Greetings good citizen, you know what they say about A-holes? Everybody's got one, just like opinions.
Zero irony that the opinion of the everyman is routinely gunned down by the opinion of the allegedly educated. So it is our current Constitutional crisis hinges on whether the ONLY difference between a President and a KING is that the president has to stand for re-election? [And Preznint Pussygrabber has already let it be known he'd be more than happy to try on the 'president for life' jacket [but only if it makes him omnipotent, like a king...or the GOD that he already thinks he is!]
Since 'Morning in America' the national 'angst' of a nation headed in the 'wrong direction' has been fueled by the Conservo-whacko's 'OPINION' that the president is a defacto Emperor.
Making Hitler Fuhrer made him omnipotent, above the law while our Constitution makes it clear that the president exists to 'uphold' the law.
You see, conservatives don't appreciate the solemnity of a vow [that singular feature that the founders used to 'protect' their foundling 'nation of laws' against rogues and tyrants who would claim superiority to both the law and justice.]
Part of the crisis is conservative leaning lawyers are using their 'own interpretation' of what the presidency is capable of and feckless libertarians that they are, they are drawing from monarchy and bestowing those attributes to THEIR 'leader' despite none of the last five republican presidents winning the popular vote. Good thing Clinton & Obama were both Republican 'ringers'...[a.k.a Dinos]
Since then 'Morning in America' has spawned the 'Corporate owned media' which in turn 'legitimized' the Greed is Good mantra that has led to social chaos driven by increasingly illicit behavior [which was supposed to drive us back to THE Church (of the poisoned mind) in droves (can you say win, win, win?)]
So would the conservative loop of 'do as I say and not as I do' be returned to the fore and a new Dark Age would begin, starting with a terrorist witch hunt to pare down the 'surplus population'.
Our 'self-professed' betters prefer monarchy because it permits them to take shortcuts that democracy doesn't offer. People whose motto is the only good human is a dead human should never be given the reins of power. Yet here we are.
Let us not forget that this is also just another 'opinion'. I am sure 'master' disagrees.
Ever wonder why our [and it pisses them off when you call them this] 'EQUALS' have been so testy as of late, it's because the return to monarchy should have happened already. It hasn't because it takes a long time to wait for those who know better to die off. They have been waiting for the boomers to get too feeble to fight before they touch off the powder keg that promises to burn democracy to the ground for a thousand years.
NOT that what is currently passed off as democracy is even remotely close to the real deal.
We wouldn't be here today if it weren't for capitalism [which routinely undermines democracy at every juncture!]
Why too few marvel at the 'co-existence' of our 'every man a king' system of commerce and our 'one MAN, one vote' system of government?
We have all figured out that the system of 'one man, one vote' is gamed by limiting what you can vote 'for' [and NOT against!]
If we had the option of voting AGAINST Trump, he would NOT have become president. [And paid shills wouldn't be opining in the corporate owned media that the president has monarch-like powers despite his onus of having to run for office from time to time.
Seriously good citizen if we can't imprison killer cops or get prosecutors to put them on trial we should at least be able to decertify the colleges these clowns get their law degrees from!
{Whatsa matta U is not a rhetorical question.}
Stay with me as I shift tactics here...
Like the frog in the pot, it seems you are incapable of seeing the pot so you are doomed to die.
How much more evidence do you need before you act to save your children's future?
Do we go to the polls every four years to elect a new KING [but only if a Republican wins?]
Thanks for playing, see you tomorrow (if you survive!)
Zero irony that the opinion of the everyman is routinely gunned down by the opinion of the allegedly educated. So it is our current Constitutional crisis hinges on whether the ONLY difference between a President and a KING is that the president has to stand for re-election? [And Preznint Pussygrabber has already let it be known he'd be more than happy to try on the 'president for life' jacket [but only if it makes him omnipotent, like a king...or the GOD that he already thinks he is!]
Since 'Morning in America' the national 'angst' of a nation headed in the 'wrong direction' has been fueled by the Conservo-whacko's 'OPINION' that the president is a defacto Emperor.
Making Hitler Fuhrer made him omnipotent, above the law while our Constitution makes it clear that the president exists to 'uphold' the law.
You see, conservatives don't appreciate the solemnity of a vow [that singular feature that the founders used to 'protect' their foundling 'nation of laws' against rogues and tyrants who would claim superiority to both the law and justice.]
Part of the crisis is conservative leaning lawyers are using their 'own interpretation' of what the presidency is capable of and feckless libertarians that they are, they are drawing from monarchy and bestowing those attributes to THEIR 'leader' despite none of the last five republican presidents winning the popular vote. Good thing Clinton & Obama were both Republican 'ringers'...[a.k.a Dinos]
Since then 'Morning in America' has spawned the 'Corporate owned media' which in turn 'legitimized' the Greed is Good mantra that has led to social chaos driven by increasingly illicit behavior [which was supposed to drive us back to THE Church (of the poisoned mind) in droves (can you say win, win, win?)]
So would the conservative loop of 'do as I say and not as I do' be returned to the fore and a new Dark Age would begin, starting with a terrorist witch hunt to pare down the 'surplus population'.
Our 'self-professed' betters prefer monarchy because it permits them to take shortcuts that democracy doesn't offer. People whose motto is the only good human is a dead human should never be given the reins of power. Yet here we are.
Let us not forget that this is also just another 'opinion'. I am sure 'master' disagrees.
Ever wonder why our [and it pisses them off when you call them this] 'EQUALS' have been so testy as of late, it's because the return to monarchy should have happened already. It hasn't because it takes a long time to wait for those who know better to die off. They have been waiting for the boomers to get too feeble to fight before they touch off the powder keg that promises to burn democracy to the ground for a thousand years.
NOT that what is currently passed off as democracy is even remotely close to the real deal.
We wouldn't be here today if it weren't for capitalism [which routinely undermines democracy at every juncture!]
Why too few marvel at the 'co-existence' of our 'every man a king' system of commerce and our 'one MAN, one vote' system of government?
We have all figured out that the system of 'one man, one vote' is gamed by limiting what you can vote 'for' [and NOT against!]
If we had the option of voting AGAINST Trump, he would NOT have become president. [And paid shills wouldn't be opining in the corporate owned media that the president has monarch-like powers despite his onus of having to run for office from time to time.
Seriously good citizen if we can't imprison killer cops or get prosecutors to put them on trial we should at least be able to decertify the colleges these clowns get their law degrees from!
{Whatsa matta U is not a rhetorical question.}
Stay with me as I shift tactics here...
Like the frog in the pot, it seems you are incapable of seeing the pot so you are doomed to die.
How much more evidence do you need before you act to save your children's future?
Do we go to the polls every four years to elect a new KING [but only if a Republican wins?]
Thanks for playing, see you tomorrow (if you survive!)
Since 'Morning in America' the national 'angst' of a nation headed in the 'wrong direction' has been fueled by the Conservo-whacko's 'OPINION' that the president is a defacto Emperor.
ReplyDeleteCan you say 'nailed it'?
You see, conservatives don't appreciate the solemnity of a vow [that singular feature that the founders used to 'protect' their foundling 'nation of laws' against rogues and tyrants who would claim superiority to both the law and justice.]