Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's open secret is how the mentally challenged deal with facts they don't like so they refuse to believe them as well as take issue with those who speak the truth.

I call them conservo-WHACKOS for a reason; so deep and illogical is their denial of the facts they claim are 'disputed'.

Claiming the facts are 'disputed' eludes to the idea that there are facts that prove their case...but for some unknown reason conservo-liars are unable to produce or even point to this data that would exonerate their claims.

A liar unable to back-up their lie is still a liar!

So Trump is a LIAR...and (wait for it) he may also NOT be a conservative (despite being raised as one.) He is single-handedly dismantling conservatism right before the Republican's astonished eyes.

Ironically, Trump's base [comprised almost entirely of the devoutly religious] believe he has made Murika 'Great Again' because the heavily massaged unemployment numbers are even lower than when Reagan first created and used the 'Not in the Workforce Figures to boost his abysmal economic performance numbers.

What huge new venture put all of those people to work? Bueller? Anybody? Bueller?

Where are all of those 'help wanted' signs?

You kids don't remember this but back when newspapers were real help wanted ads went on for pages!

Websites show thousands of ads but most of them are the same ad repeated every other page.

So where are the jobs that put all of those people back to work?

[Heavily indebted college students want to know...]

Occupy hasn't gone away, it just slipped below the waves once it outlived its usefulness as a propaganda tool.

Fear not, the 'next wave' of occupy is going to take their grievances to the polls in 2020 (along with their parent's torches and pitchforks.)

Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho, capitalism has got to go!

When you're standing all alone at the self checkout wondering why prices are so high, what's going to trouble you more, the angry mobs lurking in the parking lot, the fact that there is only just enough light so you can see or the fact that compared to the angry throngs outside, there are only a handful of people shopping?

Not your problem? It will be!

Have you asked yourself if you're going to get out alive? Are you contemplating calling 911 before you exit the store?

What happened to the cop that used to guard the door? Did the owner decide, like deciding between having the lights on or keeping the perishables refrigerated, that the price of have a police detail just wasn't worth it [didn't you see the 'shop at your own risk' sign hung over the window of the empty customer service cage? Oh that's right, the lights in that corner are off because nobody's there!

I think the people waiting outside are your answer and stupid is about to get its comeuppance.

Do you really think you're building the kind of world you want to raise children in? Where is your God now?

Did you know the ratio of conservatives and the religious are identical? Roughly 25%

Why don't more people embrace conservatism? Because it is a proven fact that conservatives are stupid [mostly due to the 'alt-facts' phenomenon.]

Turns out 'wishing' you were right has never worked.

The facts tell us there is NO GOD, disbelieve that at your own peril...

This has been a public service announcement, now get out there and go shopping like your president/king ordered!


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