Sunday, June 10, 2018


Greetings good citizen, not for nothing do we tackle the phenomenon that both plagues an imperils our society/species.

Some will note that the posterboy for today's subject [Preznint Pussygrabber] is living up to his twin reputations of mental midget AND petulant child. If only the summit on N. Korea were to be conducted in the middle of the minefield that separates the north from the south could we be assured of a happy outcome!

But I digress. Pointing at the low hanging fruit hardly illustrates the scope of the problem confronting our species. We have long lamented the cherry-picked nature of 'the news' that is more closely related to propaganda than it is the actual facts.

We have become so 'conditioned' to consuming bullshit that our bullshit detectors no longer function...period.

This inability to trust our own instincts has crippled our analytical facilities to the point of uselessness...but we still have them.

Yes, your mind is still able to detect 'truthiness' but your ability to sort fact from fiction is pretty much wasted [thanks mostly to CGI...]

You regularly witness the impossible and fail to recognize it's falseness.

How about a little thought experiment to separate the cripples from the merely handicapped?

[We are nothing if not always up for a challenge!]

Show of hands, how many of you believe that the 'cheaper there' actually exists? [Sidebar: how many of you think you can mentally see the other readers imaginary hands?]

That's not good, about half of you not only KNOW the cheaper there exists but you have actually lost a job or three because it exists!

2nd many of you agree with the statement "All money is Funny?"

Not sure what's more disturbing, the fact that most of you don't find anything 'humorous' about money or that it is the 'manipulation' of the planet's myriad currencies that created the cheaper there in the first place. (bastardizing the entire concept of money! If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck then A BUCK HAS TO BE A BUCK no matter WHO mints it! (regardless of what it's called! It's why money is referred to in intellectual circles as 'representative wealth' despite its intangibility...)

So far the 'stupid detector' is pegged at 110% [Isn't CGI amazing?]

Naturally you don't THINK you're stupid but it appears you believe some fairly stupid ideas because everybody else seems to go along with it.

You know what your mother always told you, "What if everybody else decided to go jump off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge too?"

How friggin pathetic is it that the real answer to that rhetorical question is 'probably'? [Didn't want to look like a chicken in front of everybody else...duh!]

IF you haven't been replaced by a machine (or a foreign contractor) you still believe in the division of labor concept and the need to specialize in order to make yourself 'useful' to money wielding corporation. [When the hell did 'loyalty' get thrown out the window and why didn't anybody stop it before it tore civilization to pieces?]

It is the 'lack of loyalty' and the imagined 'shelf-life' attached to the 'typical worker' that is driving our civilization off a cliff.

It's not a high cliff either but it's high enough that the whole thing will shatter in a billion pieces once it hits the ground.

You KNOW this, you can 'sense' the truth it reflects but you've been fed so much BS that you reject the logical because it 'hasn't happened yet.'

You also know that once it falls it will be too late.

Still you sit rooted, unable to decide if you should do anything [and not doing it because nobody else is...Aaaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhh! (scream of mental anguish, in case you were wondering.)]

Today's message, such as it is, is not to wait until somebody else acts, the time for action is ALWAYS now! Just don't act without a well thought out Plan...[like A Simple Plan!]

Stupid is a problem compounded by 'herd behavior'...nobody wants to be the first.

Again, good citizen, not 'what to think' but most certainly something to think about in the canyons and privacy of your own mind.

Your Head, do something with it!


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