? Largest private sector employer is HEALTHCARE [which vends to the public via a heavily subsidized insurance industry!]

Who do you suppose the largest single public employer is? You might guess the military but you'd be mistaken, the largest single public employer is Law Enforcement!

How do we 'afford' this?

Short answer is 'we don't'. All 'money' is funny, the 'ability' to pull off this charade comes from the 'factory farm' that greatly reduces the effort required to produce the food all of these 'tax liabilities' consume so copiously.

We KNOW the average conservo-whacko is allergic to thinking and is already being handed a fairly sweet deal from the overlords [at the expense of the rest of us.]

Not a member of the 'human trash' management service? Guess what, they don't have a job for you...because somebody has to act as the trash!
Bet you didn't see that one coming, did ya?

Ignorance is a terrible thing. With this as a given how many of you think humanity is ready to venture to other worlds?

I have laid out the 'mechanics' of the model in this post. Your life (as human waste) is due to a sovereign's need to bestow privilege upon the none too bright...because in the end a thug is a thug is a thug and all it wants to do is beat and steal.

The 'alternative' to this nightmare has NO place for those unwilling to pull their weight...[this goes DOUBLE for those whose only ambition is to be the one handing our 'favors' in exchange for power that belongs to the PEOPLE!] This is why there are no 'cops' under A Simple Plan...A.) thugs will not be tolerated and B.) there will be no need for police under a 'just' society considering 'personal liability/accountability' will return in a BIG way.

Everybody will have jobs they can live on and free time to live their lives fully because expenses will be reduced MARKEDLY [because NOBODY will be 'rich'.] The human anti-exploitation law (that prohibits using anyone else as a personal income stream!) will see to that.

Civilization is about choices...and in this life you aren't given ANY...[well, you are granted one and that one is 'comply or die!']

For those of you incapable of appreciating the 'gravity' of our mutual plight I return you to the axiom of if your only tool is a hammer suddenly all of your problems begin to look like nails.

If you aren't part of the 50% of us that work in the 'law enforcement' industry but you are the occasional participant in today's 'gig' economy you have a hint of what role you play in relation to the 'for profit prisons' we don't have the money for...or the global war we can't fund...or the trillions in tax cuts we can't afford.

How many of you have figured out that society's biggest 'joke job' is economist, just a whisker ahead of 'stock broker' in its uselessness and idiocy.

The object of these little missives is to cure the curable of their IGNORANCE because what I share is not something you would ordinarily think about in your mundane existence.

Life don't make sense if you follow the garbage they feed you as your guide.

In the infamous words of Arnold, follow me if you want to live...

Thanks for opening your mind,


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