Friday, June 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is a tragedy wrapped in a comedy as the collaborators who have no clue what they are cooperating with cheering on the tyrants as their own fiscal/economic future is laid to waste.

The tragedy here is the hopelessly stupid just want to be on the side that's 'winning', is that a crime? Actually, yes it is. The Nazi's were 'winning' before the world came together to stop them.

Must have been a bittersweet moment for the 'winners' of the world, watching helplessly as their champions were ground to dust. [The Capitalists of the world backed the Nazis and those that survived Germany's defeat became the Military Industrial Complex that manipulates the world's governments to this day.

Were all of the Nazis brought to justice? No, but neither were the people who have bankrupted the global economy twice (and are preparing to do it for the final time as you read this.)

You won't be allowed to have money when they take it from you this time. You'll get what they give you and if you're unhappy with your 'allotment' well, too bad.

This good citizen, for those of you too blind to see, is tyranny. [And what the tyrant says, goes.]

Who has been 'agitating' to shrink government down so it's 'less expensive'? The morons that are too stupid to comprehend that money is a chimera. Government, like resources are FREE.

Being taught that you have to pay for what you want is enough for the feckless to take it away from you. You will be told there isn't money to do what needs doing and you'll accept it because you're stupid!

This is why they want to combine the Dept of Education with the Dept of Labor. They want to use the public education system to train drones to work in their warehouses filled with foreign products.

If you don't work in the forests, fields or mines you will work in storage and delivery system keeping goods moving to where they are needed.

But the banking industry is going to go 'bye-bye' [and unlike A Simple Plan where banking becomes an internal function of your employer, you simply won't have ANY money. It will be your employer's job to keep you fed, clothed housed. You won't know how to drive or operate autonomous equipment because there won't be any.] Living standards will be left to the 'owner's discretion'...want more food you'll have to riot for it because there won't be enough of you to revolt against the robot guards.

If you are 'unemployable' you will be cut loose. Left to your own devices in a world where you don't belong. Unlike Exile, the police will 'deal' with the homeless however they see fit...(and we've seen first hand how they see fit.) [Bullet to the head and it's 'Problem? what problem?]

There are no police under ASP and everybody, regardless of their handicap is GUARANTEED a job that pays a living wage!

[For those of you sharp enough to pick up on how I advocate for the abolition of CASH [but not money, just the vehicle that makes it transferable between individuals...major distinction!]

The feckless go nowhere without their thugs, the Uh-Oh squad is another thing entirely. Their focus is Justice and they answer only to the public they serve. They are NO ONE'S wind up toys. If they 'err', they pay like anyone else would...and not get a 'not prosecute' pass from someone that shouldn't have the (patronage) job in the first place.

But I digress [with due cause and no apology!]

Bizarrely, it is the 'conservo-whackos' that label benefits you PAY FOR your entire life as 'entitlements'. You sure as shit are 'entitled to them, you paid for them! How F'n STUPID do you have to be to go along with that lame-brain logic?

Stupid enough not to appreciate that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem?

Because when the dam bursts, the collaborators (especially the vocal ones) are going to be fitted with hemp neck-ties for their support of the tyrants!

Seems unfair to execute people who have no idea what a tyrant is even if one stares them in the face every morning when they arise to perform their morning absolutions.

Naturally, the ones responsible for keeping the collaborator's head packed full of stupid will also be rewarded with hemp neck-wear. While it will be difficult to deal with their wild-eyed stares of incomprehension as we lead them to the hanging tree with most of them crying 'What did I do? Why Me?' while the more cognizant among them hold their tongues thinking silence will buy them a reprieve [when the true reason for their silence is their disdain for people they consider 'animals'.]

Yup, sometimes 'superiority' (like stupidity) is its own reward.

I will once again 'label' the divide, on one side is Team Humanity, with equality and justice for all, while on the other is Team Criminal with it's 'more for me' credo and it's ruthless 'loyal til you're not' treachery (because in the end there can only be ONE!)

Yeah, often a 'smarter than you' strategy can bite you right in the ass and there isn't anything you can do about it because it's always about NUMBERS.

But for some bizarre reason stupid can never figure that out.

Think you have 'em fooled?

You'll find out, sooner more so than later. The center cannot hold much longer and the big bust is coming!

I will repeat my earlier warning that the time has come for all good men to come to the aid of their Species!

Those who don't place humanity first have made their intentions clear.

Your choices are fight or die.

Chose or it will be chosen for you.

If you aren't part of the solution then you're part of the problem...and either way a combatant.

Without putting too fine a point on it the question is do you want to live as a human or do you want to live as a slave (and if you're old, the choice will be made for you...because you're of little value to a slaver [but the freedom fighters will embrace you because we all hope to be old some day!]

If not us, who and if not now, when?

Thanks for taking the time to open your mind, those who don't won't have time to regret their ignorance.


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