Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Status Quo

Greetings good citizen, for all the bluff and bluster of the now LEGENDARY summit, the reality is nothing has changed. What started off as a hopeful quest to re-unify the Korean peninsula has resulted in the same old, same old with Preznint Pussygrabber 'fumbling' the opportunity to forge a lasting peace due to his ardor to get the nuclear pup to disarm.

While the feckless will NEVER surrender but the current leader of North Korea may be more than willing to 'step down' and embrace a life free of the intrigues that accompany being the head of state.

The difference between him and your typical oligarch is the oligarch WANTS to be there, the dictatorship was thrust upon Mr. Kim and EVERYTHING that comes with it.

El Trumpo? He's 'livin' the dream', his name will go down in the history books and he has used his position of power to leverage his business interests.

He wants to BE Kim, that's why he failed to appreciate the opportunity that was offered to him, End the war and reunite the country but to El Dumbo, this was unthinkable.

[Remember Republicans are nuthin' if not STUPID.]

Which is precisely why we won't see the party unite and expel the mistake that took control of the party and made a mockery of it.

But the Party of Lincoln has been a 'one trick pony'. Let me remind you once again that liberation wasn't done FOR the slaves but TO them.

Most likely by design do we teach our children US history while they are too young to appreciate it...(you don't suppose this is done to protect the guilty, do you?)

In an attempt (since abandoned) to keep the liars running this nation (somewhat) honest, there used to be a requirement that students had to pass US History to graduate.

Now you have kids graduating college that don't know what capitalism is. [Literally 'is' nevermind the principles behind it!]

Having cast that stone I pause to ask the same of you: Do you understand that the 'central premise' of capitalism is the private ownership of resources that belong to us all?

But those who FUND public education also get to dictate what is taught. [No, you don't vote for them, like Betsy De Vos, they're 'appointed'.] you DO however vote for the shitbird that appoints them (although Republican don't have 'friends' nor do they like intellectuals so this 'task' rolls back to the same people that choose which candidates to endorse and their 'agenda' is NOT even close to yours.)

Why is the Trump White House such a mess? Because the Donald doesn't know half of these people from Adam!

We first ask 'what's wrong with this picture?' Which begs the question what the hell is wrong with the typical Trump supporter?

Zero irony the answer to both is the same...stupid.

[Once again we encounter the 'fine line' between ignorance and stupid. Not knowing is understandable but choosing not to think about it is another situation entirely.]

While the echo chamber crows about the 'historic moment' we all just witnessed I want to remind the cognizant of the opportunity that was just squandered and the millions that will suffer for Trump Nation's collective stupidity. [A nation being BRAINWASHED to believe they are much bigger than they actually are (especially in light of the fact that their leader is doing his level best to turn the entire WORLD against Republicanism!)

Congratulations! You WERE tiny, now you're microscopic!

You no longer need to squint and tilt your head to see the puppeteers as they have gotten mighty sloppy since the bloodless coup 50 years ago.

They COULD end the Korean War tomorrow AND re-unify Korea but where's the FUN in that? They ask, smirking.

Remember that when you pass the makeshift shelters of the homeless on the sidewalks of the cities they are forced to panhandle in, we could end homelessness in six months but the WILL to even address the problem isn't there...what does that tell you?

Well Head, guess I've picked on you long enough for one day, see ya tomorrow!


Real Funny Head! [Wise-ass just told me 'not if I see you first!']

Listen, don't listen, don't care. I can only point at the water, it's up to YOU to drink!

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