Greetings good citizen, it would be an 'understatement' to point out that the general 'angst' felt by so many for so long has finally become full fledged terror as the dwindling hope that things would turn out alright has inevitably given way to the realization that our initial fears were correct and the land we call 'home' has been subjugated by the feckless.
It all started with the general inability to make ends meet, always tricky but wives left the kitchen, joined the workforce and still we fell further and further behind. We KNEW something was WRONG but try as we may we couldn't quite put our finger on it. [Tricksy Banksters!]
In retrospect, it is clear that earlier falsehoods have come home to roost.
The first falsehood was that of Globalization...all economies are local and NOBODY can live in an 'economic desert'. Both of these 'laws' were ignored so a few could be rich. [Most fail to comprehend that 'rich' isn't an abundance of (representative) wealth, it is FREEDOM FROM WANT!] Think about that for a minute, almost nothing would be beyond your reach! That's what the Banksters have given THEMSELVES!
AT YOUR EXPENSE! [It doesn't come from nowhere and it isn't without consequences. Sacrifices had to be made and YOU made them!]
Ronnie Reagan didn't come up with NAFTA all by himself, the creators of the 'cheaper there' (as well as the people responsible for installing him in the oval office) TOLD HIM to do it.
Why did these same LIARS think all they had to do was wait until Bill Clinton came along (their boy too) and pin the 'ratification' of NAFTA on him when it was a 'Done Deal' before Ronnie left office?
Of course many of today's feeble minded weren't around to remember that the first half of Clinton's presidency he was a 'Lame Duck' with a REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS! If he had vetoed NAFTA the Republican congress would have overridden him. It was the 'right move' politically but Billy-Jeff didn't have a choice because the Banksters 'owned' him.
If we keep 'walking it back' we would see the bankster's hand reveal itself throughout the nation's history.
So here we are trying to unspin a tornado with an (hand) eggbeater. Just as apt a comparison would be trying to make Orange juice out of rhubarb.
Here we are playing 'politics' and the people calling the shots aren't even on the same continent as we are!
Yes, the Banksters are global and we all dance to the tune the lay down for us because we have no other choice!
[It is here ONCE AGAIN that I step in to REMIND you that ALL money if 'Funny'...[not 'ha-ha', more like shake-weighty, savvy?]
The collective WE are jumping through their hoops for NOTHING!
Problem is stupid believes what he believes because he believes it.
This makes major problems because stupid would shit himself if he weren't constantly reminded of his occasional need to use a restroom...
That, er, 'civil war' people think is just around the corner is largely due to stupid and his ignorance of what's gone before!
THe Right-Wing noise machine is revving up the rhetoric about the Monstrous Liberuls and how theSTUPID 'good' people should rise up and, er, slaughter make them see the light (of the RIGHT!)
Problem is there are NO liberuls in politics and the majority of the people who hold democratic ideals are told they are conservatives! So we are really talking people who fear having their loyalty questioned vs. the few who are outraged by the actions of the bankster's puppet(s).
John Stewart made a very salient point on late night TV [long after bedtime for the feeble Trumpster fire supporters] and that point is this: Trump's people want us to join together with them to proclaim 'American Exceptionalism' in the natural order of things and that might makes right!
It's my way or the highway! [What we have all been living through for the past forty years since the bloodless coup that installed the actor as this nation's president.]
Yup, it's confirmed. Historians agree it all went sideways with the, er, stolen election that installed Ronnie Reagan in the White House.
EVERY election since has been stolen as well [by virtue of it being a 'non-choice'.]
So the midterms offer us the opportunity to 'partially purge' the house...but ONLY if you pay attention to the little letters that follow the candidates' name...because they are ALL 'vetted' by the money, bar NONE! [If you don't display the correct degree of 'moral flexibility' you are on your own as far as the 'party endorsement' is concerned.]
I personally ignore all of those bulletins from the Faux Revolution because EVERY ONE OF THEM has it's hand out! We aren't going to win our freedom by 'buying' it back from the slavers, they already have all of the money, they need SLAVES.
Once they develop (serviceable) automatons, watch out, there will be A BOUNTY on YOUR sorry ass!
Better train yourself now not to groan (or anything else detectible either visually or audibly) when lazy-ass tells you to fetch them things that are literally at their own elbow.
Worse, what do you suppose will happen once the Bankster's meat-puppet orders martial law to be put into effect? It's already a Police State, imagine living like that permanently?
You've already lost the right to confront your accuser, you also sat still while your right to counsel was lifted from you [as a suspected 'enemy combatant' YOU have NO rights!] Most of you fail to understand that you would defy martial law at your own EXTREME Peril!
Still want to sit down and have that beer with W.? The Patriot Act stripped you of your constitutional protections and still you voted for the bankster's proxies!
Just as you stupidly support Preznint Pussygrabber...what's wrong with YOU? [Seems to be that failure to pay attention thing...writ LARGE!]
Guess you, yes you will have plenty of time to consider where it all went wrong in the concentration camp that you'll never get out of.
Zero irony that you are personally responsible for the deaths of the only people that might have rescued you...
STUPID is it's own reward.
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
This November burn down the polls. no more ELECTED TYRANNY!/FAKE CHOICES!
It all started with the general inability to make ends meet, always tricky but wives left the kitchen, joined the workforce and still we fell further and further behind. We KNEW something was WRONG but try as we may we couldn't quite put our finger on it. [Tricksy Banksters!]
In retrospect, it is clear that earlier falsehoods have come home to roost.
The first falsehood was that of Globalization...all economies are local and NOBODY can live in an 'economic desert'. Both of these 'laws' were ignored so a few could be rich. [Most fail to comprehend that 'rich' isn't an abundance of (representative) wealth, it is FREEDOM FROM WANT!] Think about that for a minute, almost nothing would be beyond your reach! That's what the Banksters have given THEMSELVES!
AT YOUR EXPENSE! [It doesn't come from nowhere and it isn't without consequences. Sacrifices had to be made and YOU made them!]
Ronnie Reagan didn't come up with NAFTA all by himself, the creators of the 'cheaper there' (as well as the people responsible for installing him in the oval office) TOLD HIM to do it.
Why did these same LIARS think all they had to do was wait until Bill Clinton came along (their boy too) and pin the 'ratification' of NAFTA on him when it was a 'Done Deal' before Ronnie left office?
Of course many of today's feeble minded weren't around to remember that the first half of Clinton's presidency he was a 'Lame Duck' with a REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS! If he had vetoed NAFTA the Republican congress would have overridden him. It was the 'right move' politically but Billy-Jeff didn't have a choice because the Banksters 'owned' him.
If we keep 'walking it back' we would see the bankster's hand reveal itself throughout the nation's history.
So here we are trying to unspin a tornado with an (hand) eggbeater. Just as apt a comparison would be trying to make Orange juice out of rhubarb.
Here we are playing 'politics' and the people calling the shots aren't even on the same continent as we are!
Yes, the Banksters are global and we all dance to the tune the lay down for us because we have no other choice!
[It is here ONCE AGAIN that I step in to REMIND you that ALL money if 'Funny'...[not 'ha-ha', more like shake-weighty, savvy?]
The collective WE are jumping through their hoops for NOTHING!
Problem is stupid believes what he believes because he believes it.
This makes major problems because stupid would shit himself if he weren't constantly reminded of his occasional need to use a restroom...
That, er, 'civil war' people think is just around the corner is largely due to stupid and his ignorance of what's gone before!
THe Right-Wing noise machine is revving up the rhetoric about the Monstrous Liberuls and how the
Problem is there are NO liberuls in politics and the majority of the people who hold democratic ideals are told they are conservatives! So we are really talking people who fear having their loyalty questioned vs. the few who are outraged by the actions of the bankster's puppet(s).
John Stewart made a very salient point on late night TV [long after bedtime for the feeble Trumpster fire supporters] and that point is this: Trump's people want us to join together with them to proclaim 'American Exceptionalism' in the natural order of things and that might makes right!
It's my way or the highway! [What we have all been living through for the past forty years since the bloodless coup that installed the actor as this nation's president.]
Yup, it's confirmed. Historians agree it all went sideways with the, er, stolen election that installed Ronnie Reagan in the White House.
EVERY election since has been stolen as well [by virtue of it being a 'non-choice'.]
So the midterms offer us the opportunity to 'partially purge' the house...but ONLY if you pay attention to the little letters that follow the candidates' name...because they are ALL 'vetted' by the money, bar NONE! [If you don't display the correct degree of 'moral flexibility' you are on your own as far as the 'party endorsement' is concerned.]
I personally ignore all of those bulletins from the Faux Revolution because EVERY ONE OF THEM has it's hand out! We aren't going to win our freedom by 'buying' it back from the slavers, they already have all of the money, they need SLAVES.
Once they develop (serviceable) automatons, watch out, there will be A BOUNTY on YOUR sorry ass!
Better train yourself now not to groan (or anything else detectible either visually or audibly) when lazy-ass tells you to fetch them things that are literally at their own elbow.
Worse, what do you suppose will happen once the Bankster's meat-puppet orders martial law to be put into effect? It's already a Police State, imagine living like that permanently?
You've already lost the right to confront your accuser, you also sat still while your right to counsel was lifted from you [as a suspected 'enemy combatant' YOU have NO rights!] Most of you fail to understand that you would defy martial law at your own EXTREME Peril!
Still want to sit down and have that beer with W.? The Patriot Act stripped you of your constitutional protections and still you voted for the bankster's proxies!
Just as you stupidly support Preznint Pussygrabber...what's wrong with YOU? [Seems to be that failure to pay attention thing...writ LARGE!]
Guess you, yes you will have plenty of time to consider where it all went wrong in the concentration camp that you'll never get out of.
Zero irony that you are personally responsible for the deaths of the only people that might have rescued you...
STUPID is it's own reward.
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
This November burn down the polls. no more ELECTED TYRANNY!/FAKE CHOICES!
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