Monday, June 11, 2018


Greetings good citizen, hard on the heels of yesterday's Stupid post we have today's Ponzi scheme consists of a jobs crisis further exascerbated by the already hyper-inflated housing market.

What's all this? Since its inception money has been 'abused', originally created to facilitate specialization, the feckless among us saw it as their personal ticket to 'easy street'.

Doesn't help that the majority of these self possessed criminals chose to specialize in 'reading the law', thus in the company of thieves did they conspire to swindle the rest of us out of the 'fruits of our labor.'

Wait for it because we haven't gotten to the worse part yet. It worked so well locally that the banksters conspired to create a 'global race to the bottom' by manipulating the 'value' of the world's myriad currencies resulting in the prized 'Cheaper there'.

This was ALL done in the sphere most of us don't operate in. Is it 'legal'? Hell no but there wasn't anybody to stop them so they went ahead and did it anyway!

Why don't we stop it now? Partly ignorance, thanks to CORRUPTION the definition of money has always been a hotly contested issue [For example ever wonder why 'capital gains' (the money that comes from buying and selling stocks) is taxed at a lesser rate than 'ordinary income' but lottery winnings are taxed at the higher, ordinary income rate when there is nothing 'ordinary' about it?]

What's the 'rule' here? The criminals don't lose...but you can and regularly do. Worse, the biggest criminals wear suits and ties and some of those guys wear robes so nobody looks too closely at the shady dealings that regularly occur behind the public's back.

Don't look now but there are a ton of robes backing up the ones at the bottom of this shit show...but what does that have to do with the 'Ponzi Economy'?

You may already know that a ponzi scheme uses money from 'new' investors to pay the initial investors 'dividends'. Usually it's the 'return rate' that keeps the greedy 'buying in' since no actual income is generated, people invest in the hope they will receive the incredible returns they heard about.

This is a swindle perpetrated upon the rich by opportunists smart enough to play upon their 'greed' but we still haven't explained the Ponzi economy, where the only thing that is real is the assets themselves, it's the value of those assets that are being manipulated to make the, investor/sucker think there's something there to be had.

The housing market crashed in 2007 and has been on 'life support' ever since. The 'need' for a place to live drives the housing market and the housing market also drives the banking industry with the central premise being that the buyer never actually 'owns' the house, they merely rent it in perpetuity from the bank. Even when people change residences, they 'sell' their current house to a new 'renter' and borrow the money for their new home from the bank, a 'win-win' for the bank. When people 'cash out' they sell the house and pocket the difference between what they owed and the selling price, less fees [to the attorney's, don't ya know...]

During the last housing/banking crisis [which nobody went to prison for] the housing market outstripped the numbers of buyers the service economy could support and a whole bunch of mortgages went bad due to fraudulent banking decisions.

In order to understand this what you have to be aware of is the 'labor market' isn't capable of supporting another housing boom, the 'demand' is definitely there but houses remain severely overpriced due to the last crisis [thus the current 'tiny house' craze/mania.]

Banks need houses occupied by people than can crack their mortgage nut EVERY month, something that has gotten more difficult to do since the advent of the global race to the bottom and the perpetual 'churn' of the labor force this created [CHURN = Higher priced talent out , lower priced talent in.] (Illegal but f-you, sue me!) This created too few buyers for houses at their inflated prices.

[Understand that the feckless have made THEMSELVES quite the bowl of oysters here since they have priced all of the 'legitimate customers' out of the market via their various manipulations.]

What's the market's largest 'bear/realist' see that YOU DON'T?

We've hit 'bottom'. (The global race thereto is over.)

Getting out ahead of the 'tiny house' craze are covenants that ban non-stick built homes. The only way around these is owning the land yourself and you STILL have to do your 'due diligence' and make certain BEFORE YOU BUY that the town itself didn't ban mobile homes on general principles.

Because of lax zoning laws encouraged by greedy capitalists, whole mobile home communities have been consumed by fire, thus the town wide bans that are more prevalent than one would suspect. Worse, learning post facto that the property you intend to park your tiny housing unit on is illegal isn't considered sufficient reason to 'back out' of your P&S. If you've made a deposit you either have to re-sell the property or forfeit the money.

Did I mention that our legal system is run by criminals? [Let's start with this whole property ownership charade.]

Are YOU clear that YOU will NEVER own the property? You buy it from the bank and sell it back to them [but only if you can find a buyer in a timely manner, otherwise the bank just takes the property and it doesn't matter how much you've already paid them!] (see above re: criminals)

So a place to hang your hat and close your eyes in relative safety should be yours as a matter of justice, both social and economic. Screw the chiselers that want YOU to pay them for something they have no right to.

I may be speaking retroactively because the day is coming when most will agree that the fellow that decided this crap was legal should have been fitted for a hemp neck-tie right then and there! [Right behind them are the prosecutors that refuse to try killer cops. That's a real travesty of justice that will refuse to remain unresolved.]

While they scorn us and call us sheep they know full well we have Elephantine memories and will extract revenge for EVERY slight inflicted.

Is this a symptom of 'how much worse could it get?' flaring up or are the feckless really that stupid too?

Sadly it's the latter because the feckless operate on the principle THEY will NEVER get 'caught'. [They PLAN on 'blending in and disappearing' never taking into account all of the people they've shit on along the way towards 'blending in'...]

Hard to tell where the real irony here is, that these ARE the 'good times' or that it's possible we can sink even lower than we already have?

Your job, as you well know, is to play the hand you're dealt to the best of your ability, after that it's let the bodies hit the floor time!

Thanks head,


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