Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while the proprietor of the Red Hen kicked off a shitstorm of conservative protest it's the slap upside the head that these holier than thou nitwits so desperately need.

Actions have consequences and treating others without respect has repercussions.

Shunning is 'exile light'.

Don't want to be shunned then don't act like an asshole! From what we've seen to date Huckabee's daughter could give lessons on that particular talent of which there is no shortage.

Me, I can be an asshole too, but usually it is those who act like they are better than the rest of us that sets my teeth on edge.

Not sure if that's you? If your first reaction to reading that line is 'of course I'm better' then Yahtzee, you're an asshole! [You're STILL an asshole if you parse it...and an even bigger one if you don't understand what that means because it makes you a stupid asshole!

Having fun yet?

Well, this doesn't lead us where we want to go. I fact it is 'stage two' of the diseased variety of conservatism that has infected civil society.

Shutting down the avenues of communication is how the Dark Ages begin. The 'faithful[ly stupid]' have already shut down their internal reasoning ability and are too busy gazing at their own navels (conservo-whackos are nothing if not 'victims' and they wallow/revel in their own victimhood.)

Once communication is shut down [Don't tell me your problems buddy, I've got enough of my own!] you will be told what to care about and complaining about your lot in life will buy you the persecution you 'deserve'.

Does NOBODY remember the Dark Ages?

Look at a priest the wrong way [failing to avert your eyes quickly enough] and you'd be tortured for your 'insolence' [Mostly to make an 'example' of you to the others so they'd quit their whining for a few minutes.]

What gets YOU into the priesthood? Same thing that gets you a badge, your Daddy.

Yup, the 'clampdown' is supported and held firmly in place by 'patronage'.

Perhaps the most damning aspect of our current situation is we've been here before and we keep coming back because we refuse to break the mold our feckless 'betters' force upon us.

Your lack of input into the conditions you must live under have damned you and yours long enough!

Worse, you embrace the author of your bondage, conservatism that PERPETUALLY LONGS FOR SOME IMAGINED 'GOOD OLD DAYS' THAT NEVER EXISTED!

At the root of this problem is the reality that your future has been perpetually stolen from you. YOU look into the future and you don't see yourself there!

So you do what they tell you and HOPE everything is going to work out like they promise it's going to.

But you know in your heart that this is a LIE. [It has NEVER come to pass.]

Like so many times before, the future isn't yours and nothing here is for you. You are just here to do the heavy lifting. Once you're too old to do that there is no longer a place for you...and you are left to fall back on the 'charity' of those no better off than you are.

Not for the first time do you ask yourself, if this isn't hell, it ought to be because it can't get much worse.

But it doesn't have to be like this, things could be much better for us all IF we forced the greedy few to SHARE what belongs to us all!

But this means 'settling' for having our needs met (so what remains can be conserved for future generations until we succeed in harvesting the stars!

Yup, growth is the objective but if the only thing we bring to space is death then better to die here.

Reagan's pet monkey wants to weaponize space. There is no question something is not quite right with him so what does this say about those who smile and nod?

Few fries shy of a Happy Meal, eh?

How bout you? Why do you think El Retard wants to start a war over 'death from above'?

Because I'll tell you right now it's a war 'we' [the US public] will lose. Our former allies will join against us to put the evil pin-head [Preznint Pussygrabber] out of power and likely decimate the country in the process. [Where do you think Russia & China's interests lie? Not with the buffoon that is attacking them with tariffs to be sure!]

Is THAT what YOU want?

While shunning closes off dialog it's not like those who believe they are superior to the rest of us were listening in the first place.

The time for talking has passed. They also refuse to 'negotiate' {they won't be open to negotiating until we slip the rope over their head, then they will promise us EVERYTHING...but only if we leave them in charge.

The fact remains, UNITED we STAND and UNITED we AREN'T. [Largely due to the propaganda machine, we are more united than possibly ever! NOBODY likes where this is headed.]

The Almighty We has to stop listening to those who tell us what to think!

Yup, scary as that is it's time to OPEN OUR EYES and start asking "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON AROUND HERE?"

WE SHOULD be enjoying global prosperity but the only ones prospering are the THIEVES and the meat-puppet JUSTICE SYSTEM stand there with it's thumbs up its ass, smiling (shooting) and nodding like it's all good.

How disturbing is it that the truth of the matter is WYSIWYG?

Who is in charge? Not you? Who?

Try again....

Thanks again for letting me inside your mind,


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